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I had a similar posting regarding positioning of a 2nd watermark on an uploaded video. I have resoled that successfully - thanks again for the help.

Now, the watermarks look clear/sharp on a small screen, but when the screen is enlarged the images don't seem as sharp/clear.  What is the trick? Solution? Is it to have a large image to begin with? The watermark.png currently is 98px w by 16px h. Here is a portion of the file code:


$watermark_image_full_path = "watermark.png";

                // demo Video
                $video_time = '';
                $demo_video = '';
                if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) {
                    $have_demo = false;
                    if (!empty($duration_file['playtime_seconds']) && $duration_file['playtime_seconds'] > 0) {
                        $video_time = round((10 * round($duration_file['playtime_seconds'],0)) / 100,0);
                        $video_time = '-t '.$video_time.'  -async 1';
                        $have_demo = true;

                // demo Video

	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    'converted' => 1,
                    '240p' => 1,
                    'video_location' => $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4"
                if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {

                if ($video_res >= 3840) {

	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_4096.' 2>&1';

	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '4096p' => 1
                    // demo Video

                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()). "_video_4096p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=3840:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 2048) {

	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_2048.' 2>&1';

	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '2048p' => 1
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_2048p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=2048:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 1920 || $video_res == 0) {

	$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_1080.' 2>&1';

	$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

any assistance is appreciated

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Thanks for your reply.

I've added a large image, and apparently my current ffmpeg code isn't currently capable of "scaling it down to fit the video dimensions appropriately".

I look forward to any guidance on how to ffmpeg code assistance with scaling the image down to fit the video dimensions appropriately

Edited by Chrisj

Thanks again for your message.

I'm not sure if the ffmpeg code above (which I didn't create) already had the ability to resize.

As I stated earlier I look forward to any guidance on how to ffmpeg code assistance with scaling the image down to fit the video dimensions appropriately. Here's the full file code:

if (IS_LOGGED == false || $pt->config->upload_system != 'on') {
    $data = array(
        'status' => 400,
        'error' => 'Not logged in'
    echo json_encode($data);
} else if ($pt->config->ffmpeg_system != 'on') {
    $data = array(
        'status' => 402
    echo json_encode($data);
} else {
    $getID3    = new getID3;
    $featured  = ($user->is_pro == 1) ? 1 : 0;
    $filesize  = 0;
    $error     = false;

if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {
    if (empty($_POST['movie_title']) || empty($_POST['movie_description']) || empty($_FILES["movie_thumbnail"]) || empty($_POST['stars']) || empty($_POST['producer']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['quality']) || empty($_POST['rating']) || !is_numeric($_POST['rating']) || $_POST['rating'] < 1 || $_POST['rating'] > 10 || empty($_POST['release']) || empty($_POST['category']) || !in_array($_POST['category'], array_keys($pt->movies_categories))) {
        $error = $lang->please_check_details;
    // $cover = getimagesize($_FILES["movie_thumbnail"]["tmp_name"]);
    // if ($cover[0] > 400 || $cover[1] > 570) {
    //     $error = $lang->cover_size;
    // }
    $request   = array();
    $request[] = (empty($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['description']));
    $request[] = (empty($_POST['tags']) || empty($_POST['video-thumnail']));
    if (in_array(true, $request)) {
        $error = $lang->please_check_details;
    } else if (empty($_POST['video-location'])) {
        $error = $lang->video_not_found_please_try_again;
    } else if (($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->config->who_sell == 'pro_users' && $pt->user->is_pro) || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->config->who_sell == 'users') || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && $pt->user->admin)) {
        if (!empty($_POST['set_p_v']) || $_POST['set_p_v'] < 0) {
            if (!is_numeric($_POST['set_p_v']) || $_POST['set_p_v'] < 0 || (($pt->config->com_type == 0 && $_POST['set_p_v'] <= $pt->config->admin_com_sell_videos)) ) {
                $error = $lang->video_price_error." ".($pt->config->com_type == 0 ? $pt->config->admin_com_sell_videos : 0);
    } else {
        $request   = array();
        $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-location'], $_SESSION['uploads']['videos']));
        $request[] = (!in_array($_POST['video-thumnail'], $_SESSION['ffempg_uploads']));
        $request[] = (!file_exists($_POST['video-location']));
        if (in_array(true, $request)) {
            $error = $lang->error_msg;
    if (empty($error)) {
        $file = $duration_file     = $getID3->analyze($_POST['video-location']);
        $duration = '00:00';
        if (!empty($file['playtime_string'])) {
            $duration = PT_Secure($file['playtime_string']);
        if (!empty($file['filesize'])) {
            $filesize = $file['filesize'];
        $video_res = (!empty($file['video']['resolution_x'])) ? $file['video']['resolution_x'] : 0;
        $video_id        = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
        $check_for_video = $db->where('video_id', $video_id)->getValue(T_VIDEOS, 'count(*)');
        if ($check_for_video > 0) {
            $video_id = PT_GenerateKey(15, 15);
        if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {
            $thumbnail = 'upload/photos/thumbnail.jpg';
            if (!empty($_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['tmp_name'])) {
                $file_info   = array(
                    'file' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['tmp_name'],
                    'size' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['size'],
                    'name' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['name'],
                    'type' => $_FILES['movie_thumbnail']['type']
                $file_upload = PT_ShareFile($file_info);
                $thumbnail = PT_Secure($file_upload['filename'], 0);
                // if (!empty($file_upload['filename'])) {
                //     $thumbnail = PT_Secure($file_upload['filename'], 0);
                //     $upload = PT_UploadToS3($thumbnail);
                // }
            $thumbnail = PT_Secure($_POST['video-thumnail'], 0);
            if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                $upload = PT_UploadToS3($thumbnail);

