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Dear Team,

I am having a input field which is using for select month. 

  $previous_month = date('Y-m', strtotime(date('Y-m') . " -1 month"));
        $current_month = date('Y-m');


 <input type="month" name="Month" id="Month" class="form-control" onchange="viewData()" min="<?php echo $previous_month; ?>" max="<?php echo $current_month; ?>" required style="width:auto;font-family:Cambria;border-radius:5px;height:30px" />

This input will display previous month and cutrrent month only. 

When i am checking the output of this input is working properly on my laptop browser, i can able to select both the month. But when ia m checking the output on my mobile browser, i can select only current month. ie.. max value. If i scroll down the month list, again it is going to max value only.

If suppose the minimum value is -2 (ie.. 2month ) then i can able to select on my mobile browser. But when i am ggiven one month i am not able to select previous month.


Can any one suggest me where is the mistake and how to rectify this issue.

9 hours ago, Barand said:
$previous_month = date('Y-m', strtotime("-1 month"));


Careful with dates like March 30th...

Easiest method I know: date + mktime.

$previous_month = date('Y-m', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n') - 1, 1));


Or, if you just really like to over-engineer things:

echo (new DateTime('now', new DateTimezone('America/New_York')))->sub(new DateInterval('P1M'))->format('M j, Y');

As dumb as it may sound given the length of this statement versus requinix and Barand's answers, this is easier for my brain to read.

Edited by maxxd

I changed the code as per your instruction. But when i am selecting the month from system browser it is displaying like below image



When i am selecting month from mobile browser it is displaying like below image


In above screen, when i am scroll down the month i am not able to select May month. Automatically it is going to Jun if i scroll it.


Continuing a long history of over-engineering because it reads easier to my particular brain:

echo (new DateTime('first day of last month', new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')))->format('M j, Y');

Returns 'May 1, 2023' which, as of today, is correct. Thanks @Barand and @requinix.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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