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Problem with IF statment


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Hi friends,


Newbie question, if in the wrong place pleasemove the thread..


Please see code below, the highlighted code is what is not working. when I call $tb_stat I get "ACTIVE FREE Member" even if cStatus is "p".


I am missing something here, please help!


$con = db_connect();


if ($_GET["userid"]!="" && ($_GET["userid"]!=$_SESSION["nexus_userid"])){

$sql = "UPDATE nexus_users SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];

$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);




if ($nUserId->cStatus==p) {$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";}

else $tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";


Thanks in advance,




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Hi again,


Not working, I tried:


if ($nUserId->cStatus == ""){

$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";


$tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";



echo $tb_stat;


leaving the "" emply and then it comes with "Active PRO Member" so it looks like it is not getting cStatus value from the database at all, maybe its because


$sql = "SELECT * FROM nexus_users WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];

$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);


is not getting the required values...


Thanks again!




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Is this correct:


$con = db_connect();

$sql = "SELECT * FROM nexus_users WHERE $userid=".$_GET["userid"];

$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);



if ($userid->cStatus == "p"){

$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";


$tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";



echo $tb_stat;


This is is producing "ACTIVE FREE Member"






PS. Checked the database: where nUserId=1 cStatus is "p"



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$userid = $_GET['id'];
$con = db_connect();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM nexus_users WHERE userid = '$userid';
$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$cStatus = $row['cStatus'];

if ($cStatus == "p"){
$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";
$tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";

echo $tb_stat;


This is how I would do it providing you are not posting the information to this page. If the userid gets posted to here from a form then it's a different story. This is also assuming that cStatus is in the db.

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This is the page members are coming to when they successfully have logged in http://www.xxxxx.com/xxxx.php?userid=1


The following code is getting the user ID and updating last time the user logged in etc.


$con = db_connect();


if ($_GET["userid"]!="" && ($_GET["userid"]!=$_SESSION["nexus_userid"])){

$sql = "UPDATE nexus_users SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];

$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);



$sql = "SELECT * FROM nexus_users WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];

$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);


What I am trying to do is have links on this page being active or inactive depending on if the member is a free member or paid member, using the "p" or "f" in the cStatus field in the database to determine what links are active/inactive...


Sorry if this explanation is of little value but I hope it makes it easier to understand what I try to accomplish.


Thanks in advance,





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You could do this with php but considering all the links on that page you might be better off trying to get a javascript that makes all links active or inactive depending on user status. Why not just send paid members to a different page. If user id matches database include("page2.php") or if userid doesn't match db include("page3.php"); which you could just copy and paste the other page and disable the links. Would probably be faster. Plus you could add another statement as to why they should join.

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You need to put some debugging and error checking code into your script.


$con = db_connect();

if ($_GET["userid"]!="" && ($_GET["userid"]!=$_SESSION["nexus_userid"])){
   $sql = "UPDATE nexus_users SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];
   $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Problem with Update Query:<pre>$sql</pre><br>" . mysql_error());

$sql = "SELECT * FROM nexus_users WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Problem with Select Query:<pre>$sql</pre><br>" . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($row,true) . '</pre>'; // debugging line


Also, remember to put all of your code between

tags when posting it.




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The first part that is working fine, the second part is the original code

which I did myself which is not working..







$con = db_connect();

if ($_GET["userid"]!="" && ($_GET["userid"]!=$_SESSION["nexus_userid"])){
   $sql = "UPDATE nexus_users SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];
   $result = mysql_query($sql,$con);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM nexus_users WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];
$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);



if ($nUserId->cStatus==p) {$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";}
else $tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";

echo $tb_stat;

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The function mysql_query() only returns a pointer to the selected records, not the records themselves. To get the records, you need to use one of the mysql fetch function. My personal preference is mysql_fetch_assoc().


It this code snippet:

if ($nUserId->cStatus==p) {$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";}
else $tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";

echo $tb_stat;

where is "$nUserId->cStatus" coming from? I don't see it being set anywhere. Also, you should always enclose all literal strings in quotes. The "if" statement should read:

if ($nUserId->cStatus == 'p')
    $tb_stat="Active PRO Member";
    $tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";




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Hi, latest test..



include "session.php";
include "config.php";
include "database.php";

$con = db_connect();

if ($_GET["userid"]!="" && ($_GET["userid"]!=$_SESSION["nexus_userid"])){
$sql = "UPDATE nexus_users SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];
$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);

$sql = "SELECT nUserId, cUsername, cStatus FROM nexus_users WHERE nUserId=".$_GET["userid"];
$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);

$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (!$result) {
   echo "Could not successfully run query ($sql) from DB: " . mysql_error();

if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
   echo "No rows found, nothing to print so am exiting";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   echo $row["nUserId"] ;
   echo $row["cUsername"];
   echo $row["cStatus"];

if ($cStatus ='p'){
$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";
$tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";


echo $tb_stat;



Showing the following output for member 2 :


2 hboyander f

Active PRO Member


The 2 hboyander f is correct! but then it goes wrong again with Active PRO Member which should be ACTIVE FREE Member - I really dont get it...


Anyway thanks for your constructive replies,




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You either have to set "$cStatus" to $row['cStatus'] or use the array value directly in the "if" statement:

$cStatus = $row['cStatus'];
if ($cStatus ='p'){
$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";
$tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";


if ($row['cStatus'] ='p'){
$tb_stat="Active PRO Member";
$tb_stat="ACTIVE FREE Member";



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