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using new tag attributes


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hello..I need to use different tag attributes for my multi language web project.for example


<span textTranslation="welcome"></span>


when i call the javascript function, it searches and finds the the tags with textTranslation attribute.and then  changes the innerHTML of that tag with appropriate translation..it works well..


but what i want to ask is using undefined atrributes is a problem or not? also html validators can't recognize that attribute and give errors.


what do you recommend?


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This sounds like an ideal candidate for an ajax app....


How ever may I susggest this...


just give each span that is going to be translated a class


Like so


<span class="translate">Welcome</span>


NOW by having some text within the span when the page loads this will help you transloation app (it can always refer to englisjh in this case);


Now you can do this in js


function translateSpans()
els = document.getElementsByTagName('span);
var text = null; 
for(var i = 0; i < els.length; i++)
  if (els[i].className == 'translate')
   text = els[i].innerHTML;
   // do the bit that finds the translation.
  els[i].innerHTML = 'text found in translation look up';


all that will valdiate and then you won't need to worry about undefined attributes again!!!!

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thanks for the answers..


I think this method is better than mine :) but I'm not sure, is it really "bad" to have classes that do nothing?


I also have another question..I use xml files for language translations. I make an ajax request to get the translations to an array at the beginning while the page not loaded completely..At this time, visitors see the span's innerHTML for example: firstname,welcome, or err_invalid_name...


Do you think should I display a loading info or making "translate" classes hidden in this period is a good solution?

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