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If it's not being set automatically, and if

			$insert_buy = $db->insert('u_paid_videos', [
				'id_user' => $user_id,
				'id_video' => $video_id,
				'session_key' => $_SESSION['session_key'],
				'video_play_price' => (string)$video_cost, // the cost at the time of purchase // this is the default video cost not the $video_cost_new
				'video_title' => $video->title, // storing the title
				'user_id_uploaded' => $video->user_id, // the user who uploaded the video
				'earned_amount' => $uploader_amount,

you're not setting it either, then of course it'll end up as zero.

Thanks again for your reply.

I thought this other file set the time:


if (!IS_LOGGED || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'off' && $pt->config->usr_v_mon == 'off') ) {
	header('Location: ' . PT_Link('404'));

$types = array('today','this_week','this_month','this_year');
$type = 'today';

if (!empty($_GET['type']) && in_array($_GET['type'], $types)) {
	$type = $_GET['type'];

if ($type == 'today') {
	$start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
	$end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");

	$array = array('00' => 0 ,'01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0);
	$ads_array = $array;
	$date_type = 'H';
	$pt->cat_type = 'today';
    $pt->chart_title = $lang->today;
    $pt->chart_text = date("l");
elseif ($type == 'this_week') {

	$time = strtotime(date('l').", ".date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y'));
	if (date('l') == 'Saturday') {
		$start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
		$start = strtotime('last saturday, 12:00am', $time);

	if (date('l') == 'Friday') {
		$end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
		$end = strtotime('next Friday, 11:59pm', $time);

	$array = array('Saturday' => 0 , 'Sunday' => 0 , 'Monday' => 0 , 'Tuesday' => 0 , 'Wednesday' => 0 , 'Thursday' => 0 , 'Friday' => 0);
	$ads_array = $array;
	$date_type = 'l';
	$pt->cat_type = 'this_week';
    $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_week;
    $pt->chart_text = date('y/M/d',$start)." To ".date('y/M/d',$end);
elseif ($type == 'this_month') {
	$start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
	$end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
	if (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 31) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0 ,'31' => 0);
	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 30) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0);
	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 29) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0);
	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 28) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0);
	$ads_array = $array;
	$pt->month_days = count($array);
	$date_type = 'd';
	$pt->cat_type = 'this_month';
    $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_month;
    $pt->chart_text = date("M");
elseif ($type == 'this_year') {
	$start = strtotime("1 January ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
	$end = strtotime("31 December ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
	$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0);
	$ads_array = $array;
	$date_type = 'm';
	$pt->cat_type = 'this_year';
    $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_year;
    $pt->chart_text = date("Y");

$day_start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
$day_end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
$this_day_ads_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum FROM ".T_ADS_TRANS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end."  AND type = 'video' AND video_owner = ".$pt->user->id);

$this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(earned_amount) AS sum FROM ".T_U_PAID_VIDEOS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id_uploaded = ".$pt->user->id);
//$this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount - admin_com) AS sum FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id);
$today_earn = $this_day_ads_earn[0]->sum + $this_day_video_earn[0]->sum ;

$month_start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am");
$month_end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
$this_month_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT (earned_amount) FROM u_paid_videos c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end." AND user_id_uploaded = ".$pt->user->id);
//$this_month_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount - admin_com) AS sum FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id);
$month_earn = $this_month_ads_earn[0]->sum + $this_month_video_earn[0]->sum ;
// print_r($this_month_video_earn);
// exit();

$trans        = $db->where('user_id_uploaded',$user->id)->orderBy('id_user')->get(T_U_PAID_VIDEOS);
//$trans        = $db->where('user_id',$user->id)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS_TRSNS);
$ads_trans = $db->where('time',$start,'>=')->where('time',$end,'<=')->where('video_owner',$pt->user->id)->where('type','video')->get(T_ADS_TRANS);
$total_ads = 0;
if (!empty($ads_trans)) {
	foreach ($ads_trans as $key => $ad) {
		if ($ad->time >= $start && $ad->time <= $end) {
			$day = date($date_type,$ad->time);
			if (in_array($day, array_keys($ads_array))) {
				$ads_array[$day] += $ad->amount;
				$total_ads += $ad->amount;
$ads_list        = "";

//echo "SELECT SUM(earned_amount) AS sum FROM ".T_U_PAID_VIDEOS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id_uploaded = ".$pt->user->id;

$total_earn = 0;
if (!empty($trans)) {
	foreach ($trans as $tr) {
		$video = PT_GetVideoByID($tr->video_id, 0, 0, 2);

		$user_data   = PT_UserData($tr->paid_id);

