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dear experts


i want  to add to this contact manager a new line of information . the line with the postal adress.


in other words ... we have





now i will try to add self.adress -

i do that in exactly the same sheme..






01	#!/usr/bin/env python3
02	"""
03	contacts.py
04	This program uses a Person class to keep track of contacts.
05	"""
07	class Person(object):
08	    """
09	    The Person class defines a person in terms of a
10	    name, phone number, and email address.
11	    """
12	    # Constructor
13	    def __init__(self, theName, thePhone, theEmail):
14	        self.name = theName
15	        self.phone = thePhone
16	        self.email = theEmail
17	    # Accesser Methods (getters)
18	    def getName(self):
19	        return self.name
20	    def getPhone(self):
21	        return self.phone
22	    def getEmail(self):
23	        return self.email
24	    # Mutator Methods (setters)
25	    def setPhone(self, newPhoneNumber):
26	        self.phone = newPhoneNumber
27	    def setEmail(self, newEmailAddress):
28	        self.email = newEmailAddress
29	    def __str__(self):
30	        return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
31	               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
32	               ",email=" + self.email + \
33	               "]"
35	def enter_a_friend():
36	    name = input("Enter friend's name: ")
37	    phone = input("Enter phone number: ")
38	    email = input("Enter email address: ")
39	    return Person(name, phone, email)
41	def lookup_a_friend(friends):
42	    found = False
43	    name = input("Enter name to lookup: ")
44	    for friend in friends:
45	        if name in friend.getName():
46	            print(friend)
47	            found = True
48	    if not found:
49	        print("No friends match that term")
51	def show_all_friends(friends):
52	    print("Showing all contacts:")
53	    for friend in friends:
54	        print(friend)
56	def main():
57	    friends = []
58	    running = True
59	    while running:
60	        print("\nContacts Manager")
61	        print("1) new contact    2) lookup")
62	        print("3) show all       4) end ")
63	        option = input("> ")
64	        if option == "1":
65	            friends.append(enter_a_friend())
66	        elif option == "2":
67	            lookup_a_friend(friends)
68	        elif option == "3":
69	            show_all_friends(friends)
70	        elif option == "4":
71	            running = False
72	        else:
73	            print("Unrecognized input. Please try again.")
74	    print("Program ending.")
76	if __name__ == "__main__":
77	    main()


now i will try to add self.adress -

i do that in exactly the same sheme..



hello dear requinix


well the question is - i try to add it like so:


class Person(object):
08	    """
09	    The Person class defines a person in terms of a
10	    name, phone number, and email address.
11	    """
12	    # Constructor
13	    def __init__(self, theName, thePhone, theEmail,  theAdress):
14	        self.name = theName
15	        self.phone = thePhone
16	        self.email = theEmail
newnew		self.Adress = theAdress
17	    # Accesser Methods (getters)
18	    def getName(self):
19	        return self.name
20	    def getPhone(self):
21	        return self.phone
22	    def getEmail(self):
23	        return self.email
  			def getAdress(self):
19	        return self.adress

24	    # Mutator Methods (setters)
25	    def setPhone(self, newPhoneNumber):
26	        self.phone = newPhoneNumber
27	    def setEmail(self, newEmailAddress):
28	        self.email = newEmailAddress
	    def setAdress(self, newAddress):
	        self.adress = newAddress
29	    def __str__(self):
30	        return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
31	               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
32	               ",email=" + self.email + \
					",email=" + self.email + \
35	def enter_a_friend():
36	    name = input("Enter friend's name: ")
37	    phone = input("Enter phone number: ")
38	    email = input("Enter email address: ")
		adress = input("Enter address: ")
39	    return Person(name, phone, email,adress )


well i guess that i can do it like so...



what do you say!'?

love to hear from you







hello dear requinix


many thanks for the quick answer and the hints.

right -the indentation issues are caused by the post (ing)

adress - it is spelled wrong  -


but besides this - i will try out the code... i guess that i can do so...

good day i got errors - and the  pycharm   ide complained...

