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I am creating a simple login system....each member has a folder and in the folder is a password file (password.php), which will contain something like this:


<?php $pass = "password"; ?>


and When you log in, this is the code that checks to see if the input password is the same as the one in the file...the problem is, when I include that file, it wont read it, help?



$iuser = $_POST['user'];
$ipass = $_POST['pass'];
$pull = $iuser . "/info/password.php";

if($ipass == $pass) {
    setcookie("UserName", $user, time()+3600, "/", false);
    setcookie("Password", $pass, time()+3600, "/", false);

echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh'
      CONTENT='3; URL=" . $user . "'>Logged In.<br><br><a href='" . $iuser . "'>Home</a>";

  } else {

echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh'
      CONTENT='3; URL='>Invalid username or password.<br><br><a href=''>Home</a>";


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This is something that really should be in a database. :/


What happens when you print $pull? Is the value what you expect?

Are all these user folders in the same directory as this file? You may need to adjust the path.


So right after you include it, if you print $pass, it is empty?

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Here's some a test for some possible errors.

$inc = $iuser . "/info/password.php";

if (file_exists($inc))
if ( (fileperms($inc) & 4) == 4)
	echo "dood, you don't have read permission for this file. (User: Other)";
echo "dood, check this path. IS it right? ->".$inc;

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your problem seems to be your choice of variable names.


You have set the $_POST data ($_POST['user'] and $_POST['pass']) names to the same variables you are pulling your password from.


What I mean is, $user and $pass are the exact same as $_POST['user'] and $_POST['pass']


try changing your variable names (i.e. $p = 'PASSWORD') and see if that works better.






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your problem seems to be your choice of variable names.


You have set the $_POST data ($_POST['user'] and $_POST['pass']) names to the same variables you are pulling your password from.


What I mean is, $user and $pass are the exact same as $_POST['user'] and $_POST['pass']


try changing your variable names (i.e. $p = 'PASSWORD') and see if that works better.


$user and $pass are not the same as $_POST['user'] and $_POST['pass'], unless you have your register_globals set to ON, which you shouldn't.

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if(isset($_POST['submit'])){//do you have this already? because it is essential to pass data from form to php...
$iuser = $_POST['user'];
echo $iuser;//double check if the string is expected
$ipass = $_POST['pass'];
echo $ipass;//double check if the string is expected
include("$iuser/info/password.php");//I dont think pausing the echo is necassary
continued...//below stays the same
}//dont forget to close the isset...

If the echoes dont come out right, then there is no point continuing further, so get your POST successfully sorted out first.


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