paulvz Posted November 3, 2020 Share Posted November 3, 2020 Good morning. I need to subtract stock levels from oldest stock first then to the next date. It is allowed to move into negative values. example 01-10 stock in 10 stock out 5 - stock count 5 02-10 stock in 10 stock out 7 stock count ... here we need to subtract the 7 from previous days 5 til it reches 0 then stock in subtraction 01-10 stock =0 02-10 stock = 8 --- as 7 -5 gives me -2 in incoming stock is 10 leaving me with stock count of 8. 03-10 stock in 8 stock out 21 02-10 stck level must be 0 03-10 stock lever now is 8-14 = -6 and so on below is my code. $lq_in = new ListQuery('stock_audit5f5795042f369'); $lq_in->addSimpleFilter('name', '%PEPPER yellow%', 'LIKE' ); //$lq_in->addSimpleFilter('product_id', $product_id, '='); $lq_in->setOrderBy('date_entered'); $res_in = $lq_in->fetchAll(); $StockArray = []; foreach($res_in as $out_rec) { /*$upd_out = array(); $upd_out['stock_out_done'] = 0; $out_rec_u = ListQuery::quick_fetch('stock_audit5f5795042f369', $out_rec->getField('id')); $aud_upd_out = RowUpdate::for_result($out_rec_u); $aud_upd_out->set($upd_out); $aud_upd_out->save(); continue; */ $stock_out = $out_rec->getField('stock_out'); $stock_out_done = $out_rec->getField('stock_out_done'); $date_entered = $out_rec->getField('date_entered'); $product_id = $out_rec->getField('product_id'); //echo '<pre>'; // print_r($out_rec->row); $StockItems[] = $out_rec->row; //$stock_done = 0; /* foreach($res_in as $in_rec) { $upd = array(); if($stock_out_new > $in_rec->getField('stock_level')) { $upd['stock_level'] = 0; $stock_out_new = $stock_out_new-$in_rec->getField('stock_level'); $stock_done = $in_rec->getField('stock_level'); } elseif ($stock_out_new == $in_rec->getField('stock_level')) { $upd['stock_level'] = 0; $stock_out_new = 0; $stock_done = $stock_out; } elseif($stock_out_new < $in_rec->getField('stock_level')) { $upd['stock_level'] = $in_rec->getField('stock_level')-$stock_out_new; $stock_out_new = 0; $stock_done = $stock_out; } else { continue; } $in_rec_u = ListQuery::quick_fetch('stock_audit5f5795042f369', $in_rec->getField('id')); $aud_upd = RowUpdate::for_result($in_rec_u); $aud_upd->set($upd); $aud_upd->save(); if($stock_out_new == $stock_done) break; } $upd_out = array(); $upd_out['stock_out_done'] = $stock_done; $out_rec_u = ListQuery::quick_fetch('stock_audit5f5795042f369', $out_rec->getField('id')); $aud_upd_out = RowUpdate::for_result($out_rec_u); $aud_upd_out->set($upd_out); $aud_upd_out->save(); */ } function GetFirstItemWithStockKey($StockItemsarrayk = null){ if($StockItemsarrayk != null){ foreach($StockItemsarrayk as $key => $value){ if(((int) $StockItemsarrayk[$key]['stock_level']) > 0){ return $key; } } } } function SetFirstItemWithStock($StockItemsarray = null){ if($StockItemsarray != null){ foreach($StockItemsarray as $key => $value){ if(((int) $StockItemsarray[$key]['stock_level']) > 0){ return $StockItemsarray[$key]; } } } } $remainder = 0; $pkey = ""; $StockLevelKey = 0; $StockIn = []; $StockOut = []; $InStock = []; $NewStockItems = $StockItems; $ArrayKeys = []; foreach($StockItems as $key => $value){ $StockIn[$key] = (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_in']; $StockOut[$key] = (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_out']; $InStock[$key] = (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']; $ArrayKeys[] = (int)$key; } //var_dump($InStock); foreach($NewStockItems as $key => $value){ if($key < 1){ if($StockIn[$key] > 0 && $StockOut[$key] == 0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] + $StockIn[$key]); } if($StockIn[$key] == 0 && $StockOut[$key] > 0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] - $StockOut[$key]); } if($StockIn[$key] > 0 && $StockOut[$key] > 0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] - $StockOut[$key] + $StockIn[$key]); $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; } } if($key > 0){ $previousWithStockItem = SetFirstItemWithStock($StockItems); $previousItemWithStockKey = GetFirstItemWithStockKey($StockItems); // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($previousWithStockItem); // var_dump($StockIn[$key]); echo " --IN"; // var_dump($InStock[$key]); echo " --- current"; // var_dump($StockOut[$key]); echo " --- OUT"; while($StockOut[$key] > 0){ if($StockOut[$key] > 0 && $previousWithStockItem['stock_level'] > 0){ $Counter = 0; $maxIteration = 0; for($Counter = $previousWithStockItem['stock_level']; $Counter >= 0; $Counter--){ $StockItems[$previousItemWithStockKey]['stock_level'] = $Counter; if($Counter == 0){ $StockOut[$key] = $StockOut[$key] - $maxIteration; } $maxIteration++; } } if((((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] < 0) || ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] === 0))&& ($StockIn[$key] > 0)){ $valueTotal = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] + $StockIn[$key]; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $valueTotal; } echo "<hr/>"; echo (int) $StockOut[$key]; echo "<br/>"; echo (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']; echo "<br/>"; echo "<hr/>"; if(((int) $StockOut[$key] > 0) && ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] > 0) && ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] > $StockOut[$key])){ $newStockLevel = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] - $StockOut[$key]; echo $newStockLevel; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $newStockLevel; $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; $StockOut[$key] = 0; } if((((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] < 0) || ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] === 0))&& ($StockIn[$key] > 0)){ $valueTotal = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] + $StockIn[$key]; echo $valueTotal; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $valueTotal; } } } } echo "<table><tr><td><pre>"; print_r($NewStockItems); echo "</pre></td><td><pre>"; print_r($StockItems); echo "</pre></td></table>"; /* if($StockIn[$key] > 0 && $StockOut[$key] >0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] + ($StockIn[$key] + $StockOut[$key])); $StockOut[$key] = 0; $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; } if($StockIn[$key] != 0 && $StockOut[$key] != 0 && $InStock[$key] != 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] - ($StockOut[$key] + $StockIn[$key])); $StockOut[$key] = 0; $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; }*/ /** @Rule 1 # Stockin has value and stock_out = 0 and stock_level = 0 and stock_out_done = null, actualstock to show actual stock level; # */ /*if($StockCalculation[$Skey]['stock_out'] >= $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = ($StockItems[$key] - 1); $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] - 1); // If StockOut == 0 next StockOutItem if($StockCalculation[$Skey]['stock_out'] == 0){ $remainder = 0; continue; }elseif($StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] == 0){ //CurrentInStock == 0 then continue to next CurrentItem $remainder = $StockItems[$key]['stock_out']; continue(2); } } $CurrentStockIn = $StockItems[$key]['stock_in']; $CurrentStockOut = $StockItems[$key]['stock_out']; $CurrentInStock = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']; if($key == 0){ if($CurrentStockIn > 0 && $CurrentStockOut === 0 && $CurrentInStock == 0){ $CurrentInStock = $CurrentStockIn; //Query update stock level set = stock_in //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = {$CurrentStockIn} where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentStockIn; } if($CurrentStockIn != 0 && $CurrentStockOut != 0 && $CurrentInStock == 0){ //Query Update Stocklevel if stock_out > 0 and stock_level = 0 //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = "+($CurrentStockIn - $CurrentStockOut) + "where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; if($CurrentStockIn > $CurrentStockOut && $CurrentStockOut == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = $CurrentStockIn - $CurrentStockOut; } if($CurrentStockOut > $CurrentStockIn){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = $CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut; } } if($CurrentInStock != 0 && $CurrentStockOut > 0){ //If Current in stock below 0 and stock out > 0 then negative more //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = "+($CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut) + "where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = ($CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut); $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; } if($CurrentInStock != 0 && $CurrentStockIn > 0){ //If