        $category_id = 0;
        $convert     = true;
        $thumbnail   = substr($thumbnail, strpos($thumbnail, "upload"), 120);
        // ******************************
        if (PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($_POST['is_movie']) && $_POST['is_movie'] == 1) {

            $link_regex = '/(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.)([^\ ]+)/i';
            $i          = 0;
            preg_match_all($link_regex, PT_Secure($_POST['movie_description']), $matches);
            foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                $match_url            = strip_tags($match);
                $syntax               = '[a]' . urlencode($match_url) . '[/a]';
                $_POST['movie_description'] = str_replace($match, $syntax, $_POST['movie_description']);
            $data_insert = array(
                'title' =>  PT_Secure($_POST['movie_title']),
                'category_id' => PT_Secure($_POST['category']),
                'stars' => PT_Secure($_POST['stars']),
                'producer' => PT_Secure($_POST['producer']),
                'country' => PT_Secure($_POST['country']),
                'movie_release' => PT_Secure($_POST['release']),
                'quality' => PT_Secure($_POST['quality']),
                'duration' => $duration,
                'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['movie_description']),
                'rating' => PT_Secure($_POST['rating']),
                'is_movie' => 1,
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'converted' => '2',
                'size' => $filesize,
                'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
                'user_id' => $user->id,
                'time' => time(),
                'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m'))
            if (!empty($_POST['buy_price']) && is_numeric($_POST['buy_price']) && $_POST['buy_price'] > 0) {
                $data_insert['sell_video'] = PT_Secure($_POST['buy_price']);
            $link_regex = '/(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.)([^\ ]+)/i';
            $i          = 0;
            preg_match_all($link_regex, PT_Secure($_POST['description']), $matches);
            foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                $match_url            = strip_tags($match);
                $syntax               = '[a]' . urlencode($match_url) . '[/a]';
                $_POST['description'] = str_replace($match, $syntax, $_POST['description']);

            if (!empty($_POST['category_id'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['category_id'], array_keys(get_object_vars($pt->categories)))) {
                    $category_id = PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']);
            $video_privacy = 0;
            if (!empty($_POST['privacy'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['privacy'], array(0, 1, 2))) {
                    $video_privacy = PT_Secure($_POST['privacy']);
            $age_restriction = 1;
            if (!empty($_POST['age_restriction'])) {
                if (in_array($_POST['age_restriction'], array(1, 2))) {
                    $age_restriction = PT_Secure($_POST['age_restriction']);
            $sub_category = 0;

            if (!empty($_POST['sub_category_id'])) {
                $is_found = $db->where('type',PT_Secure($_POST['category_id']))->where('lang_key',PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']))->getValue(T_LANGS,'COUNT(*)');
                if ($is_found > 0) {
                    $sub_category = PT_Secure($_POST['sub_category_id']);

