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PHP Proper Form.


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This is a very broad question, so there really isn't a great answer for it. It really depends on what your doing.


Classes are for when you are repeating the same code over and over again with different values, you want to use these with large projects. You definitely don't need them for a login script.

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I almost never use classes for my data, I find that arrays suit my needs just fine 99% of the time.


I do use classes heavily for components of the site's back end.  For example, I have some of the following classes: CTemplate, CPage, CDatabase, etc.


One of the nicest features of using classes is they eliminate polluting the global namespace with variables and functions.


It's really difficult to learn how and why to use classes until you've worked on a large project or tried to reuse pieces of an old one.

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Whats the best way to learn?

By asking specific questions and practicing.


Right now i just use things like mysql_fetch_array for every peice of data I needed every time.

That's almost specific.  Pasting the code and asking if there's a more efficient way of doing the same thing would be even more specific.



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Why use classes when you can do like login  check right therre isset($_post['submit'] ect.. Why hold data that way?


Classes allow you to hide and re-use allot of functionality behind the scenes amongst other things. This does not necessarily mean its the proper way to go every time. Really, its up to the individual and the project at hand.

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but in classes, lets say i sset a var name = john. That var name is ALWAYS john while the session is around?


Not necessarily. Seriously... you need to do some reading. This is a huge topic your asking about and no one person is going to be able to explain it in a forum reply. This here might be a good place to start.

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I want to know wht the proper way to create a site is. Why use classes when you can do like login  check right therre isset($_post['submit'] ect.. Why hold data that way? Whats the proper way anyway?


Thank You

ya classes are not that important for you can have asite without a class but it make the script clean dynamic and short. for professional clean and short codes is the issue for professionals its not the question of can you do that? because they can but the question is that how can you do that? ;D

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I use classes in my scripts when I need to duplicate some functions I've written.


Classes to handle MySQL functions are in a MySQL class, HTML classes are in a HTML class and so on.


As I write more functions I added them to the relevant files and have so far built up a nice little library of handy functions. Saves me having to copy and paste code all the time.

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