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getting date start and end


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How do i get a loop to show the date from date start to date end showing all dates avalable






//get todays date

//get todays date in a timestamp

//make a timestamp and date to stop by
$date_end= mktime(0, 0, 0, date("d")+7  , date("m"), date("Y"));

//some for loop to get the start date to end date showing all dates

//format the date result from the loop

//echo the dates
echo $date_result;


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I would probably start with date_start, and use mktime() to add 1 day until you reach date_end.


You can also add 60*60*24 seconds, but apparently that may cause trouble during daylight savings switchovers.  Not that I actually understand what happens to time values during DST :)

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redarrow, I know you know how to write a for loop, as I've seen you write code more advanced than this for other people. Why don't you try something, and then we can help you edit it. btherl suggested a way to do it that will work with your existing code, so just plug it in.

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got no idear dosent work i am stuck no joke?


Need help.




//get todays date

//get todays date in a timestamp

//make a timestamp and date to stop by
$date_end= mktime(0, 0, 0, date("d")+7  , date("m"), date("Y"));

//some for loop to get the start date to end date showing all dates

for($i=$start_date; $i<$end_date; $i++){


//format the date result from the loop

//echo the dates
echo $date_result;


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dont get it what was said here my current example please help cheers.




$date_end= mktime(0, 0, 0, date("d")+7  , date("m"), date("Y"));


for($i=$date_start; $i<$date_result; $i++){

echo $date_start;


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this is something like what you want i think:


//todays date is time()
$date_start = time();

//get 7 days ahead. change 7 to any number of days
$date_end = time() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 7;

//some for loop to get the start date to end date showing all dates
for($i = $date_start; $i < $date_end; $i += 84600){
$out_dates .= date("d-m-y", $i)."<br>";

//echo out the dates
echo $out_dates;

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