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This program uses a Person class to keep track of contacts.
@author Richard White
@version 2016-07-30

class Person(object):
    The Person class defines a person in terms of a
    name, phone number, and email address.
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, theName, thePhone, theEmail, theAdress, ):
        self.name = theName 
        self.phone = thePhone
        self.email = theEmail
        self.Adress = theAdress
    # Accesser Methods (getters)
    def getName(self):
        return self.name
    def getPhone(self):
        return self.phone
    def getEmail(self):
        return self.email
    def getAdress(self):
        return self.Adress
    # Mutator Methods (setters)
    def setPhone(self, newPhoneNumber):
        self.phone = newPhoneNumber
    def setEmail(self, newEmailAddress):
        self.email = newEmailAddress
    def __str__(self):
        return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
               ",email=" + self.email + \
               ",adress=" + self.adress + \

def enter_a_friend():
    name = input("Enter friend's name: ")
    phone = input("Enter phone number: ")
    email = input("Enter email address: ")
    return Person(name, phone, email)

def lookup_a_friend(friends):
    found = False
    name = input("Enter name to lookup: ")
    for friend in friends:
        if name in friend.getName():
            found = True
    if not found:
        print("No friends match that term")

def show_all_friends(friends):
    print("Showing all contacts:")
    for friend in friends:

def main():
    friends = []
    running = True
    while running:
        print("\nContacts Manager")
        print("1) new contact    2) lookup")
        print("3) show all       4) end ")
        option = input("> ")
        if option == "1":
        elif option == "2":
        elif option == "3":
        elif option == "4":
            running = False
            print("Unrecognized input. Please try again.")
    print("Program ending.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

in line 36 the last line of this little block..:


  return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
               ",email=" + self.email + \
               ",adress=" + self.adress + \


resolved attribute reference 'adress' for class 'Person' less... (Strg+1)
Inspection info: This inspection detects names that should resolve but don't. Due to dynamic dispatch and duck typing, this is possible in a limited but useful number of cases. Top-level and class-level items are supported better than instance items.

what can i do now...


anything wrong here .

Edited by dil_bert

hello again


after some minor corrections i have the following ..:


#!/usr/bin/env python3
This program uses a Person class to keep track of contacts.
@author Richard White
@version 2016-07-30

class Person(object):
    The Person class defines a person in terms of a
    name, phone number, and email address.
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, theName, thePhone, theEmail, theAdress, ):
        self.name = theName 
        self.phone = thePhone
        self.email = theEmail
        self.adress = theAdress
    # Accesser Methods (getters)
    def getName(self):
        return self.name
    def getPhone(self):
        return self.phone
    def getEmail(self):
        return self.email
    def getAdress(self):
        return self.adress;
    # Mutator Methods (setters)
    def setPhone(self, newPhoneNumber):
        self.phone = newPhoneNumber
    def setEmail(self, newEmailAddress):
        self.email = newEmailAddress
    def __str__(self):
        return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
               ",email=" + self.email + \
               ",adress=" + self.adress + \

def enter_a_friend():
    name = input("Enter friend's name: ")
    phone = input("Enter phone number: ")
    email = input("Enter email address: ")
    return Person(name, phone, email)

def lookup_a_friend(friends):
    found = False
    name = input("Enter name to lookup: ")
    for friend in friends:
        if name in friend.getName():
            found = True
    if not found:
        print("No friends match that term")

def show_all_friends(friends):
    print("Showing all contacts:")
    for friend in friends:

def main():
    friends = []
    running = True
    while running:
        print("\nContacts Manager")
        print("1) new contact    2) lookup")
        print("3) show all       4) end ")
        option = input("> ")
        if option == "1":
        elif option == "2":
        elif option == "3":
        elif option == "4":
            running = False
            print("Unrecognized input. Please try again.")
    print("Program ending.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


but - i have no option to add more information.

what is wanted...  to gather information regarding

    # Constructor

    def __init__(self, theName, thePhone, theEmail, theAdress, ):
        self.name = theName
        self.phone = thePhone
        self.email = theEmail
        self.Adress = theAdress


but untill now i have no luck... i only am able to gather inforamtion about the following aspects

