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Linux vs Window


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All of them are best at what they do and anyone who says a particular OS sucks is looking at too broad a scope in terms of functionality IMO.  The best way to look at this is with an analogy.  Let's pretend that Linux, MacOS, and Windows are all VCRs.


The Linux VCR would have all sorts of buttons and functionality built into it.  You'd be able to set it up to do complicated things.


The Windows VCR would have the basic functionality.  Probably start, stop, rewind, and fast forward buttons.  Maybe one or two extra features tucked away, but that's it.


The Mac VCR wouldn't have any buttons at all.  You'd just insert your tape and it'd automatically play with no way of stopping, fast forwarding, etc. until the tape hit the end and automatically ejected for you.


In this case, the Linux VCR would be great for movie fanatics.  The Windows VCR would be suitable to the broader market of movie watchers.  The Mac VCR would be great for your grandparents.  All three VCRs accomplish the same task to the satisfaction of their target audience; thus all three are the best.


The same principles apply to every argument about which XYZ is best; best is only ever determined by the audience, which makes this entire post a long winded way of saying it's all a matter of opinion.


Azu, I don't know anything about you, but since you are so set on Windows sucking, I'd like to present you with a little challenge.  Find a non-computer savvy individual over 40 and give them a Linux box that is already set up and installed.  Next, walk them through downloading and installing a piece of software over the phone; then give that same person a desktop with Windows and an MS Office CD and walk them through installing that over the phone.  Finally, come back and tell us which is "best."

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I'm not saying that Windows isn't easy to use, I'm just trying to say that it's only as popular as it is because it has a monopoly over almost all software/game companies.


I'm sorry for saying it "sucks" but does it really have any advantages besides it's monopoly power and not having a learning curve?


BTW that VCR analogy was funny.. made me LOL :P it IS pretty accurate though...

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If Linux happened to be first I'm sure it would have the big following of users and software development, and MS would be the second tier company and their users would be trash talking Linux. Sure, Unix (not Linux) has been around longer, but it wasn't point and click. No matter how free, secure, or customizable you make something, it's the general public that's buying it; that's why Windows reigns. My mom understands the concept of "It's a pretty yellow folder and I click it to see things" not "Well I need to cd to the directory, then type ls to see what's inside." If I told my mom that Unix is more secure and showed it to her, her response would be "I'll take my chances with Windows." Besides, she's writing e-mails, not compilers.


Don't fret. The new generations are becoming more technically savvy and Linux will have more of a chance. Also, as Linux improves, the free-ness will tempt more big businesses. In fact, isn't Linux booming compared to a decade ago?


I hope you're on as many open source projects as you can, building the world you want. Complaining without action won't change a thing.

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The fact is that Windows sucks.

Why? Just because you say so it doesn't make it a fact.

It's less secure, less fast, less sexy, less free, less customizable, and less dependable then, say, Linux.


Would there be any reason to use Windows if the luck was reversed (people made programs/games for Linux and not for Windows)? No, I don't think so.. in fact it would probably be much less popular then Linux is now..


All Windows has going for it is monopoly power.


Again, it's just something you say. You provide no proof whatsoever. And no, some random guy's blog post does (probably) not count. "I read it on the internet so it must be true!!!!11one"


About being "sexy", that's a purely subjective statement. IMO Vista looks much better than Gnome and KDE when installed.


Also, don't get me wrong. I have nothing at all against Linux. I like Linux too. It's installed on my computer and I use it regularly as well.

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If Linux happened to be first I'm sure it would have the big following of users and software development, and MS would be the second tier company and their users would be trash talking Linux. Sure, Unix (not Linux) has been around longer, but it wasn't point and click. No matter how free, secure, or customizable you make something, it's the general public that's buying it; that's why Windows reigns. My mom understands the concept of "It's a pretty yellow folder and I click it to see things" not "Well I need to cd to the directory, then type ls to see what's inside." If I told my mom that Unix is more secure and showed it to her, her response would be "I'll take my chances with Windows." Besides, she's writing e-mails, not compilers.


Don't fret. The new generations are becoming more technically savvy and Linux will have more of a chance. Also, as Linux improves, the free-ness will tempt more big businesses. In fact, isn't Linux booming compared to a decade ago?


I hope you're on as many open source projects as you can, building the world you want. Complaining without action won't change a thing.

Okay thanks for the explanation. I'm sorry for being so negative.



About being "sexy", that's a purely subjective statement. IMO Vista looks much better than Gnome and KDE when installed.
Beryl! =D
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About being "sexy", that's a purely subjective statement. IMO Vista looks much better than Gnome and KDE when installed.
Beryl! =D


Beryl, compiz, etc... What do you think appeal to users the most? Having to install some additional software to make it look good or have it looking good out of the box? ;)

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