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Hi, simply put;
I am having a very difficult time trying to find a way I can Match (partial?) strings, comparing to 2 arrays (the matches have different [Keys].)
for example:

$abs="Bob Rob Sue";
$abt="sometext Bob1:2 moretext Sue3:4 othertext Rob5:6 etc";

how can I put into code, when "Bob1:2" is used, it finds a match of "Bob", and assigns the complete string of "Bob1:2" ?
The course I have been trying I get Bob, Rob, and Sue.. but the #numbers# are in the wrong place. ie; it will result with "Sue5:6"
I understand its a [key] issue, using array_intersect along with some explodes/implodes has helped get me this far.. but i am stumped.

Someway of matching the two arrays coreectly (or keys) would be what i need to figure out.
Heres is what i have now: Thank you for any help, at all. :) cheers.

$abs="Bob Rob Sue";
$abby="sometext Bob1:2 is Sue3:4 where Rob2:1 etc";

$nums = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z]/', ' ', $abby);
$lets = preg_replace('/[0-9]:?[^0-9]/', ' ', $abby);

//$lets1=array_intersect($abs, $lets);

$absArr = explode(' ', $abs);
$abbyArr  = explode(' ', $lets);

$letsx=array_intersect($absArr, $abbyArr);

//echo $letsx[0] . "</br>";


preg_match_all($nums1, $nums, $nums2);
foreach($nums2 as $numsx){



echo $answer;


current results:

My desire is that it would Result in:

The #nums are obviously correct.
but the #letters (words/names) obviously are not the same "[key]".

I hope that this is doable..
Thanks in advance. :)

  On 6/25/2020 at 9:16 PM, x1705 said:

I am having a very difficult time trying to find a way I can Match (partial?) strings, comparing to 2 arrays (the matches have different [Keys].)
for example:

$abs="Bob Rob Sue";
$abt="sometext Bob1:2 moretext Sue3:4 othertext Rob5:6 etc";

how can I put into code, when "Bob1:2" is used, it finds a match of "Bob", and assigns the complete string of "Bob1:2" ?
The course I have been trying I get Bob, Rob, and Sue.. but the #numbers# are in the wrong place. ie; it will result with "Sue5:6"



What output are you trying to get for that, and what process did you (you, personally) follow to get the answer?

Thanks for the reply. I believe i stated in the original post what 'result' i am after. (towards the bottom).
I am Trying to get the NAME and NUMBERS to be correct.

the last line of above post shows the results i am getting,
since the NAME and number:number are in a different Array,
the keys don't coincide with teh proper element.



current results:

My desire is that it would Result in:


Notice "BOB" is ok (the KEY[0] from Array)
ROB and SUE's (numbers) are exchanged.

Hope that helps clarify.  Sorry it wasnt clear enough.

I have personally been trying to resolve this for a few days,
i have as far as i know/to my knowledge tried all the variants (that I can understand)
using array_sort, preg_match_all, array_intersect_key, to just name a few..
I am working on a Regex type solution now.. and splitting fuctions, etc now.

Hope that is clearer.
Thanks for your consideration.

I had to try and explain it to myself also, :) ..here is the simplest way i think i can, if it helps.

$a1="Bob Sally Joe";

$b2="sometext Bob1:2 here Joe1:1 more text Sally2:3 there."

if ANY "word:number" Combo of $b2 matches a Word in $a1
then get each matching $b2 "word:number combo" into an array OR seperate strings.

ie; would be something like this:


Then secondly, (or perhaps within the same Regex?)

I need to Insert a '+' between each $c strings LAST alpha-character and BEFORE its First Number.

?Do I need to 'split' each $cX at the last alpha character
add a '+'
reassemble $c strings to end result in:


or is there a better, complex 'regex' that can do all of this?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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