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who is responsible to configure docker ?

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Right now I spotted that a lot of time I spend changing something about how to launch a project with docker.
I use Yii2 Framework . It gives a lot of misleading configs, part of them outdated, docs  are wrong sometimes.
I am backend developer, but for this I need to dive into docker and webserver configs

Say there is a team around some web project. This project has backend, frontend, api.
Who in this team is usually responsible for such work? Devops if there is one?
And if there is no devops, then it should be senior backend developer of who?

Say I am a new person to project, I clone it, see docker config there, and no instruction, run docker compose build/up and it does not result in working example. Whose fault is this?


Edited by Nolan81
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I would say that usually there is a team lead who set up the development environment, sometimes working with devops if there is internal infrastructure being supplied.

These days with people using dotenv files for many things, you typically will need to create the dotenv files the project needs and in some cases set values that work for your local dev environment.  I will typically create some template files with the variables needed and perhaps some examples, but before the containerized env works, some files have to be copied to the right dotenv file, and some config will probably have to be done before things will actually work.

Then beyond that, if there's a database, there might be fixtures that have to be run to setup database values.  

Ideally people put the information you need into the README.md for the project, but as we all know, documenting things is often not considered a priority.  

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