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Computer Programming? C++ ??

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I am trying to make the transition from web programming to computer programming.  In that I mean I am reasonabley competent at writing scripts to run in a web browser using various languages from HTML to JavaScript and CSS to PHP and MySQL, but I would like to be able to create the same effects that run in a standalone windows based application.


I have read several tutorials for C++ as this seems to be the most recommended programming language and this seems relatively simple to pick up due to its resemblance to PHP. How ever this seems to be the language that is used behind the scenes to make the programme dynamic, much like PHP does to generate an HTML page.


So my question is, what is the computer programmers equivelent to the basic HTML? What do I need to learn to start creating a windows based application rather than a script that runs in a command prompt?


Any links to further tutorials would be much appreciated also!

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C++ is pretty much the same as PHP and Java (with very little differences). I started off in C++ and when I looked at PHP for the first time I was able to get through it and understand most of it. Once you get past some sintax stuff you are all set. C++ won't help you with the html part but it will with the actual programming.

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Honestly, unless your going to be doing some super intensive computations its probably allot easier to just go the python / tkinter route. There isn't much Python can't do, and if it gets too intense, you can allways extend it with C.


Unless your planning on writting a game or building memory restricted appliances you just don't need alot of the power and complexity of C and C++ these days.

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fert - yes, doing that in java is def a lot harder and not the same as C++ for that. I just meant that a FOR loop is pretty much the same thing in C++, Java, and PHP...for example. There are a LOT of things that are different between languages but there are still a lot that are very similar.

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I have found some reference material and tutorials for Python and tkinter, which combined seem like they would be able to offer the capabilities that I would be looking for but before I turn my hand to these and start learning to use them, can anybody confirm that these would be the best tools / languages to use or can anybody suggest an alternative that would be as easy to learn?

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There is no such thing as a best langauage all round. It really depends on the task at hand.


As I said, unless your planning on doing some pretty intensive calcualations or are in dyer need for speed / are limited in regard to memory python should suffice in most situations.

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C or C++ probably are not the best languages for starting out programming.  They are very powerful, yes, , but this power comes at a price, which is complexity.


C++ is the primary language I use for programming now, along with VB, C#, PHP, Javascript, and Python). I have been programming applications now for 35 years, and using C++ for over 20 years, and to be honest, I still fall into many of the traps that present themselves with this language. As you have some experience with scripts, I would recommend perhaps trying some of the visual languages that are out there (under windows?), such as Delphi, or VB. These will allow you to graphically design your UI, and then place your code behind that. C++, as a rule, does not have this type of feature available.


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c++ itself cannot create an application window. for that you need to use Win32API (Windows API) and you literally take control of the entire thing, from close messages, to redrawing the window. Unless you are willing to do that, I would advise starting off on another route, either using MFC which uses c++ still, or one of the visual languages as recommended before.


Once you get your head around creating and drawing windows, controls etc and how to manipulate them etc, you will be ok, but until then don't even attempt c++. I started out programming with c++ as my 2nd language, basic being my 1st (no, not visual basic, basic). Good for a crash course, but you have to persevere and be prepared to read a hell of a lot of documentation, especially if you are using Win32API.


You can use Win32API is visual languages as well with some slight differences if you really want to get into taking total control of you application, but there's really no point. Also, with the intro of vista there is the now a new API to learn.


Note: this is pretty much specific to Windows. Linux etc, similar deal, but instead you use APIs for X-Windows,gtk/tcl (can-t remember what aMsn uses) etc..., and again other api in OSx


Stear clear of c++ for now unless you want to be thrown in the deep end.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Definitely C++ is the way real programmers go.

The so-called "easyness" of other languages comes with the price of being less versatile, and the truth is that the basic part of C++ which allows you to do what you do in other languages is as easy to learn as any other programming language. With the addition that you can go to the complicated stuff later on.

In fact, the application you are using to read this was probably coded in C++, as most professional applications. Although I have to agree that most books teaching C++ are plenty of abstract stuff programmers don't need. Go with straight-to-the-point tutorials:

A nice tutorial to start can be found at http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial

and a good and sort tutorial about stl can be found at http://www.decompile.com/html/tut.html


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