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Thanks, I already tried that though, and it doesn't work for what I am trying to do.


I want one that works like the javascript eval, except that it will be ran serverside instead of on the client's computer.


I don't want it to run PHP commands. I want a PHP command that runs it, like it would in javascript but on my server instead.


Is there something that does this? Or will I have to spend a long time studying javascript and create my own function to do this?


And I did read the manual BTW and I searched a long time for this I haven't found it though =( thanks anyways

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Hi Azu,


I believe I understand what you are doing. You want a value FROM javascript to be placed into your PHP so that PHP can work with it.


If i'm wrong, please correct me. I remember thinking I could do that when I first started PHP. However, this is unfortunately not possible (a direct link between javascript and PHP) because javascript runs on the clientside (the browser/user's computer) and PHP is processed on the server side.


The only remote way I could think about doing this is to use AJAX, and/or perhaps PHP's output buffer, but it's definately not ideal. I'm not sure why you need that value from the javascript, but there is usually a workaround for most problems.


So bottom line, it's not possible to send a variable in javascript to php.

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There is some stuff javascript and the javascript eval function changes it into, say, "abcdefg".


Without using the javascript eval function, it's a bunch of rather gibberish javascript code.


I am just wandering if there is something that I can use in PHP which will act just like the javascript eval does, and thus turn turn the stuff into "abcdefg".


It would be a really big waste of time to learn exactly how javascript works and make my own function for this if something like it already exists, so if I was just wandering if someone could please point me in the right direction if it does exist.



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I remember seeing a function on www.php.net sometime ago regarding this. I do not remember where but I know it exists.


One workaround is you do something like this:


$javascriptEval = file_get_contents('http://www.site.com/yourJsEvalFile.php?eval=somestringtoeval here');



This is the yourJsEvalFile.html

<script type="text/javascript">
print "document.write(eval('" . $_GET['eval'] . "'));";


I have not tested it, but that should work as a workaround. I will see if I cannot find that function.

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Thanks, I just want it for in PHP though, not clientside.


It isn't going to be displayed to the client, ever, in any way or form.


It's going to be used in a cron job and should have nothing to do with anything in a browser.


I just want the PHP to be able to decode javascript stuff.


Thanks for your time though, I appreciate it! ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

am I the only one that thinks this would be a bit of a security risk, anyhow? if you manage to get js to send PHP code stored in a js variable, you must remember that the person browsing your site could easily read the code, find out the name of this variable and type "javascript: myvar = 'some_damageing_php_code; here()'" into the address bar, and then find the bit of the script that sends it off to your server and run that. This could lead to some real nasty stuff....

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