            $continents_list = array();
            if (!empty($_POST['continents-list'])) {

                foreach ($_POST['continents-list'] as $key => $value) {
                    if (in_array($value, $pt->continents)) {
                        $continents_list[] = $value;
            $data_insert = array(
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'user_id' => $user->id,
                'title' => PT_Secure($_POST['title']),
                'description' => PT_Secure($_POST['description']),
                'tags' => PT_Secure($_POST['tags']),
                'duration' => $duration,
                'video_location' => '',
                'category_id' => $category_id,
                'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
                'time' => time(),
                'registered' => date('Y') . '/' . intval(date('m')),
                'featured' => $featured,
                'converted' => '2',
                'size' => $filesize,
                'privacy' => $video_privacy,
                'age_restriction' => $age_restriction,
                'sub_category' => $sub_category,
                'geo_blocking' => (!empty($continents_list) ? json_encode($continents_list) : '')
            if (!empty($_POST['set_p_v']) && is_numeric($_POST['set_p_v']) && $_POST['set_p_v'] > 0) {
                $data_insert['sell_video'] = PT_Secure($_POST['set_p_v']);
            if ( ($pt->config->approve_videos == 'on' && !PT_IsAdmin()) || ($pt->config->auto_approve_ == 'no' && $pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'on' && !PT_IsAdmin() && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) ) {
                $data_insert['approved'] = 0;
        // ******************************
        $insert      = $db->insert(T_VIDEOS, $data_insert);

        if ($insert) {
            $delete_files = array();
            if (!empty($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
                if (is_array($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
                    foreach ($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'] as $key => $file) {
                        if ($thumbnail != $file) {
                            $delete_files[] = $file;
            if (!empty($delete_files)) {
                foreach ($delete_files as $key => $file2) {
            if (isset($_SESSION['ffempg_uploads'])) {
            $data = array(
                'status' => 200,
                'video_id' => $video_id,
                'link' => PT_Link("watch/$video_id")
            header("Content-Encoding: none");
            header("Connection: close");
            header('Content-Type: application/json');
            echo json_encode($data);
            $size = ob_get_length();
            header("Content-Length: $size");
            if (is_callable('fastcgi_finish_request')) {

            if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                $process_queue = $db->getValue(T_QUEUE,'video_id',$pt->config->queue_count);

            if ( (count($process_queue) < $pt->config->queue_count  && !in_array($video_id, $process_queue)) ||  $pt->config->queue_count == 0) {
                if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {
                    $db->insert(T_QUEUE, array('video_id' => $insert,
                                   'video_res' => $video_res,
                                   'processing' => 2));

                $ffmpeg_b                   = $pt->config->ffmpeg_binary_file;
                $filepath                   = explode('.', $_POST['video-location'])[0];
                $time                       = time();
                $full_dir                   = str_replace('ajax', '/', __DIR__);

                $video_output_full_path_240 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_360 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_480 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_720 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_720p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_1080 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_2048 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4";
                $video_output_full_path_4096 = $full_dir . $filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4";

                $video_file_full_path       = $full_dir . $_POST['video-location'];

                $watermark_image_full_path = "watermark.png";

                // demo Video
                $video_time = '';
                $demo_video = '';
                if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && !empty($data_insert['sell_video'])) {
                    $have_demo = false;
                    if (!empty($duration_file['playtime_seconds']) && $duration_file['playtime_seconds'] > 0) {
                        $video_time = round((10 * round($duration_file['playtime_seconds'],0)) / 100,0);
                        $video_time = '-t '.$video_time.'  -async 1';
                        $have_demo = true;

                // demo Video

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4");
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    'converted' => 1,
                    '240p' => 1,
                    'video_location' => $filepath . "_240p_converted.mp4"
                if ($pt->config->queue_count > 0) {

                if ($video_res >= 3840) {

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_4096.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_4096p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '4096p' => 1
                    // demo Video

                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()). "_video_4096p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=3840:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 2048) {

