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Including a separate method for error reporting


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In the past, I often created methods which would return an empty error array upon success.  I recently had a method which might first validate and then return an object, and I didn't like the idea of having to check if was an object or array to determine whether it was an error.  Thinking instead to (almost) always either return true/false or results/false, and include a method to get the errors.  Is this good or bad practice?  If bad, why?  Thanks


$callbacks=new CallbackCollections();
else {

class CallbackCollections
    private $error=null;

    public function getError()
        return $this->error;

    public function create($class)
        if($mappedClass=$this->class($class)) {
            return new $mappedClass();
        else {
            $this->error="Invalid method $class";
            return false;
    public function destroy($rpcId)
            $this->error="not set";
            return false;
        else {
            return true;
    public function add($callback)
        return $rpcId;
    public function get($rpcId)
        if(isset($this->stack[$rpcId])) {
        else {
            $this->error="Callback does not exist";
        return $callback;
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I personally don't care for setting a class property for this: it suggests the error is part of the object state when (in this case) it isn't.


Some people don't like it but I use references:

public function get($rpcId, &$errors = []) {
Returns true/false and $errors is set if there are any.
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Ah. I should have looked at the code closer.


There's also exceptions. If the method is supposed to work but you're coding for a situation where it can't, exceptions are appropriate. I think that applies here: given an $rpcId there should be callbacks (or at least the ID should be known even if there aren't any callbacks associated yet) so calling with a bad ID is exception-al behavior.


As for the question itself, it's generally not good form for a function to have multiple types of return values except for using null/false for a "failure" value, being a common PHP paradigm. Here I think returning array or null/false (pick consistently) is fine.

$callbacks = $object->get($id);
if ($callbacks !== null) {
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Exceptions should be an all-or-nothing decision: either use them in all places where it makes sense to, or don't use them (unless it's particularly useful to). So that's a big decision to make.


Yet another answer is to not raise an error at all here. Controversial, but I wouldn't mind doing it. If you don't expect it to ever happen and if it does it's not a particularly big problem then it's not so bad.

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I want to but normally don't use them. My code typically only has one or maybe two ways any particular piece can fail "normally" so returning failure is enough. If I did exceptions I would really do exceptions, with inheritance hierarchies and all sorts of details and it's easy for me to get sidetracked down that rabbit hole.


The main difficulty I have is the documentation: it's easy to say "function A calls function B so anything unhandled that B @throws should be documented for A too", but adding an exception to B later means tracking down A and everything else that uses it, evaluating how they should react, and probably documenting that this new exception is unhandled too. It's exponential. Don't get me wrong, that would be a good thing to do, but it's so tedious and boring.


Anyway, logging might be the best idea here. Return generic failure and log the event. With a good logging system it's easy to just pop in a call to a logger, and in fact that's what I do. To me, the main purpose of exceptions is that they unravel the stack, however I think the real importance is to get a message somewhere noticeable so the bug can be fixed and then let the system recover gracefully - and checking true/false is much easier than listing out all the exceptions that can be caught (and catch-alls are almost always a bad workaround to that).

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