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Why can't I catch this exception?


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Server:start() wraps LengthPrefixStream in a try/catch block.


LengthPrefixStream throws an exception.


Why can't I catch it?

namespace Base\Server;

class Server {
    public function start() {
        $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); // Or \React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop()?
        $socket = new \React\Socket\Server($loop);
        $socket->on('connection', function (\React\Socket\ConnectionInterface $stream) {
            try {
                $client = new LengthPrefixStream($stream);
                $client->on('data', function($data) use ($client){
            catch(LengthPrefixStreamException $e) {
            catch(Exception $e) {
namespace Base\Server;

class LengthPrefixStreamException extends \Exception {}
namespace Base\Server;

use Evenement\EventEmitterInterface;
use Evenement\EventEmitterTrait;
use React\Stream\DuplexStreamInterface;

class LengthPrefixStream implements EventEmitterInterface {

    use EventEmitterTrait;

    private $socket=false,
    $parseJson; //0=>no, 1=>yes and return object, 2=>yes and return array

    public function __construct(DuplexStreamInterface $socket, $parseJson=1){
        $this->parseJson = $parseJson;
        $this->socket = $socket;
        $this->socket->on('data', function($data){
            $this->buffer .= $data;

    public function send($msg){
        //Still need to implement drain
        if($this->isConnected()) {
            if($this->parseJson) {
            $this->socket->write(pack("V", strlen($msg)).$msg);
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    private function parseBuffer(){
        do {
            $checkAgain = false;
            $bufferLength = strlen($this->buffer);
            $length = unpack('Vlen', substr($this->buffer, 0, 4))['len'];
            if($bufferLength >= $length + 4){
                $msg=substr($this->buffer, 4, $length).'bogus JSON';
                if($this->parseJson) {
                    if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE){
                        throw new LengthPrefixStreamException('Invalid JSON provided: '.substr($this->buffer, 4, $length));
                $this->emit('data', [$msg]);
                $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, $length+4);
                $checkAgain = strlen($this->buffer)>=4;
        } while ($checkAgain);

    public function isConnected()
        return $this->socket?true:false;

    public function close()

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The exception is thrown in parseBuffer, which is called during the socket's ondata event. Though that's defined in LengthPrefixStream's constructor, that's not when it actually executes. Instead that happens sometime during the run().


Rather than wrap the run() in a try/catch, which would necessarily terminate the run-ing in case of an error, have LengthPrefixStream emit an error event (instead of throwing the exception) and set up a callback for that.

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Exceptions don't work well for a callback-oriented architecture (eg, using events) so making one for errors too is typical. However you can still use Exception objects as the callback arguments, then you can do the same sort of basic filtering that a catch allows:

$object->on("error", function($e) {
	if ($e instanceof \FirstDesiredException) {
		// ...
$object->on("error", function($e) {
	if ($e instanceof \SecondDesiredException) {
		// ...
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