					$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_2048.' 2>&1';

					$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_2048p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '2048p' => 1
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_2048p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=2048:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 1920 || $video_res == 0) {

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_1080.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_1080p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '1080p' => 1
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_1080p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1920:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 1280 || $video_res == 0) {

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_720.' 2>&1';

				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_720p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=1280:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 854 || $video_res == 0) {

					$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_480.' 2>&1';
					$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_480p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '480p' => 1
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_480p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=854:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video
                if ($video_res >= 640 || $video_res == 0) {

				$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_360.' 2>&1';
				$shell     = shell_exec($ffmpegCommand);

                   $upload_s3                  = PT_UploadToS3($filepath . "_360p_converted.mp4");
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        '360p' => 1,
                    // demo Video
                    if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                        $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_360p_demo.mp4";
                        $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=640:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                        $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                        $db->where('id', $insert);
                        $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                            'demo' => $demo_video
                    // demo Video

                // demo Video
                if ($pt->config->demo_video == 'on' && empty($demo_video) && $have_demo == true) {
                    $demo_video = substr($filepath, 0,strpos($filepath, '_video') - 10).sha1(time()) . "_video_240p_demo.mp4";
                    $shell     = shell_exec("$ffmpeg_b $video_time -y -i $video_file_full_path -vcodec libx264 -preset {$pt->config->convert_speed} -filter:v scale=426:-2 -crf 26 ".$full_dir . $demo_video." 2>&1");
                    $upload_s3 = PT_UploadToS3($demo_video);
                    $db->where('id', $insert);
                    $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                        'demo' => $demo_video
                // demo Video

                if (file_exists($_POST['video-location'])) {

                $_SESSION['uploads'] = array();
                $db->insert(T_QUEUE, array('video_id' => $insert,
                                   'video_res' => $video_res,
                                   'processing' => 0));
                $db->where('id', $insert);
                $db->update(T_VIDEOS, array(
                    'video_location' => $_POST['video-location']
    } else {
        $data = array(
            'status' => 400,
            'message' => $error_icon . $error


any additional assistance is welcomed


Edited by Chrisj

Thanks for your reply and link.

I have looked over the link, and tried many attempts with no scaling.

You said "resize the watermark stream before you overlay". Isn't my code already doing that?

$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=640:-2, scale=640:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

any additional help is appreciated

Based on my posting where I provide the full code (above), would adding code so that 2 different watermark.png images are used, one for small screen, one for full screen, be a solution? If so, any guidance with that is appreciated.

Also, is it workable to use an svg file as a watermark?


I look forward to any assistance.

Have you learned how the filters work yet? They can be very complicated. You will need them to be a little complicated in order to do this with one command. If you don't then you'll need more code and commands, like to resize images or identify video dimensions.

Thanks for your reply.
After more research, I believe a potential solutions is to add the 'scale2ref' parameter to my existing ffmpeg code.
I have tried different attempts with it without success. The documentation example shows:

“Scale a logo to 1/10th the height of a video, while preserving its display aspect ratio”:

I need guidance with integrating scale2ref into a current line of code, for example:

$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -i '.escapeshellarg($watermark_image_full_path).' -filter_complex "scale=426:-2,  scale=426:-2, overlay=10:10, overlay=170:170:enable=between(t\,5\,5+2)" -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

any additional assistance is appreciated

Edited by Chrisj

As stated earlier, the php web video script that I’m modifying adds a watermark to uploaded videos. I’m trying to find a solution where the watermark image doesn’t look blurry in the ‘full screen’ mode.

regarding these lines of code:

$ffmpegCommand =''.$ffmpeg_b.' -y -i '.$video_file_full_path.' -i '.$watermark_image_full_path.' -filter_complex "scale=426:-2, overlay=10:10, " -vcodec libx264 -preset '.$pt->config->convert_speed.' -crf 26 '.$video_output_full_path_240.' 2>&1';

the script also has that line for 240, 360, 480, 720, 1080, 2048 and 4096

they all use the

$watermark_image_full_path = "watermark.png";

would it be better to add a different watermark.png image for each size 240, 360, etc.?

Any ideas or solutions to keep the image sharp not blurry upon resizing is welcomed

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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