		$currency         = "";
		$admin_currency         = "";
		$net = 0;
		if ($tr->currency == "USD") {
			$currency     = "$";
			$admin_currency     = "$".$tr->admin_com;
			$net = $tr->amount - $tr->admin_com;
		else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){
			$currency     = "€";
			$admin_currency     = "€".$tr->admin_com;
			$net = $tr->amount - $tr->admin_com;
		elseif ($tr->currency == "EUR_PERCENT") {
			$currency     = "€";
			$admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%";
			$net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100;
		elseif ($tr->currency == "USD_PERCENT") {
			$currency     = "$";
			$admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%";
			$net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100;

		if ($tr->time >= $start && $tr->time <= $end) {
			$day = date($date_type,$tr->time);
			if (in_array($day, array_keys($array))) {
				$array[$day] += $net;

		$total_earn = $total_earn + (float)$net;
		if (!empty($video) && !empty($user_data)) {
			$ads_list   .= PT_LoadPage('transactions/list',array(
				'ID' => $tr->id,
				'PAID_USER' => substr($user_data->name, 0,20),
				'PAID_URL' => $user_data->url,
				'USER_NAME' => $user_data->username,
				'VIDEO_NAME' => substr($video->title, 0,20) ,
				'VIDEO_URL' => $video->url,
				'VIDEO_ID_' => PT_Slug($video->title, $video->video_id),
				'AMOUNT' => $tr->amount,
				"CURRENCY" => $currency,
				"A_CURRENCY" => $admin_currency,
				"NET" => $net,
				"TIME" => PT_Time_Elapsed_String($tr->time)
$total_earn = $total_earn + $total_ads;

$pt->array = implode(', ', $array);
$pt->ads_array = implode(', ', $ads_array);
$pt->page_url_ = $pt->config->site_url.'/transactions';
$pt->title       = $lang->earnings . ' | ' . $pt->config->title;
$pt->page        = "transactions";
$pt->description = $pt->config->description;
$pt->keyword     = @$pt->config->keyword;
$pt->content     = PT_LoadPage('transactions/content',array(
	'CURRENCY'   => $currency,
	'ADS_LIST'   => $ads_list,
	'TOTAL_EARN' => $total_earn,
	'TODAY_EARN' => $today_earn,
	'MONTH_EARN' => $month_earn

I look forward to additional assistance

Thanks again for your reply and help. Much appreciated.

So, I added this:

			$time_start = microtime(true);

			// add data to paid table
			$insert_buy = $db->insert('u_paid_videos', [
				'id_user' => $user_id,
				'id_video' => $video_id,
				'session_key' => $_SESSION['session_key'],
				'video_play_price' => (string)$video_cost, 
				'video_title' => $video->title, 
				'user_id_uploaded' => $video->user_id, 
				'earned_amount' => $uploader_amount,
				'time' => $time_start,

And ran a transaction and it successfully added time to the db 'time' column: 

And successfully added the 'earned_amount' to the corresponding html page - hooray! Much thanks for all of your expertise and brain work.

If you have a better suggestion that microtime(true), please share it. This is hard to decipher: 1553119017.625292.


47 minutes ago, Chrisj said:

I look forward to additional assistance

I see your philosophy is "Why use one function when the job can be done with four"


$end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm");
// is equivalent to
$end = mktime(23,59,0);
if (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 31) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0 ,'31' => 0);
	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 30) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0);
	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 29) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0);
	}elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 28) {
		$array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0);

// is equivalent to

$array = array_fill_keys(range(1, date('t')), 0);


10 minutes ago, Chrisj said:

If you have a better suggestion that microtime(true), please share it. This is hard to decipher: 1553119017.625292.

Stop using unix style timestamps and use MySQL datetime formats. (Y-m-d H:i:s)

Thanks for your reply.

I see your examples, from the code that I did not write, but have been trying to integrate with. 
I am guessing by your message, that the time calculation is already there and I could connected to it via 

'time' =>

instead of 



Regarding, mysql datetime format, I tried this code, but after several tests it apparently prevents the 'earned_amount' to appear on the corresponding html page.


			//$time_start = microtime(true);
			$time_start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

I look forward to any comments/suggestions/guidance. Much thanks again.


The time column in your db table needs to be DATETIME type and not INT. You also need to change your query so you have

... WHERE `time` BETWEEN =  '2019-03-20 00:00:00' AND '2019-03-20 23:59:00'

instead of using 1553040000 and 1553126340

Thanks again for your reply.

Actually, the time column shows VARCHAR not INT. When I changed it to DATETIME and use:

$time_start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

and run a transaction, it prevents that transactions' 'earned_amount' from appearing on the corresponding html page. So, I switched it back to microtime and VARCHAR. I'd be interested in understanding what you mean by "why use one function when the job can be done with four".

I look forward to any reply.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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