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As you can see in the code below: it's a PHP script that generates fake hits on a given URL with the help of Cron jobs.

I want to know how to set up a session duration of a hit like 5 minutes or more.

Feel free to edit the complete code

As you can see in the code below: it's a PHP script that generates fake hits on a given URL with the help of Cron jobs.

I want to know how to set up a session duration of a hit like 5 minutes or more.

Feel free to edit the complete code

//Let's make sure no warrnings are displayed by PHP


// Specify url that shoud receive hits

// make sure to include trailing slash "/" at the end of folders

$url_1 = "http://www.yourdomain.com/";

// Specify your server and port

$myserver = "yourdomain.com:80";

// Specify how many hits to receive every time the script is run

// Selecting more then 5 may not work

$randnr = 2;

//read proxy file

$proxies = file("proxy.txt");

//now we will get a random proxy address from the proxies.txt file

 $getrand = array_rand($proxies, $randnr);
 for($x=0;$x<$randnr; $x++){  

//setting time limit to zero will ensure the script doesn't get timed out


//now we will separate proxy address from the port


     $proxyarr = explode(":", $PROXY_URL);

     $address = trim($proxyarr[0]);

     $port = trim($proxyarr[1]);

//following code generates the header file

  $headerinfo =array(

    'User-Agent' => 'UHits/1.0 ('.$myserver.')',

    'Accept' => 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/png, */*',

    'Pragma' => 'no-cache',

    'Connection' => 'keep-alive');


//now we are ready to reach our website through the proxy


    if($fp) {

      fputs($fp,"GET $url_1 HTTP/1.1rn");

      fputs($fp,"Host: $myserverrn");


       while(list($header,$value)=each($headerinfo)) {

         fputs($fp,"$header: $valuern");

         //let's give the script some time to execute


       } //end while



    } //end if 

 } //end for

What legitimate reason would ANYONE have for doing what you want to do.  I certainly will not help nor anyone else who wants to do this. 

You want to do some kind of scam on someone and can't even TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN THE TECHNOLOGY TO DO IT!!!!

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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