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variable functions

Go to solution Solved by kicken,

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Good Morning, (First post)

I have modified several functions. They no longer need 2 variables, just one.

But they still working fine when I send two variables. Why there is not error?

Function web_name($the_id)
$var_sql = "select page_name from web_pages where page_id='$the_id';";
$ms_conn = sqlsrv_connect($sql_server, $ms_sql);
$result = sqlsrv_query($ms_conn,$var_sql);
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result)) {
	return $row['page_name'];

Thank you All,


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  • Solution
6 minutes ago, Cholotron said:

Why there is not error?

PHP allows extra values to be passed to a function.  You can use func_get_args to obtain these values within the function and do something with them.  This is the original way of creating a variable-length argument function.


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Hi, my funct is inside a funcionts.php file

Variables are declare at the top. All my pages have error code handling
Question how can I change to code to avoid the while loop?

//Start php
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);

// Global Variables
$ms_sql = array( "Database"=>"WEBSQL", "UID"=>"xxxx_user", "PWD"=>"xxx2003");
$sql_server = "INTRANET";
$local_ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ;
$local_user = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);


Thank you All

Edited by Cholotron
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I don't know what this "funcionts.php" (sic) file is doing for you but you are showing US a function that uses variables that simply Do Not Exist.  Period.

And your latest post has a comment followed by some definitions.  Those items may be supposed 'Global variables' but there is nothing being done to make them global.  And besides - just because you may have declared (properly) a variable to be global, if you don't also reference them with the 'global' command (construct?) inside each function that you want to have access to it, they will be strictly local 

Edited by ginerjm
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Function web_name($the_id)
global $ms_sql, $sql_server,$local_ip, $local_user;
$var_sql = "select page_name from web_pages where page_id='$the_id';";
$ms_conn = sqlsrv_connect($sql_server, $ms_sql);
$result = sqlsrv_query($ms_conn,$var_sql);
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result)) {
	return $row['page_name'];

Happy now?

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Have no idea what your beef is and No - I am not happy now.  But I think you will be happier now that you fixed your function.

Sic?   Do you know what that mean?  Period - means I am telling you the truth and that's that.

But I shouldn't have had to splain that to you.


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