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[quote author=magic2goodil link=topic=121597.msg500354#msg500354 date=1168314688]
Here is what i suggested the other day when this question was asked:


For password he would want to use a one way encryption like MD5, what you've linked there is a 2 way encryption..
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Not always true though..say you want to store the password in a cookie and then pull it back out of the cookie later such as a remember function..Would you not want to decrypt it? 
Although as I typed that, I realized you could store it as md5() encrypted in the cookie, and then reference it against md5() encrypted password drawn from database...Well I guess that would work in theory.
But there's a link for 2 way if you want it :P
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[quote author=jesirose link=topic=121597.msg500374#msg500374 date=1168315770]
tee hee you said cookies into cookies.

magic: you'd encrypt both and check if they match. Pretty rare to get a false match. (Some people like to use two methods and check them both, md5 and sha1 for example).

what i was saying was a cookie saved with an md5() encrypted password which means it is already encrypted and would not need to be encrypted again to be cross-referenced to the database password being drawn out and then encrypted...silly girl :P
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hee this might be easyer



if (isset($_POST["pass"]))
mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass) or die("Unable to connect to database");
mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

$login=htmlentities($_POST["login"], ENT_QUOTES);
$pass=htmlentities($_POST["pass"], ENT_QUOTES);
$resultat=mysql_query("SELECT id,pass FROM users WHERE login ='".$login."';");

if($ligne = mysql_fetch_array ($resultat))

mysql_query("DELETE FROM logins_f WHERE time<$bantime");
$res3=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM logins_f WHERE (uid='".$uid."' AND IP='".$IP."');");
if(!($lig3=mysql_fetch_row($res3))) die('Error connecting to the database, please try again');
if($lig3[0]>=3)echo 'Too many failed attempts, account and IP locked for 10 minutes.<br/>';
if(($ligne['pass']==$pass) && ($ligne['pass']!=''))
$_SESSION["uname"] = $login;
else $_SESSION["IP"]="no";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO logins_f SET uid='".$uid."',time='".time()."',IP='".$IP."'");
echo 'Wrong password&#160;!<br/>';
else echo 'Wrong login or password.<br/>';


if (!isset($_SESSION["uname"]))
echo '<h3>Please log in :</h3><br/><form action="" method="post">
<label for="login">Login</label>&nbsp;: <input type="text" name="login" id="login" size="50" value="" /><br/>
<label for="pass">Password</label>&nbsp;: <input type="password" name="pass" id="pass" size="50" /><br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="IPsec" id="IPsec" checked="checked" /> <label for="IPsec">Use IP session lock</label><br/>
<input type="submit" value=" Log in " />

else if(isset($_GET["log"]) && $_GET["log"]=="logout")
echo 'You are now logged out. <a href="">Click here to log in</a>.<br/>';

else if($_SESSION["IP"]!="no" && $_SESSION["IP"]!=$IP)
echo 'You have been kicked by the IP security. <a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'">Click here to log in again</a>.<br/>';

if (isset($_SESSION["uname"]) && !isset($bug_fix))
echo 'Welcome '.$_SESSION["uname"].'&#160;! <a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?log=logout">Click here to log out</a>.<br/>';

how would i add md5() encryption to this and please explain everything
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