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Passing $this to a method

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I need a method which accepts an array, and returns the property values of $this who's keys are the values in the array.


I am thinking of making it more generic, and instead of using the property values of $this, pass it an object to be used.


But this would mean doing the following:

$subset=$this->getObjectSubset($this, ['a','b','c']);

protected function getObjectSubset($source, array $arr)
    $obj=new \stdClass;
    foreach($arr as $prop){
        if(isset($source->{$prop})) $obj->{$prop}=$source->{$prop};
    return $obj;

Since objects are passed by reference, I guess there is nothing wrong with it.  But it just smells a little wrong passing $this, so would like a second opinion.



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Either keep it an instance method and don't pass this, or make it static and do. Probably the former.


Or forget the method entirely and go with

$subset = (object)array_intersect_key(get_object_vars($this), array_flip(['a', 'b', 'c']));
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I didn't show it as I didn't think it was relevant, but if the array map was ['a','b','c'=>'d'], I would return (object) ['a' => $this->a, 'b' => $this->b, 'd' => $this->c].  As such, your slick line of code might get a little too complicated.


What do you mean by "make it static"?



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Can't find any good explanations of static methods... Wikipedia?

class Math {

	public static function max($a, $b) {
		return $a >= $b ? $a : $b;

echo Math::max(1, 2);





I didn't show it as I didn't think it was relevant, but if the array map was ['a','b','c'=>'d'], I would return (object) ['a' => $this->a, 'b' => $this->b, 'd' => $this->c].  As such, your slick line of code might get a little too complicated.

$subset = (object)array_intersect_key(get_object_vars($this), array_flip(array_keys(['a', 'b', 'c' => 'd']));
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A static method is about doing something without needing access to a particular instance. Math::max does not need an instance of a "Math" class to do its work, so it is static.

An instance method is... not that.


Since your method does need $this, or at least its work is dependent upon having an instance of that class, a static method is not as appropriate as an instance method.

protected function getObjectSubset(array $arr)
    $obj=new \stdClass;
    foreach($arr as $prop){
        if(isset($this->{$prop})) $obj->{$prop}=$this->{$prop};
    return $obj;
Note you don't need {}s for simple dereferencing like you're doing - $this->$prop is fine.


[edit] For the record, I'd go for the foreach instead of the one-liner. Easier to read and understand, and it's not like those nested array_* calls will give any big performance boost.


[edit 2] That one-liner won't actually do what you want anyways. Forget it.

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