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Just needed to say this...


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I already hate M$, and now with the big rollout of VISTA, let me say that I see lots of penguins in my future!  How dare you strong arm all the manufacturers to roll out a new OS that DOESN'T ALLOW me to run a great number of my applications UNLESSS I BUY NEW VERSIONS!  How dare you KILL OpenGL!  How dare you give us a DRM that is akin to a little bit of the KGB right in our PC's!  You can take your .NET!  I am a FREE MAN, and will not be enslaved by your BIG BROTHER OS! 




Thank you for letting me get that out of my system...


Fedora Core 6

OpenSuSE 10.2


Linux IS a viable option!

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i'm backing Daniel here. It's not like Vista hasn't been on the cards releasing developer info left, right and center for yonks, yet these third party developers seem to be a bit slow off the mark, ultimately leaving MS looking like crap though not the 3rd parties - love em or hate em, that's just a tad wrong.


I'm giving MS the benefit of the doubt; with the likes of OSX and Linux desktops out and about, Windows can't be expected to remain on XP for its lifetime. XP is ok, but it needs to move on, which it's doing.


Microsoft are RIDICULOUSLY rich as a company, but consider this, AV1611 - do you not think it would be better to aim the blame at your software companies for not keeping on the ball or profiteering? Microsoft stand the gain the LEAST here (considering the timing of the upgrade and missing Xmas sales) - it's your third party software provider that are standing tough thinking "Hey, if we just sit tight, people will have to buy upgrades or new versions of our software for Vista! Great! More money for us! And we'll just blame M$ for fking us up!!! Great!"


I'm all for Linux/OSX/alternative OS's, but jump on the Linux bandwagon for the right reasons, not just on the back of the fact that Microsoft are more forward thinking that it's 3rd party software and hardware developers that are slacking trying to shaft your ass.


For all the MS haters who will jump into this argument, consider this first. MS released XP back in 2001. It's now 2007. At its cost, and the fact that most got it free with their PC, that's pretty cheap considering it'll still be useful a year or so from now. I'm still on Word/Excel 2000, here and see no reason to upgrade yet. Again, a winner in the wallet. My only potential costs when I upgrade my PC? yep - upgrading all my 3rd party stuff.


i can see it turning into a MS hate thread, but please - personally i've had enough of them to last a lifetime. I don't like MS a load, but i don't hate them either. Let's talk about the 3rd party con merchants, then maybe we'll stop paying through the teeth for upgrades and new software.

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Actually I have to disagree.  Let me give you at least one example of why it IS M$ that is screwing up the world.


First, I must agree, there are a lot of blind lemmings out there that are afraid to do anything M$ doesn't endorse...


M$ dropped ALL SUPPORT FOR HARDWARE BASED OpenGL.  Period.  Fact.  You only get emulated support via Directx.  Your NVidia 7950 runs like a 5700.  They did it to spite Mac and *nix.  OpenGL is a GREAT and WIDELY ACCEPTED interface for games.  NOW, you have to BUY ALL NEW GAMES (and video card?) (unless you don't mind them running like crap).  Second, I feel sorry for all the people who invested in HD Video... seeing that M$ dropped ALL SUPPORT for HD so they could finally get the product released.


Don't even get me started on DRM!!!


Oh, and what about M$ now having the ability to revoke digitally signed drivers AT THEIR DISCRETION??? You show up at a conference and start up your hardware, only to find out the night before, windows update INVALIDATED your driver, and now your hardware doesn't work???


You guys are smart, but you might want to do a little more research on VISTA.  I have fed my family on computers since 1984. 


I DO AGREE that M$ had to release a new product.  But, the problem with VISTA is that it DIDN'T GIVE THE END USER anything they wanted (except the ability to play games against there M$ XBox?)  No user wanted a tighter DRM!!! (I don't endorse ripping off commercial  DVD's and CD's, but I don't think my OS should have the ability to SHUT DOWN MY MEDIA PLAYER IF IT THINKS I'm not entitled to view or listen to premium content) Who benefits? Not the end user.  The only practical thing I can find that they got was some VERY NICE eye candy.  Having a popup ask me every time I do something, if I really meant to do it IS NOT SECURITY, it's ANNOYING!!!


I think XP is a mature product that is finally a robust, stable environment to work with.  I don't like it, but I can live with it. 


I am not "Jumping on the Bandwagon".  I converted my entire life to Linux starting 2 years ago, because I WAS reading about what was coming. 


One more real life story on what started my rampage:


I needed a new laptop.  I chose HP, because I have had good success in the past.  I know that none of this is M$ fault DIRECTLY, but it kinda is, because they control what there "partners" sell.  The new laptop came with Vista because I ordered it a week too late, so I couldn't get the XP version any more (Hmmmm.... Why is that?  It's M$'s policy).  No problem I just decided to install XP when I got it.  Wouldn't install, wouldn't run.  Why?  well, after 3 weeks of arguing with HP, they admitted that they had to "modify the firmware on the Nvidia card to get Vista to run, and that broke XP..."


I now have a thousand dollar laptop sitting here that I can't use for my job... it ONLY runs VISTA, not even Linux will run on it...


Anyone wanna buy a laptop?

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