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Hi I am a current 9th grade highschool student and the carrer field that I would like to be in is a Profesional Web Designer. I have been looking up PHP for the last couple months and its kinda confusing in a way I like php and I really want to learn more. But I have been interseted in web design since I was in 5th grade. First it was HTML then PHP but I was wondering what kinds of courses should I take in Highschool. Oh this is kind of off topic but I took a class Intro. to TV/VIDEO and I was asked to be part of the schools Morning Show (its like a news broad cast to the school) but I really want to take classes geared towards my carrer. Another thing I am looking at is if I should go to college or tech school. I want education further than Highschool. So if anyone has any tips or anything that could help me to become a better designer then please tell me.

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It's hard to tell you which classes from your high school you should be taking without you giving us a list of what's available.


As odd as it sounds, I would think something like being on the yearbook staff would come in handy for document design.


Another option is to take courses at a junior college while in high school.  You need to fill out some extra paper work but then you can sign up for night classes in computer related fields.  I did this during my senior year in high school.

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You say web designer, but you also mention PHP. You aren't necessarily a web developer if you are a web designer or vice versa (even though you can be both at the same time). It sort of depends what you want to do. If you wish to program or you wish to design (or both).

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I would suggest to take any computer/web course possible. I took just about every computer/web/programming course in both high school and college and I think it's helped me out greatly. For example, I can write something in C++, turn it into java, turn it into VB, and finally PHP (or any other way you can think of it). Also it is good to know some basic networking and computer stuff too. Just about every time I talk with a client they always ask me how come this isn't working, or what is out there if I want to do this. It always makes you look better when you know a solution...


hope this helps :)

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I know this may come as a surprise but I would suggest putting some extra concentration in math courses such as Algebra and Trigonometry.  The logistics (the way you have to think) in PHP seem to coincide in my opinion greatly with mathematics.  As you may or may not have realized, there are lots of this code, among others of course that use similar techniques such as equations and so forth.  Also, if you're not already doing so, go ahead, start writing some pages, read some books and use the internet to help you learn.  A great book I would recommend is a Visual QuickPro Guide by Larry Ullman called "PHP and MySQL For Dynamic Web Sites".  I have this book and have learned a great deal from Larry that it is a gold mine.  If you're going to college (highly recommended for many reasons even beyond just a career) I would say go for something you love (web design I take it?) but also take a few extra courses in a second subject to help keep you grounded after college...you never know what kind of obstacles life may bring.  Good luck!  Hope this helps you out.

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well i started off with C++ which is a very good base to start on for programming. But C++, java, PHP are very similar. So you can pretty much take your pick.


@nocturnal261 - yes I agree with you there, math is important and if you are good at it great! but i'm terrible at it haha

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