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I have an order_by_date date field that is generated based on a schedule_date. The order_by_date is the schedule_date minus days_to_order.


Bad data got in order_by_date so I want to update order_by_date in all rows. The following query will show me what the correct order_by_date should be. How do I take the result correct_order_by_date and update order_by_date with that value?


*** As I was writing this, it occurred to me a calculated date does not need to be stored in the DB, nevertheless, I would still like to know the technique to do this. See Attached image

DATE_SUB(s.schedule_date, INTERVAL d.days_to_order DAY) AS correct_order_by_date,
community AS c
LEFT JOIN block AS b ON b.community_id = c.community_id
LEFT JOIN lot AS l ON l.block_id = b.block_id
LEFT JOIN `schedule` AS s ON s.lot_id = l.lot_id
LEFT JOIN days_to_order AS d ON c.days_to_order_id = d.days_to_order_id
s.reschedule_date IS NULL AND
l.order_by_date IS NOT NULL AND
l.lot_type_id > 2 AND
s.schedule_date IS NOT NULL AND
c.community_type < 3 AND
l.active = 1 AND
l.order_by_date > s.schedule_date


Edited by benanamen
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You can use joins in an update just like you do in a select. If you check the manual page for the UPDATE syntax you can get an idea of how it works.


This should work for your query:

UPDATE community AS c
LEFT JOIN block AS b ON b.community_id = c.community_id
LEFT JOIN lot AS l ON l.block_id = b.block_id
LEFT JOIN `schedule` AS s ON s.lot_id = l.lot_id
LEFT JOIN days_to_order AS d ON c.days_to_order_id = d.days_to_order_id
    l.order_by_date = DATE_SUB(s.schedule_date, INTERVAL d.days_to_order DAY)
s.reschedule_date IS NULL AND
l.order_by_date IS NOT NULL AND
l.lot_type_id > 2 AND
s.schedule_date IS NOT NULL AND
c.community_type < 3 AND
l.active = 1 AND
l.order_by_date > s.schedule_date
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Thanks @kicken.


That has me on my way. It did update many records but there are many where the datediff is not correct. I even deleted all the order_by_dates and ran the UPDATE and it still creates some dates that are not the correct difference. I even hard coded the days to subtract 21 days from schedule date. I am getting dates from -67 to 432 days difference. Very confused.


I broke down the update query to as simple as possible and still same result. Using:

LEFT JOIN `schedule` AS s ON s.lot_id = l.lot_id
SET l.order_by_date = DATE_SUB(s.schedule_date,INTERVAL 21 DAY)
Edited by benanamen
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