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A busy PHP chat room I can visit?


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Ahh yeah i have been in that boat!

the problem with the chatroom (from what i see) is if i help someone then a day or two later someone else could have the same problem, but in the forum they can atleast search for the problem and may find the help they need.. (that also why i always read the posts with the subject "help me" last,


in addition i have my own stuff to write so just peeking at the questions posted then when i have time i reply.. so the forum works best for me..


Thats my 4pence!

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I do remember several years ago finding an ICQ php channel that was INTENSELY active.


That was back when I first tried to teach myself PHP.


I used to leave ICQ running over night, logging the chat, so I could save and study it and pick up pointers.


I found ICQ sort of a mean strict place, where you could easily get banned for life if you made the wrong move.  And it was king of an "old boys club".  So, the really powerful members, that had favor with the supermoderator/founder, would tend to be bullies and snobs. But, I found the same thing with other channels, such as Philosophy on undernet. The regulars were hard core experts, and you would quickly get banned if you picked a topic they do not care for.


The safest course of action, if you find such a channel, in my opinion, is to be a lurker, and learn as much as you can, without posting a comment and getting banned.  After you learn the ropes, then perhaps ask an occasional extremely urgent question, and they will get to know you, and you will become accepted.



If you google on ICQ php, you may find such a channel.


I will google now and post anything interesting.


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Check this out




As I find more things, I will edit this post. So, if someone is truly interested. They should check back here for additional links.


ERROR!!! I ment to say IRC, not ICQ




Here is a php link that suggests connecting to IRC and searching for channels with PHP in the name










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I did not realize the time for editing was so limited.  Seems like 15 minutes.


True, in live chat, there is a lot of repetition.


I liked the idea of logging the IRC chat, and then editing it into some FAQ message board.


That way, regular members could answer people by sending them links to the appropriate FAQ. But that is a lot of work.


Look at me as an example of a noobie.


Three weeks ago, I had no website. Two weeks ago, at work, we got a Yahoo! Business website.

I was able to use SITEBUILDER, their free rad app, to create a website with templates (nice pictures/graphics), in only 4 hours.


But then, when I wanted to do some php mysql. I had to search for HOURS to find something simple but useful for user login sessions.  Then I had to spend tons more hours searching for something simple but useful as a model for an add/edit/update form, for mysql tables.


So, now that I have SOMETHING, even though it is not the greatest, it would be helpful if someone polished up what I do have, and place it as a tutorial somewhere, so other noobies would not have to go through the hours of searching, to at least have something to start that is useable and build upon it.


Putting everything together as a tutorial is lots of work, but in the long run it pays off for the community, because it makes it easier for beginners to get up to speed.


The same with a chat room FAQ project.  It is a lot of work, but it would distill many recurring problems and questions into one FAQ resource.


It is true that hardcore IRC users play hardball with newcomers. But, on the other hand IRC seems to give tremendous control to the channel moderators to permanently block trouble makers and spammers.


It is ashamed that so much of IRC is a wasteland, with only a few scattered oasis of intelligent conversation.


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I turned logging on in mIrc, and will leave it overnight, or through the weekend. Then, I can browse and edit the chat log, looking for interesting questions/tips.


I have learned my lesson in mIrc.  I will only ask a question when I really need the answer.  These mIrc channels can be very strict. They will even become angry if you ASK to ask a question. You can read the rules in their FAQ.  I saw 6 or 8 moderators on line.


Lurking and Logging seems to me to be the best approach to benefiting from IRC.  And, if you ever get banned, there is no way to get back in, even if you uninstall and reinstall mIrc. Somehow, it remembers your computer. 

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MAC Address logging would ban the PC..... manners is the best way to ask a question no matter where your at and yes the wrong wording with get u kicked before ban.


If your reading logs then there are so many other better way to learn then viewing chat logs...........

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This is kind of off topic, but as far as I know, you cannot MAC ban in irc....  Chances are it's a host ban, and that could be circumvented by changing your IP or vhost.  (Well, the vhost would be useless if one of the global OPs banned you.)

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As has been suggested, the best place for real-time help is an IRC channel.  I used to hang out in #c #c++ #math on the efnet network.  In any such channel, read the rules and always check the FAQ first; this information will be posted in the channel topic.


Never ask to ask a question, that's just silly.  If you've looked all over the place and can't find what you're looking for, rather than asking for help with the direct problem in chat, describe what you'd like to do and ask what topic that falls under.  Chances are someone will tell you to google "a particular phrase" and they'll respect you more if you seem like the kind of person that doesn't just want to be spoon fed.


(EDIT)  Oh yah, NEVER post code into chat.  Fastest way to get banned.



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This thread got me interested in visiting #php at quakenet.  The first thing I needed was a client.


I was able to install mirc client and connect to quakenet very easily.  But I would prefer a freeware irc client.  I asked in #php at quakenet, and they explained that most people there use irssi.  I found a windows download of irssi and installed it.  It took me several hours to figure out how to configure it and connect to quakenet and join #php, but I finally succeeded.  There are a lot of people in #php 24 hours per day.  Some are asking very beginner type questions (like me).  Others are professional php programmers discussing with one another their projects during their work day.

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MAC Address is basicly the ID of your NIC card and is not changable unless you change your card out


sorry not true you can change your mac address but it depends on the network card you got it

is true to say that cheep network cards do not allow this.

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