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Working on My Site


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Okay, so I've been working on my site to make it for a gaming/roleplaying guild/clan/whateva you wanna call it.


At this time I'm currently using *gasp* tables for lining it up, I know that's not the standards these days, but I'll make the design compliant once I'm satisfied with the look.




What do you guys think? Also, take a look at the forums, as I'd like to know how well you think the forum theme fits in.

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Very nice and clean.


Don't worry about the tables. Your markup is so clean it can stay as it is. The site looks superb and would, however, translate well into pure table-less layout. But it wouldn't hurt to leave it.


However ... use a doctype! and a proper charset - I recommend that you use:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


since your using xhtml closing tags.

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Nice looking site, but is that phpBB your're running?  If so, you should add back the "Powered by phpBB © 2001, 2003 phpBB Group" footer line....it is considered a requirement, and I believe it's the least you can do to pay back for all the coding time that went into providing you with free software.

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It's okay.  The colours aren't good, the blue is a tad dark my eyes are crying.  :( if you have a chacter in your banner match the colours, the way it currently is the banner looks out of place.


Nice job combining the forum with the original site.


Nice looking site, but is that phpBB your're running?  If so, you should add back the "Powered by phpBB © 2001, 2003 phpBB Group" footer line....it is considered a requirement, and I believe it's the least you can do to pay back for all the coding time that went into providing you with free software.


Phpbb isn't good enough to be noted in anything, it's garbage.  There's holes and the convience factor is poor, you can't even use attachments untill you write a mod for it.  You will also get around 5 spam accounts signing up daily.  GG phpbb.


I've used, SMF, php-fusion, phpbb, and Vbulletin.


php-fusion - holey as shit.

phpbb - moderate with holes, poor functunability. (is that a word?)

SMF - Not too bad, but still in early stages, a few areas are shadey.

Vbulletin - the best out there that i've used.  Unlike fusion and SMF this one ran nicely with around 3.5k users.

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Nice looking site, but is that phpBB your're running?  If so, you should add back the "Powered by phpBB © 2001, 2003 phpBB Group" footer line....it is considered a requirement, and I believe it's the least you can do to pay back for all the coding time that went into providing you with free software.


Oh yeah, I removed that a bit back to prove to them that file extensions meant nothing. They were claiming that any file that ended with ".php" was a php file, and that nothing else would be php, or nothing else could use the php extension. If the person saw the phpBB it would be a dead giveaway. I'll be adding that back in when I get home later.


As for the note about phpBB being garbage, have you taken a look into phpBB3? It's got file attachments built-in, along with most of the majorly used mods out there, and a ton of extra performance and security. I'm planning on upgrading as soon as it releases.


I'm also going to be modifying my board to stop the spam accounts using a few of my own human checking methods (not generic CAPTCHAs, i.e. text/numbers in image).

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Nice looking site, but is that phpBB your're running?  If so, you should add back the "Powered by phpBB © 2001, 2003 phpBB Group" footer line....it is considered a requirement, and I believe it's the least you can do to pay back for all the coding time that went into providing you with free software.


Oh yeah, I removed that a bit back to prove to them that file extensions meant nothing. They were claiming that any file that ended with ".php" was a php file, and that nothing else would be php, or nothing else could use the php extension. If the person saw the phpBB it would be a dead giveaway. I'll be adding that back in when I get home later.


As for the note about phpBB being garbage, have you taken a look into phpBB3? It's got file attachments built-in, along with most of the majorly used mods out there, and a ton of extra performance and security. I'm planning on upgrading as soon as it releases.


I'm also going to be modifying my board to stop the spam accounts using a few of my own human checking methods (not generic CAPTCHAs, i.e. text/numbers in image).


Oddly enough i have a checkbox for "are you human?"  I also have advanced image verification.  Still spam got though.

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Oddly enough i have a checkbox for "are you human?"  I also have advanced image verification.  Still spam got though.


Are those bot spam, or troll spam? Troll spam will still get through, and I expect that.


I'm actually going to require them to answer a random question to get in. As well as totally obscuring the field names on the registration page, as well as reordering them, in the off chance that the bot just goes down X number of text boxes and inputs the text. However, the obscuring and reordering will only be on the registration page, so in case it behaves the second way the password will still be wrong.


Then again, there's always the chance that it'll grab its password from the validation email, which is just a chance I'll have to take.

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You need to downsize the file size of your logo Image. 231KB wow that is a lot for a logo.  You might want to either do 1 of 2 things:



Slice the image in to multiple images, this will allow you to reduce the quality, bringing the file size down, and still have a high quality overall image when they are placed back together.



Downsize the entire file size


You may also want to add some padding to your content cell.


If you want to keep the table (Not reccomended) you could remove some of the navigation cells, and use a list, you can change the bullet of the list to that arrow that you have.


When looking at your page, I feel all you need is 7 cells, but you have lots, maybe too many.


This can all be reduced down, you could reduce the 6KB file down to a 2-3KB file when using div's that is about half. Good Luck

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