Current in stock below 0 and stock out > 0 then negative more //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = "+($CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut) + "where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = ($CurrentInStock + $CurrentStockIn); } // Run row update for first item }else{ foreach($StockCalculation as $Skey => $Sval){ $NextStockOut = $Sval['stock_out']; $NextStockIn = $Sval['stock_in']; $NextStockLevel = $Sval['stock_level']; if($Skey > 0 && $key > 0){ // print_r($NextStockOut); for($i = $NextStockOut; $i >= -1; $i--){ if($NextStockOut > 0){ if($NextStockOut > 0){ /* if($StockItems[$StockLevelKey]['stock_level'] != 0){ $StockItems[($StockLevelKey)]['stock_level'] = ($StockItems[($StockLevelKey)]['stock_level'] - 1); //$StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_out'] = ($StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_out'] -1); } if($StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_level'] != 0){ $StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_level'] = ($StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_level'] - 1); } } } $NextStockOut = ($NextStockOut -1); if($NextStockOut != 0){ $StockItems[$Skey]['stock_out'] = 0; break; } } } unset($StockCalculation[$Skey]); } }/* */ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
requinix Posted November 3, 2020 Share Posted November 3, 2020 That was not easy to understand. 01-10 - Incoming: 10 - Outgoing: 5; 5 taken from today's inventory (10-5=5) - Ending inventory: 01-10 (5) 02-10 - Incoming: 10 - Outgoing: 7; 5 taken from 01-10's inventory (5-5=0), 2 taken from today's inventory (10-2=8) - Ending inventory: 02-10 (8) 03-10 - Incoming: 8 - Outgoing: 21; 8 taken from 02-10's inventory (8-8=0), 8 taken from today's inventory (8-8=0), remainder 5 - Ending inventory: deficit of 5 04-10 - Incoming: 15 - Outgoing: 3; deficit 5 taken from today's inventory (15-5=10), 3 taken from today's inventory (10-3=7) - Ending inventory: 04-10 (7) 05-10 - Incoming: 10 - Outgoing: 6; 6 taken from 04-10's inventory (7-6=1) - Ending inventory: 04-10 (1), 05-10 (10) 06-10 - Incoming: 5 - Outgoing: 7; 1 taken from 04-10's inventory (1-1=0), 6 taken from 05-10's inventory (10-6=4) - Ending inventory: 05-10 (4), 06-10 (5) Now that you've posted a whole bunch of code, half of which is commented out and I assume the other half of which does not do what you want it to do, let's disregard it and try starting over from the beginning. How is all of this data being stored? What do the database tables look like? What does the data in the database tables look like? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mac_gyver Posted November 3, 2020 Share Posted November 3, 2020 1 hour ago, paulvz said: then to the next date you should allow for multiple stock in events per date. this will assign a 'stock in id' for each event that increases the stock. when you consume stock, you would insert 'child' records, using the parent's stock in id to relate the stock out event back to the corresponding stock in event. if you consume stock from more than one stock in event, you would insert a stock out/child record for each amount you take from each stock in event. to find the earliest stock in event(s) that has(have) an available stock amount equal or greater than a needed quantity, you would join the parent and child records ON the stock in ids, summing the plus stock in amounts and subtracting the stock out amounts. i'm sure @Barand will be along shortly to post an example of how to do this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulvz Posted November 3, 2020 Author Share Posted November 3, 2020 36 minutes ago, requinix said: That was not easy to understand. 01-10 - Incoming: 10 - Outgoing: 5; 5 taken from today's inventory (10-5=5) - Ending inventory: 01-10 (5) 02-10 - Incoming: 10 - Outgoing: 7; 5 taken from 01-10's inventory (5-5=0), 2 taken from today's inventory (10-2=8) - Ending inventory: 02-10 (8) 03-10 - Incoming: 8 - Outgoing: 21; 8 taken from 02-10's inventory (8-8=0), 8 taken from today's inventory (8-8=0), remainder 5 - Ending inventory: deficit of 5 04-10 - Incoming: 15 - Outgoing: 3; deficit 5 taken from today's inventory (15-5=10), 3 taken from today's inventory (10-3=7) - Ending inventory: 04-10 (7) 05-10 - Incoming: 10 - Outgoing: 6; 6 taken from 04-10's inventory (7-6=1) - Ending inventory: 04-10 (1), 05-10 (10) 06-10 - Incoming: 5 - Outgoing: 7; 1 taken from 04-10's inventory (1-1=0), 6 taken from 05-10's inventory (10-6=4) - Ending inventory: 05-10 (4), 06-10 (5) Now that you've posted a whole bunch of code, half of which is commented out and I assume the other half of which does not do what you want it to do, let's disregard it and try starting over from the beginning. How is all of this data being stored? What do the database tables look like? What does the data in the database tables look like? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barand Posted November 3, 2020 Share Posted November 3, 2020 32 minutes ago, mac_gyver said: i'm sure @Barand will be along shortly to post an example of how to do this. I will be waiting for paulvz to answer requinix's questions regarding the data, instead of just reposting it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulvz Posted November 3, 2020 Author Share Posted November 3, 2020 (edited) good day - mysql wit 5 field, date - stock id - stock in stock out - stock level 2020-10-01 | 9 | 15 | 10 | 5 2020-10-02| 9 | 10 | 7 | 2020-10-03| 9 | 23 | 25 | 2020-10-04| 9 | 30 | 16 | on 2020-10-01 stok level is correct as it is the first day 15-10 = 5 so 5 stock left 2020-10-01 stock out is 7. so 7 needs to be subtructed from oldest stock level that os > 0 in this case 7-5 leaving 2020-10-1 with 0 and now before wa add stock in with 2020-10-02with stock of -2. then add stick in of 10 wich leaves 2020-10-2 with a stock value of 8 2020-10-03 has stock out of 23 - sp 2020-10-02 stock wil be 23-8 leaving it 0 and then 2020-10-03 stoin in subtracted from remaining. 9-15 leaving a negative stock of -6 on the 2020-10-04 stock out is 16, but previous day already has a minus, so it wont effect previous day 2020-10-04 stock wil be -16. now we add stock in for 2020-10-04 wich is 16. so first previous stok day calculation 30 -8 making 2020-10-03 0, leaving stock in with 24. now we calculate todays stock 24-16 leaving a stock level of 8. Hope this makes more sense Edited November 3, 2020 by paulvz clarification Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barand Posted November 3, 2020 Share Posted November 3, 2020 Still not totally clear. If, for the time being, we ignore which batch to issue from then you have received 78 and issued 58. That leaves 20, not 8 +------------+-----+----+-----+-------+ | Date | ID | In | Out | Level | +------------+-----+----+-----+-------+ | 2020-10-01 | 9 | 15 | 10 | 5 | | 2020-10-02 | 9 | 10 | 7 | | | 2020-10-03 | 9 | 23 | 25 | | | 2020-10-04 | 9 | 30 | 16 | | +------------+-----+----+-----+-------+ | 78 | 58 | +----+-----+ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulvz Posted November 3, 2020 Author Share Posted November 3, 2020 (edited) +------------+-----+----+-----+-------+ id| Date | ID | In | Out | Level |new level +------------+-----+----+-----+-------+ a| 2020-10-01 | 9 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 | b| 2020-10-02 | 9 | 10 | 7 |8 | 0 | b stock out 7-a-level5 leaves a-level with 0 and a remainders of b-stock out with -2. then b-stockin was 10 so 10-2 = 8 c| 2020-10-03 | 9 | 23 | 25 |6 | 0 | now c-stock out - 25. b-stock level = 8(c-stockout 25 - b-stock level 8 = 17. so bstocklevel now becomoes 0, but c-stock in was 23 so it would be 23 -17 = 6. c-level now = 6 d| 2020-10-04 | 9 | 30 | 16 |20 | d-stockout is 16 - c-level is 6 so leavin c level with 0 and d-out with 1o. d-stick in has 30 wich leaves new stock value with 20 e| +------------+-----+----+-----+-------+ | 78 | 58 | +----+-----+ But levels are allowed to go into negative. ig for example stock out in c was only 2 then c level would be 6 and d level 30 Edited November 3, 2020 by paulvz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barand Posted November 3, 2020 Share Posted November 3, 2020 Is this what you want to achieve Receipts Batch | a | b | c | d | Date | 2020-01-01 | 2020-01-02 | 2020-01-03 | 2020-01-04 | Qty | 15 | 10 | 23 | 30 | ------------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ Issues | | | | | | | | | | 2020-01-01 10 | 10 | | | | 10 from batch a 2020-01-02 7 | 5 | 2 | | | 5 from batch a, 2 from batch b 2020-01-03 25 | | 8 | 17 | | 8 from batch b, 17 from batch c 2020-01-04 16 | | | 6 | 10 | 6 from batch c, 10 from batch d 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulvz Posted November 3, 2020 Author Share Posted November 3, 2020 Yes that is what i need, We wil work our cost price on stock on hand for that day, it might be that no stck has gone out for 3 days, but the stock level has to be in the day it was received as prices changed daily. