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SQL Dumpster


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Hi there,

Over the past year or so (on and off), I have been developing http://www.sqldumpster.com. It is aimed at website developers so I feel it is kinda related to PHP Freaks and I hope you guys will be able to make good use of the SQL dumps. I have had a huge response so far and have had many free membership signups over the past few months. I would be very grateful for feedback on:

1. The concept/purpose of the website.
2. The layout/design of the website.
3. The best way I could market the website further.

Thanks very much,

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1. Very interesting concept I think a lot of new web/database builders will check out something like this to get a "good" example of where to start.

2. I do like the layout, it's pretty simple. I think you could do a lot more with it, but it looks fine as-is. You do have one xhtml error and a bunch of css warnings...but none really a big deal. It would be nice to clean those up though.

3. Thats a good question. I would say get it out on as many web, databse, mysql sites as you can and get more scripts on there. Once you are a "valuable resource" new users should be easy to come by.

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Thank you cmgmyr for your feedback and going through the validation process. I will sort those errors out as soon as I can. I think they're probably from the Amazon ads but I'll take a look.

ShogunWarrior - I had exactly the same problem as you did which was why I developed the website. Thank you also for the comments.

Thank you very much to the both of you :). More feedback is welcome
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I registered and logged in to try it out.
I wouldn't tend to allow editing by users - there is always the chance people will mess with it and there's more credibility if it is administrated.

As for the license prepended to the beginning of the SQL dump
"-- SQL Dumpster --

Is this enforceable and does it make sense? Considering once you put the information in a database it loses the representation it has in the SQL dump and is copying the database/transferring between databases redistribution or does it only refer to the SQL text?
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Thanks again ShogunWarrior. I'm aware that some people may mess with the code but a link to the original uploaded code is available as a .txt file. There are a couple which don't have an "original file" but I've modified the site so that all new databases have an original. The credibility is also an issue but there is a "history" section with each database.

I may have to introduce a "locked"/"unlocked" feature (for editing) in the future but it's all trial and error for the time being.

I included this header with each database dump for the reason that I am certain people will copy the idea of offering SQL dumps in the future and using the ones from my site. I've had people copy my ideas before and I'm sure it will happen again but this was just an attempt to encourage some users not to. It is not intended to have any affect on the constructed database. Perhaps "redistribution" is not the correct word - I'm not sure.

I will definately give these issues further thought in the next couple of days. Thank you once again.
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Very simple design, reminds me of a "formal" blog, not really a tech resource.

As for the other issue, simple state on a legal page that when you submit whatever to the dump, the ownership is hereby transferred to the dump, and then just put something like a [url=http://"http://creativecommons.org"]CC Liscense[/url] on all the content.
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Thanks AXiSS for the feedback. I took your advice and put the content under a CC License. Thank you also to tippy for pointing out those mistakes on the website. I have now corrected them and I am confident that's the last of the silly mistakes.

I know I keep saying it but thank you all for the feedback so far. It means very much to me to hear that the website is not a waste of time.
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