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How do you change the brightness of the image in a DIV when you hover the DIV?


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We are using WP Bakery and there is an element where you can have a DIV called ibanner, with an image in it.

When you hover, an overlay DIV moves up over the top of the image, part of the way.

What I want to do is when you hover over the containing DIV, the IMG tag image inside, goes darker.

I tried this, but it makes no difference.

.home-banner .porto-ibanner:hover  .home-banner .porto-ibanner img{ filter: brightness (50%); }
<div id="interactive-banner-wrap-6bsz" class="porto-ibanner vc_custom_1727942938709 mb-2" style=""><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" alt="" width="5472" height="3648" class="porto-ibanner-img" src="images go here><div class="porto-ibanner-desc"><div class="porto-ibanner-content" style="color:#777777;">
<h3>Ages 11-16</h3>
<div class="desc"><a class="btn btn-md btn-light btn-rounded font-weight-bold" href="#"> <i class="fa fa-arrow-right ms-2 me-2 ps-3"></i></a></div>

I must be missing something.

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Working for me. https://jsfiddle.net/w936eko0/

No, you can have as many rules as you want, even duplicates, but it does mean you need to pay attention to conflicting rules.
Which is what I think is going on here. Use your browser tools to force the .porto-ibanner into a hover state, then check what CSS rules it is and isn't applying.

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If you're asking what you have to do to make this work, the answer is: I don't know what the answer is because all you've given me to work with is a bit of HTML and something that may or may not match the CSS rules you're actually using. What I do know is that what you're trying to do, in principle, does work.

Which is why I offered the advice of how you can find out what the problem is, by which I mean a way for you to "debug" the CSS. Find out what rules are and are not applying, with your actual site that only you can see, and that should help you get closer to finding out what you have to do to make this work.

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Ok sorry.  I don't really know then.  The CSS I have given is what is applied to make the DIV move up.  That's when you hover over the DIV.

So I assumed your code would also be based on that Div, but affect the image.  Which isn't doesn't.

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