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Okay, I got the ajax set up.  It is like a chat room. When you type something and hit send ajax sends the message and then...what?  I want to be able to create a program that can respond to things.  Maybe a database with possible entries and replies the system can make. IF i do that I will have to take into account that things can be worded differently. example:


what time is it?  what is the time? can you tell me what time it is?


See, three combos, and I don't wanna store all three combos in the database.  Can anyone help?

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I hope I'm using the right jargon, but it sounds like you're trying to create a program that can pass the Turing Test.  I've thought about that from time to time, tough nut to crack (which is probably why it's still got the shell on).

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Exactly... I've a theory on how to make it work. What if your system could run searches?  Such as at google, dictonary.com, thearsaurs.com, ask jeeves, etc. ?  Could it not then be able to find a response to any question, carry on a conversation, etc. with just a few basics programmed into its "brain"?

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The short answer is, "No, it couldn't."


I don't know if you've ever had to develop a grammar, but I think you'll agree that the grammar for PHP, C, and C++ combined is more simple than the grammar that represents the English language.  Bearing in mind that humans are contextual and computers are literal, if it were possible for a computer to determine what a human intended to do based solely from text input and the context of how something was used, then the compiler / interpreter wouldn't bitch about errors; instead it would fix 99% of them for you.


The problem is they can't reliably do that yet, not even with something as "simple" as a programming language.


Understanding something through context is a recursive process; whenever we encounter a word or concept that we're unfamiliar with, we look it up and it's explained to us through words and concepts that we are familiar with.  To do so with a computer would require a massive database, probably so large that the simplest of queries would take several seconds to run.


Think about the complexity of this statement:  "The blade is green."

Am I referring to a metal blade?  A blade of grass?  The blade of a weapon?  Or my tongue after sucking on a hard candy?  You would need to ask me further questions yourself, refer to my previous statements, or take note of this statement in regard to my future statements.


And once you finally had a system that could hold a text-based conversation, you would have to program in enough error  to represent the errors an average human makes.


My fiance is Filipino and speaks tagolog, a language that has no concept of masculine or feminine.  Whenever she tells a story, she'll refer to the same person multiple times as any of the following: he, she, him, her, his, hers


Or, since we're trying to create a machine that can fool us into thinking it's a human through text, take into account all the shortcuts that people take:





Like I said, tough nut to crack!

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