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, theName, thePhone, theEmail, theAdress, ?
        self.name = theName
        self.phone = thePhone
        self.email = theEmail

and the newly added adress - it does not get in effect..

        self.Adress = theAdress



so i need to keep on searching,,,#


btw - see the final results.... - there is no option to gather the postal adress:


Contacts Manager
1) new contact    2) lookup
3) show all       4) end
> >? 1
Enter friend's name: >? dilbert
Enter phone number: >? 444444444444444444444444444444444444
Enter email address: >? [email protected]
Contacts Manager
1) new contact    2) lookup
3) show all       4) end
> >? 3
Showing all contacts:
Person[name=bernhard schmitt,phone=434345345,[email protected]]
Person[name=martin ,phone=4444444444444444,[email protected]]
Person[name=dilbert,phone=444444444444444444444444444444444444,[email protected]]
Contacts Manager
1) new contact    2) lookup
3) show all       4) end



regards  dil_ bert




hello dear Martyr 2

still run into some issues ...

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This program uses a Person class to keep track of contacts.
@author Richard White
@version 2016-07-30
	class Person(object):
    The Person class defines a person in terms of a
    name, phone number, and email address.
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, theName, thePhone, theEmail, theAdress):
        self.name = theName
        self.phone = thePhone
        self.email = theEmail
        self.adress = theAdress
    # Accesser Methods (getters)
    def getName(self):
        return self.name
    def getPhone(self):
        return self.phone
    def getEmail(self):
        return self.email
    # Mutator Methods (setters)
    def setPhone(self, newPhoneNumber):
        self.phone = newPhoneNumber
    def setEmail(self, newEmailAddress):
        self.email = newEmailAddress
    def __str__(self):
        return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
               ",email=" + self.email + \
               ",adress=" + self.adress + \
	def enter_a_friend():
    name = input("Enter friend's name: ")
    phone = input("Enter phone number: ")
    email = input("Enter email address: ")
    address = input("Enter friend's address:")
    return Person(name, phone, email)
	def lookup_a_friend(friends):
    found = False
    name = input("Enter name to lookup: ")
    for friend in friends:
        if name in friend.getName():
            found = True
    if not found:
        print("No friends match that term")
	def show_all_friends(friends):
    print("Showing all contacts:")
    for friend in friends:
	def main():
    friends = []
      running = True
    while running:
        print("\nContacts Manager")
        print("1) new contact    2) lookup")
        print("3) show all       4) end ")
        option = input("> ")
        if option == "1":
        elif option == "2":
        elif option == "3":
        elif option == "4":
            running = False
            print("Unrecognized input. Please try again.")
    print("Program ending.")
if __name__ == "__main__":

see what i get back

Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017, 06:04:45) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
runfile('C:/_safings_/_dev_/python/contacts__backup_zwei.py', wdir='C:/_safings_/_dev_/python')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2018.2.4\helpers\pydev\_pydev_bundle\pydev_umd.py", line 197, in runfile
    pydev_imports.execfile(filename, global_vars, local_vars)  # execute the script
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2018.2.4\helpers\pydev\_pydev_imps\_pydev_execfile.py", line 18, in execfile
    exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "C:/_safings_/_dev_/python/contacts__backup_zwei.py", line 63
    running = True
IndentationError: unexpected indent

