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Help with adding watermark to uploading video - ffmpeg

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The php web video script that I'm using, has ffmpeg, and it uploads videos succesfully.

I'm trying to add the ability to add a watermark onto the video upon upload. However, what I've added 

-i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10'

shows N ERROR:

Media error: Format(s) not supported or sources not found
mejs.download-file: https://…com/upload/videos/2018/08/6SWCpSImGQrsVXGgIh7A_24_549ebe0d36bccb10faf72b81e303ce50_video_360p_converted.mp4

mejs.download-file: https://…com/upload/videos/2018/08/Ubud1OqKHK7MPjvtbHw5_24_cdab9c4bc2a4eccc7c478526abb530d8_video_240p_converted.mp4

Any suggestion/solution will be appreciated. Here's the entire file code:

if (IS_LOGGED == false || $pt->config->upload_system != 'on') {
    $data = array(
        'status' => 400,
        'error' => 'Not logged in'
    echo json_encode($data);
} else if ($pt->config->ffmpeg_system != 'on') {
    $data = array(
        'status' => 402
    echo json_encode($data);
} else {
    $getID3    = new getID3;
    $featured  = ($user->is_pro == 1) ? 1 : 0;
    $filesize  = 0;
    $error     = false;
    $request   = array();
    $request[] = (empty($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['description']));
    $request[] = (empty($_POST['tags']) || empty($_POST['video-thumnail']));
    if (in_array(true, $request)) {
        $error = $lang->please_check_details;
    } else if (empty($_POST['video-location'])) {
        $error = $lang->video_not_found_please_try_again;
    } else {
        $request   = array();
        $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-location'], $_SESSION['uploads']['videos']));
        $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-thumnail'], $_SESSION['uploads']['images']));
        $request[] = (!file_exists($_POST['video-location']));
        if (in_array(true, $request)) {
            $error = $lang->error_msg;
    if (empty($error)) {
        $file     = $getID3->analyze($_POST['video-location']);
        $duration = '00:00';
        if (!empty($file['playtime_string'])) {
            $duration = PT_Secure($file['playtime_string']);
        if (!empty($file['filesize'])) {
            $filesize = $file['filesize'];
        $video_res = (!empty($file['video']['resolution_x'])) ? $file['video']['resolution_x'] : 0;
        $video_id        = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
        $check_for_video = $db->where('video_id', $video_id)->getValue(T_VIDEOS, 'count(*)');
        if ($check_for_video > 0) {
            $video_id = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
        $thumbnail = PT_Secure($_POST['video-thumnail'], 0);
        if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
            $upload = PT_UploadToS3($thumbnail);
        $category_id = 0;
        $convert     = true;
        $thumbnail   = substr($thumbnail, strpos($thumbnail, "upload"), 120);
        if (!empty($_POST['category_id'])) {
            if (in_array($_POST['category_id'], array_keys($categories))) {
                $category_id = PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']);
        $link_regex = '/(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.)([^\ ]+)/i';
        $i          = 0;
        preg_match_all($link_regex, PT_Secure($_POST['description']), $matches);
        foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
            $match_url            = strip_tags($match);
            $syntax               = '[a]' . urlencode($match_url) . '[/a]';
            $_POST['description'] = str_replace($match, $syntax, $_POST['description']);
        $video_privacy = 0;
        if (!empty($_POST['privacy'])) {
            if (in_array($_POST['privacy'], array(0, 1, 2))) {
                $video_privacy = PT_Secure($_POST['privacy']);
        $age_restriction = 1;
        if (!empty($_POST['age_restriction'])) {
            if (in_array($_POST['age_restriction'], array(1, 2))) {
                $age_restriction = PT_Secure($_POST['age_restriction']);
        $data_insert = array(
            'video_id' => $video_id,
            'user_id' => $user->id,
            'title' => PT_Secure($_POST['title']),
            'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['description']),
            'tags' => PT_Secure($_POST['tags']),
            'duration' => $duration,
            'video_location' => '',
            'category_id' => $category_id,
            'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
            'time' => time(),
            'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m')),
            'featured' => $featured,
            'converted' => '2',
            'size' => $filesize,
            'privacy' => $video_privacy,
            'age_restriction' => $age_restriction
        if ($pt->config->approve_videos == 'on' && !PT_IsAdmin()) {
            $data_insert['approved'] = 0;
        $insert      = $db->insert(T_VIDEOS, $data_insert);
        if ($insert) {
            $data = array(
                'status' => 200,
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'link' => PT_Link("watch/$video_id")
            header("Content-Encoding: none");
            header("Connection: close");
            header('Content-Type: application/json');
            echo json_encode($data);
            $size = ob_get_length();
            header("Content-Length: $size");
            if (is_callable('fastcgi_finish_request')) {
            $ffmpeg_b                   = $pt->config->ffmpeg_binary_file;
            $filepath                   = explode('.', $_POST['video-location'])[0];
            $time                       = time();
            $full_dir                   = str_replace('ajax', '/', __DIR__);

