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function showWeek($startDay, $start=NULL){
      $start = time();
   while(date("w") != $startDay){
      $start = $start-(60*60*24);

   for($i=0; $i<7; $i++){
      $date = mktime(0,0,0, date("m", $start), (date("d", $start)+$i), date("Y", $start));
      print date("Y-m-d", $date).'<br />';


Should start on Monday. I made it a little more abstract for you.

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I'm not aware of any quick and easy function that will let you do this, but you can work it out with a bit of math.


Begin by determining what the first day of the month is with something like:


$firstday = date('D', mktime(0,0,0, date('m'), 1, date('Y')));


Then you set up an offset value for the first day of the week based on $firstday, using a switch:


case 'Mon':
$offset = 1;

case 'Tue':
$offset = 2;

case 'Wed':
$offset = 3;

case 'Thu':
$offset = 4;

case 'Fri':
$offset = 5;

case 'Sat':
$offset = 6;

case 'Sun':
$offset = 7;


Then you can establish the startday of each week:


$week1 = 1 + $offset;
$week2 = $week1 + 7;
$week3 = $week2 + 7;
$week4 = $week3 + 7;


You will have to further refine it for the end of the month, but this should be enough to get you going.


Good luck!



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This code works well.


$StartOfWeek = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),(date("j")-date("w")),date("Y")));

$EndOfWeek = date("Y-m-d",mktime(23,59,59,date("n"),(date("j")+(6-date("w"))),date("Y")));

echo $StartOfWeek;

print "<br>";

echo $EndOfWeek;


Thanks all.



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with this code how to get the dates for the entire week


$StartOfWeek = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),(date("j")-date("w")),date("Y")));

$EndOfWeek = date("Y-m-d",mktime(23,59,59,date("n"),(date("j")+(6-date("w"))),date("Y")));

echo $StartOfWeek;

print "<br>";

echo $EndOfWeek;

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Looks fine to me...

I changed one line, but it still worked fine before that, it just wouldn't have in the event you sent a different start date:

while(date("w", $start) != $startDay){

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But one more question. Today's date is 20th tuesday.

The week starts from 19th Mon to 25th Sun


That can begin to be a bit tricky since the week realistically starts on Sunday and runs through Saturday. I would recommend something like this as an alternative to jesi's code, if you are only after displaying the current week:

function displayWeek() {
  if (date('w') == 0) { // today is sunday, so get LAST monday's date to start with
    $start = strtotime("last Monday");
  } else { // this monday will give us the right starting date
    $start = strtotime("Monday");

  $dates = array();
  // Loop for 7 days
  for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
    $dates[] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$start +{$i} days"));

  return $dates;

$dates = displayWeek();
echo implode("<br />", $dates);

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I dunno

why I see a contradiction between:

I dunno Ted, maybe the manual has a list of the syntax it supports...


Thanks Obsidian, I always forget about how strtotime can handle stuff like "Last Monday" - that makes it cleaner and shorter than mine.

Can any body suggest why that is :-\


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$start = strtotime("last Monday"); ??? i never know it does that, what other text does it read?


Test it and see... I've been amazed at the different things I've been able to use it for:

strtotime — Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp

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I dunno

why I see a contradiction between:

I dunno Ted, maybe the manual has a list of the syntax it supports...


Thanks Obsidian, I always forget about how strtotime can handle stuff like "Last Monday" - that makes it cleaner and shorter than mine.

Can any body suggest why that is :-\



LOL... just remember there's a difference between being able to spout off a list of all available syntax formats for a function and not remembering one that you learned a while back ;)

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Because I didn't ask other people a question that can be answered by looking in the manual - I simply forgot how to do something which was available and did it another way. You asked us for information which was available, you didn't post another way to do it.


Edit: plus what Obsidian said.

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