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PHP Ajax frameworks


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I am interested in implementing so called ajax features into my web application without having to take the time to learn javascript.  Basically I want something light that allows me to use existing php functions and returns the data from these functions without having to reload the page.


So far I have looked at and played around with SAJA.  It's a very simple, small, and easy to use set of php and javascript that does exactly what I am looking for so I will probably go with that.  I am still interested in your thoughts and opinions on SAJA and othe PHP Ajax frameworks.


So what ones have you used?  What did you like?  What didn't you like and what is your suggestion?

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I agree with nameless on this one. Not having a fair understanding of your tools is one sure way of creating a security nightmare. I had a look at SAJA - just seems a bit too "jack of all trades" for simplicity sake. Prototype/Mootools would involve you to get down and dirty with JS, but because of the way they're written+structured, it's not as mundane/hard as you may think and come with tonnes more features.

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Personally I'd do a little manual XmlHTTPRequest first. I can hear you thinking; doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of using a framework? The answer is no. It will give you a better understanding of what's actually going on behind that clean interface, and that will help you take your pick from the available frameworks.


I am a strong believer that you should understand what you use. That doesn't mean you have to make it yourself (I also understand how a toaster works, that doesn't mean I'm making my own  :P).


'Jack of all trades' out.  ;)

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well seeing AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML", I would assume you should know each.

Also, JavaScript is somewhat easy (well, to me anyways) if you're doing things like I'm doing (i.e. processing a login script)

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I highly recommend picking up a decent book or manual on Javascript.  I was so-so with Javascript a year ago; since then I've read O'Reilly's JS reference and done quit a bit more programming in Javascript.  When I go back and look at my previous code, it's absolutely horrendous.  Not that my code now is always the greatest thing since sliced bread, but the difference that extra knowledge makes is worth the time invested.


I only bring this up because you will have to use some Javascript to get AJAX working correctly and it might as well be efficient.


Personally, I use the XHR object to make requests to the server and return the responses as JSON.  Using JSON is much more compact and easier instead of trying to do all of your communication using XML.

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It looks like I may indeed be diving deeply into DOM and JSON shortly.  My boss has informed me that I will be the go to guy for implementing ajax where needed in our corporate intranet and client facing websites.  This should be fun and challenging all the while beefing up my resume  8) Thanks for the responses.

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Well, you might considering a php framework witch gives you the posibility to deal with Ajax from php code.One of them is phpCake which also rely on prototype.You get also the MVC  concept in your application (if not already there) and other benefits.

However, like other people said, you will need to deal with Javascript so don´t stay away from it.On a long therm is a good investment, especially with the new Web 2.0 concept.


Happy hunting  ;)

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