            $video_output_full_path_240 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4";
            $video_output_full_path_360 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4";
            $video_output_full_path_480 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4";
            $video_output_full_path_720 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_720p_converted.mp4";
            $video_output_full_path_1080 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4";
            $video_output_full_path_2048 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4";
            $video_output_full_path_4096 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4";

            $video_file_full_path       = $full_dir . $_POST['video-location'];

            $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=426:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_240 2>&1");
            $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4");
            $db->where('id', $insert);
            $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                'converted' => 1,
                '240p' => 1,
                'video_location' => $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4"

            if ($video_res >= 640 || $video_res == 0) {
                $shell   = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=640:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_360 2>&1");
                $upload_s3                  = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    '360p' => 1,

            if ($video_res >= 854 || $video_res == 0) {
                $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=854:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_480 2>&1");
                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    '480p' => 1

            if ($video_res >= 1280 || $video_res == 0) {
                $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1280:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_720 2>&1");
                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_720p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    '720p' => 1

            if ($video_res >= 1920 || $video_res == 0) {
                $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1920:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_1080 2>&1");
                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    '1080p' => 1

            if ($video_res >= 2048) {
                $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=2048:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_2048 2>&1");
                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    '2048p' => 1

            if ($video_res >= 3840) {
                $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=3840:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_4096 2>&1");
                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    '4096p' => 1

            if (file_exists($_POST['video-location'])) {

            if (!empty($_SESSION['uploads']['images'])) {
                if (is_array($_SESSION['uploads']['images'])) {
                    foreach ($_SESSION['uploads']['images'] as $key => $file) {
                        if ($thumbnail == $file) {
                        } else {
                    $_SESSION['uploads']['images'] = array();

            $_SESSION['uploads'] = array();
    } else {
        $data = array(
            'status' => 400,
            'message' => $error_icon . $error






Edited by Chrisj

The command seems right.

If the video file wasn't created then ffmpeg probably had a problem. And it would have said something in its output. Have you looked at the $shell output from one of the failing commands for a clue?

$shell has the output from the command. Do whatever you have to do in order to see what its value is. Perhaps by collecting all the results into an array of values that you can output later on in the script - which I say because it seems this may be called through AJAX.

Or log it somewhere. Whatever means you have at your disposal.

Thanks for that. I'm not sure how to do that. Does this look correct?

 if ($video_res >= 854 || $video_res == 0) {
error_log($shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b -y -i $video_file_full_path -i /home/user/public_html/watermark.jpg -filter_complex 'overlay=x=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:y=(main_h-overlay_h)/2' -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=854:-2 -crf 26 $video_output_full_path_480 2>&1"));
$upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4");
$db->where('id', $insert);
 $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
'480p' => 1


Are all the video files there? All the ones you expect? And you're still getting the error message?

Exactly what and where is the message coming from? Because it's starting to sound like that isn't a message you're getting from PHP.

Thanks again for your reply.

No, the videos don't upload with the added part to watermark the video:


-i /home/user/public_html/watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10'

without that, the videos upload successfully.

The Media Error shown on my original posting, appears over the video player on the web page.

It may not be a message from PHP, it may be a message from ffmpeg


Any additional help will be appreciated

No, that message is coming from the video player. I know that's where it is coming from because that's where it is coming from.

Trying to create the overlay is causing ffmpeg to not generate the video. It would have given some sort of output to explain why.

Let's try something else. Grab one of the videos that isn't working, copy the command being executed (remembering to replace variable values appropriately), and run that command manually. On your server, on your computer, wherever.

Either ffmpeg will create the video or it will give error messages.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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