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It's my first time here. I'm not a coder but I sometimes need to find solutions by myself so here I am...

I think this one will be easy for all of you.

I generate a PDF displaying data from fields on a DB

They all display very well except the multiple choices.

Here is an exerpt of my code; I tried the implode code to display my values separated by commas but in the document it stil displays "Array" (screenshot enclosed) instead of something like: "Sante mentale, Reussite scolaire, Environnement sain "

And I obviously don't know what's wrong...

<tr><td><?php echo $fields['prenomact']['value']; ?> <?php echo $fields['nomact']['value']; ?></td><td><?php echo $fields['titreact']['value']; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><?php echo $fields['courrielact']['value']; ?></td><td><?php echo $fields['telact']['value']; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Enjeux visés: <?php $fields['enjeux']=implode(",", $array); echo $fields['enjeux']['value'];?></td><td>territoire: <?php echo $fields['territoire']['value']; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td>Participation des enfants: <?php echo $fields['niveauparticipation']['value']; ?></td><td>Nombre d'enfants participants : <?php echo $fields['nbenfants']['value']; ?></td></tr>

Thanks in advance for your help,



Capture d’écran 2018-12-02 à 12.25.15.png

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Thanks for your quick response benanamen !

Hum... OK but the data is collected and stored by a WP plugin named Ninja Forms.

Their basic pdf was only  saying:

    <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo $css_path; ?>" rel="stylesheet" />
    <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>
    <?php echo $table; ?>

And the fields were very well displayed, separated by commas... I needed to customize the PDF so I recreated it field by field.

You get "Array" output when you attempt to echo an array variable.

$myArr = [1,2,3];
echo $myArr;          //--> Array

I have no idea what your data structure is, but it looks like $fields['niveauparticipation']['value']  is an array.

[EDIT]Try this to check

echo '<pre>', print_r($fields, 1), '</pre>';


Edited by Barand
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