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Should exceptions ever be thrown with optional second argument for code?


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http://php.net/manual/en/class.pdoexception.php will also include an extra code in the exception, and this code can be retrieved using http://php.net/manual/en/exception.getcode.php (and http://php.net/manual/en/throwable.getcode.php but I don't know what the difference is).


I can also throw my own exception with a code as follows:

throw new MyException("My message", 1234);

Unless one is building some huge class such as PDO, are there any good reasons to include the code?

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Throwable is an interface with a getCode method. Exception implements Throwable. That's why there are two.


If you have a numeric code to include there then you should use it. Personally I've haven't found it to be useful.

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