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Wiki software


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I've been looking at a couple PHP wiki's at work, trying to decide which one we will use. The list I'm looking at is here



and the wiki's will be used by alot of groups at the company, and theres over 500 employees. So, I was reading about wiki's that use Database, and others that use flat files. Basically what we will want is a Well known wiki, commonly supported by community (don't want to use a wiki that stops a couple months down the road and isn't supported), and that is managable for multiple groups. I was reading places about whether to use FlatFile or Database. This page here http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/FlatFileAdvantages Seems to favour flat files alot, however we have access to mysql database, and all that, so thats no issue. So if this wiki is going to be used by alot of people, and probably eventually get over 10k even 20k pages, what would be the best solution? Personally I don't want to use flat files, I would prefer mySQL but they way they talk in that link, flat files sound too good to be true. Any Advice?



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