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Prime Numbers


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I was writing a program to calculate whether a number was prime.   It worked no issues and was quite fast.

I then decided to enhance this, by calculating the factors of the number, if the number was not prime.  This has dramatically slowed the program, for the following reason.

Initialially I set is_it_prime to true, thereby assuming that the number was prime, until proven otherwise

I then ran a while loop with two conditions, one being is_it_prime being true.  Once a number has been proven not to be prime, it is a waste to carry on testing.

Now to get my factors working, I have had to remove this boolean condition.  Was wondering if anyone could come up with any other ideas.



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			$is_it_prime=true;  // Assume number is prime unless proven not to be
			$max_loop = sqrt($number_to_test);
			while ($interim_testing_number<=$max_loop) {
				if ($number_to_test % $interim_testing_number==0 ){
					$is_it_prime=false; // Number is definately not prime as no remainder
					if ($number_to_test/$interim_testing_number != $interim_testing_number) {
			if ($is_it_prime && $number_to_test>1) {
				print "$number_to_test is PRIME";
			else {
				print "$number_to_test is NOT PRIME<br>";
				if ($number_to_test > 1){
					print "Its factor(s) are ";
					if ($factorposition-1>0){
						for ($i=0;$i<$factorposition-1;$i++){
							echo "$factors[$i], ";
						echo "and ".$factors[$factorposition-1];
					else {
						echo $factors[0];
				} else {
					echo "Numbers less than 2 are not prime by default";
			print "<br><br><br>";
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Re your first comment.  Let's say testing to see if 100 is prime.  You only have to check up to 10 which is the square root

EG, if 2 is a factor of 100, then so is 50
4 is a factor of 100, then so is 25
5 is a factor of 100, then so is 20
10 is a factor of 100, which is a repeated factor, as 100/10 = 10

That is why I only went up to the square root.

re second.

When I first wrote the program, I just wanted to see if a number was prime.  Then I decided to enhance it, by showing the factors of a non-prime number.  So using 100 as an example, after testing that division by 2 shows it is a non-prime number and therefore 2 and 50 are factors, I need to carry on testing, to get the remaining factors.


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