well i have reworked the code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This program uses a Person class to keep track of contacts.
@author Richard White
@version 2016-07-30
class Person(object):
    The Person class defines a person in terms of a
    name, phone number, and email address.
	    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, name, phone, email, address):
        self.name = name
        self.phone = phone
        self.email = email
        self.adress = adress
	    def __str__(self):
        return "Person[name={}, phone={}, email={}, adress={}]".format(self.name, self.phone,
                                                                       self.email, self.adress)
# create instance
person = Person(name='John Doe', phone='123454321', email='[email protected]', adress='1600 Pennsylvania ave., Washington DC')
# access property
# print object
# assign new value of property
        person.name = 'Jack Ryan'
# print again
    # Accesser Methods (getters)
    def getName(self):
        return self.name
    def getPhone(self):
        return self.phone
    def getEmail(self):
        return self.email
    # Mutator Methods (setters)
    def setPhone(self, newPhoneNumber):
        self.phone = newPhoneNumber
    def setEmail(self, newEmailAddress):
        self.email = newEmailAddress
    def __str__(self):
        return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
               ",email=" + self.email + \
               ",adress=" + self.adress + \
	def enter_a_friend():
    name = input("Enter friend's name: ")
    phone = input("Enter phone number: ")
    email = input("Enter email address: ")
    adress = input("Enter friend's adress:")
    return Person(name, phone, email)
	def lookup_a_friend(friends):
    found = False
    name = input("Enter name to lookup: ")
    for friend in friends:
        if name in friend.getName():
            found = True
    if not found:
        print("No friends match that term")
	def show_all_friends(friends):
    print("Showing all contacts:")
    for friend in friends:
	def main():
    friends = []
    running = True
    while running:
        print("\nContacts Manager")
        print("1) new contact    2) lookup")
        print("3) show all       4) end ")
        option = input("> ")
        if option == "1":
        elif option == "2":
        elif option == "3":
        elif option == "4":
            running = False
            print("Unrecognized input. Please try again.")
    print("Program ending.")
if __name__ == "__main__":

i get back the following

Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017, 06:04:45) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
runfile('C:/_safings_/_dev_/python/contacts__backup_six.py', wdir='C:/_safings_/_dev_/python')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2018.2.4\helpers\pydev\_pydev_bundle\pydev_umd.py", line 197, in runfile
    pydev_imports.execfile(filename, global_vars, local_vars)  # execute the script
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2018.2.4\helpers\pydev\_pydev_imps\_pydev_execfile.py", line 18, in execfile
    exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "C:/_safings_/_dev_/python/contacts__backup_six.py", line 27
IndentationError: unexpected indent

well i still have issues with the IndentationErrors

hi there - hello requinix


first of all many thansk for the continued help _ finally got there



#!/usr/bin/env python3
This program uses a Person class to keep track of contacts.
class Person(object):
    The Person class defines a person in terms of a
    name, phone number, and email address.

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, name, phone, email, padress):
        self.name = name
        self.phone = phone
        self.email = email
        self.padress = padress

    def __str__(self):
        return "Person[name={}, phone={}, email={}, padress={}]".format(self.name, self.phone,
                                                                       self.email, self.padress)
# create instance person = Person(name='John Doe', phone='123454321', email='[email protected]', adress='1600 Pennsylvania ave., Washington DC')
# access property
    # Accesser Methods (getters)
    def getName(self):
        return self.name
    def getPhone(self):
        return self.phone
    def getEmail(self):
        return self.email
    def getpadress(self):
        return self.padress
 # Mutator Methods (setters)
    def setPhone(self, newPhoneNumber):
        self.phone = newPhoneNumber
    def setEmail(self, newEmailAddress):
        self.email = newEmailAddress
    def setPadress(self, newPadress):
        self.padress = newPadress
    def __str__(self):
        return "Person[name=" + self.name + \
               ",phone=" + self.phone + \
               ",email=" + self.email + \
               ",padress=" + self.padress + \

def enter_a_friend():
    name = input("Enter friend's name: ")
    phone = input("Enter phone number: ")
    email = input("Enter email address: ")
    padress = input("Enter friend's padress:")
    return Person(name, phone, email, padress)

def lookup_a_friend(friends):
    found = False
    name = input("Enter name to lookup: ")
    for friend in friends:
        if name in friend.getName():
            found = True
    if not found:
        print("No friends match that term")

def show_all_friends(friends):
    print("Showing all contacts:")
    for friend in friends:

def main():
    friends = []
    running = True
    while running:
        print("\nContacts Manager")
        print("1) new contact    2) lookup")
        print("3) show all       4) end ")
        option = input("> ")
        if option == "1":
        elif option == "2":
        elif option == "3":
        elif option == "4":
            running = False
            print("Unrecognized input. Please try again.")
    print("Program ending.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


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