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulvz Posted November 3, 2020 Author Share Posted November 3, 2020 But i only used one product here, there are multiple products Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barand Posted November 4, 2020 Share Posted November 4, 2020 As mac_gyver suggested, have two table viz. stock_receipts, stock_issues. CREATE TABLE `stock_receipt` ( | CREATE TABLE `stock_issue` ( `batch_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, | `stock_issue_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `product_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, | `product_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `receipt_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, | `issue_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `quantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, | `job_no` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `price` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, | `quantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`batch_id`), | `batch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, KEY `index2` (`product_id`,`receipt_date`) | PRIMARY KEY (`stock_issue_id`), ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; | KEY `index2` (`product_id`, `issue_date`), | KEY `index3` (`batch_id`) | ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; | When a new issue is entered, get the stock records for that product which have unissued stock remaining SELECT r.batch_id , r.quantity , SUM(i.quantity) as issued , CASE WHEN SUM(i.quantity) IS NULL THEN r.quantity ELSE r.quantity - SUM(i.quantity) END as remaining FROM stock_receipt r LEFT JOIN stock_issue i USING (batch_id) WHERE r.product_id = 9 AND receipt_date < NOW() GROUP BY r.batch_id HAVING remaining > 0; +----------+----------+--------+-----------+ | batch_id | quantity | issued | remaining | +----------+----------+--------+-----------+ | 1 | 15 | 10 | 5 | | 2 | 10 | NULL | 10 | +----------+----------+--------+-----------+ Loop through these records and allocate remaining quantities, creating issue records containing the batch and quantity. If there are more required issues than remain in stock, write a pending issue for the outstanding quantity without a batch_id. Therefore if 20 are issued, the issue records written to the stock_issues table would be Batch Qty ------+------ 1 5 2 10 5 When a new receipt is entered, the process is similar but reversed. I.E. Batch Qty ------+------ 1 5 2 10 3 2 3 get the pending issues for that product (no batch_id). Loop through them allocating the new batch_id where they can be fulfilled from the new receipt. If 2 are received then 2 of the pending 5 items can come from batch 3 (new batch) there would then be 3 pending. Below is the code for a small application to illustrate the process <?php include 'db_inc.php'; $db = pdoConnect(); ### ### PROCESS NEW RECORDS ### if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($_POST['type'] == 'I') { // issue $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO stock_issue (product_id, job_no, quantity, batch_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?) "); // get the stock records with available stock $res = $db->prepare("SELECT r.batch_id , r.quantity , SUM(i.quantity) as issued , CASE WHEN SUM(i.quantity) IS NULL THEN r.quantity ELSE r.quantity - SUM(i.quantity) END as remaining FROM stock_receipt r LEFT JOIN stock_issue i USING (batch_id) WHERE r.product_id = ? AND receipt_date < NOW() GROUP BY r.batch_id HAVING remaining > 0; "); $res->execute([ $_POST['product'] ]); // match them against issue quantity $q = $_POST['qty']; foreach ($res as $r) { if ($r['remaining'] >= $q) { // issue qty met from this batch $stmt->execute([$_POST['product'], $_POST['job_no'], $q, $r['batch_id'] ]); $q = 0; break; } else { // issue the remaining qty $stmt->execute([$_POST['product'], $_POST['job_no'], $r['remaining'], $r['batch_id'] ]); $q -= $r['remaining']; } } if ($q > 0) { // write pending issue $stmt->execute([$_POST['product'], $_POST['job_no'], $q, null ]); } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'R') { // receipt $rins = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO stock_receipt (product_id, quantity, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?) "); $rins->execute([ $_POST['product'], $_POST['qty'], $_POST['price'] ]); $newbatch = $db->lastInsertId(); // find any pending issues awaiting new stock $res = $db->prepare("SELECT stock_issue_id as id , quantity , issue_date , job_no FROM stock_issue WHERE product_id = ? AND batch_id IS NULL ORDER BY issue_date "); $res->execute([ $_POST['product'] ]); // loop through pending issues and allocate batch_ids $iupdtb = $db->prepare("UPDATE stock_issue SET batch_id = ? WHERE stock_issue_id = ? "); $iupdtq = $db->prepare("UPDATE stock_issue SET batch_id = ? , quantity = ? WHERE stock_issue_id = ? "); $iins = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO stock_issue (product_id, issue_date, job_no, quantity, batch_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) "); $q = $_POST['qty']; foreach ($res as $i) { if ($q == 0) break; if ($i['quantity'] <= $q) { // issue from this batch $iupdtb->execute([ $newbatch, $i['id'] ]); $q -= $i['quantity']; } else { // issue what we can and create new pending issue for qty remaining $iupdtq->execute([ $newbatch, $q, $i['id'] ]); $iins->execute([ $_POST['product'], $i['issue_date'], $i['job_no'], $i['quantity'] - $q, null ]); $q = 0; } } } header("Location: #"); exit; } ### ### GET RECEIPTS ### $res = $db->query("SELECT r.batch_id , r.product_id , r.quantity , r.price , CASE WHEN SUM(i.quantity) IS NULL THEN r.quantity ELSE r.quantity - SUM(i.quantity) END as remaining FROM stock_receipt r LEFT JOIN stock_issue i USING (batch_id) GROUP BY r.batch_id ORDER BY product_id, receipt_date "); $receipts = ''; foreach ($res as $r) { $receipts .= "<tr><td>" . join('</td><td>', $r) . "</td></tr>\n"; } ### ### GET ISSUES ### $res = $db->query("SELECT i.job_no , i.product_id , i.quantity , r.batch_id , r.price FROM stock_issue i LEFT JOIN stock_receipt r USING (batch_id) ORDER BY i.product_id, issue_date "); $issues = ''; foreach ($res as $r) { $issues .= "<tr><td>" . join('</td><td>', $r) . "</td></tr>\n"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Stock Management</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <div class="w3-container w3-green w3-padding"> <h1>Stock Management</h1> </div> <div class="w3-row-padding w3-padding w3-bottombar w3-responsive"> <div class="w3-col m6"> <div class="w3-panel w3-padding w3-dark-gray"> Stock Receipt </div> <form class="w3-margin w3-padding w3-light-gray" method='POST'> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="R" <label>Product</label> <input class="w3-input" type="number" name="product"> <label>Quantity</label> <input class="w3-input" type="number" name="qty"> <label>Price</label> <input class="w3-input" type="number" step="0.01" name="price"> <br><button class="w3-button w3-blue">Add receipt</button> </form> </div> <div class="w3-col m6"> <div class="w3-panel w3-padding w3-dark-gray"> Stock Issue </div> <form class="w3-margin w3-padding w3-light-gray" method='POST'> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="I" <label>Product</label> <input class="w3-input" type="number" name="product"> <label>Quantity</label> <input class="w3-input" type="number" name="qty"> <label>Job Number</label> <input class="w3-input" type="number" name="job_no"> <br><button class="w3-button w3-blue">Add issue</button> </form> </div> </div> <div class="w3-row-padding w3-padding w3-bottombar w3-responsive"> <div class="w3-col m6"> <div class="w3-panel w3-padding w3-dark-gray"> Receipts </div> <table class="w3-table-all"> <tr><th>Batch</th> <th>Product</th> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Remain</th> </tr> <?=$receipts?> </table> </div> <div class="w3-col m6"> <div class="w3-panel w3-padding w3-dark-gray"> Issues </div> <table class="w3-table-all"> <tr><th>Job</th> <th>Product</th> <th>Qty</th> <th>Batch</th> <th>Price</th> </tr> <?=$issues?> </table> </div> </div> </body> </html> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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