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I just got into CSS, and its giving me a headache!  ;D>:(


It seems to work out pretty good in FF and IE6, except when I wanted to put a border in...

It is supposed to go around the comment and down. Instead, it goes from the comment up in FireFox!




Here is the full HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<div id="info">

<div id="infoleftpan">
<div class="user" id="username">NorthernKnight</div>
<div class="name" id="name" >Greg S.</div>
<div id="inforightpan">
<div id="points" class="count">1,000 KPS</div>
<div id="views" class="count">12 profile views</div>
<div id="status" class="status">Greg Solak is currently fighting pirates and he has many still to beat </div>
<div id="achievement">
<div id="achievementleftpan" class="marker">Recent Achievements</div>
<div id="achievementrightpan"><a href="http://www.wwpknights.com">see all</a></div>
<div id="achievementlist"><div class="ach">hey</div></div>

<div id="interact"><div id="interactbuttons">

<div id="interactfriend"><img src="interact.PNG" width="100" height="75" /><br /><span class="interact"><br />Uknight</span><br />
  <span class="interactcomment">add as friend</span></div>
<div id="interactnominate"><img src="interact.PNG" width="100" height="75" /><br /><span class="interact"><br />Nominate</span><br />
  <span class="interactcomment">compliment</span></div>
<div id="interactshame"><img src="interact.PNG" width="100" height="75" /><br /><span class="interact"><br />Shame</span><br />
  <span class="interactcomment">break sword </span></div>


<div id="post"><div id="postarea">

<div id="postdisplay" class="marker">The Shield</div>
<div id="postnumber" class="count">78 shield posts</div>
<div id="poststatus" class="status">Displaying 10 most recent posts</div>
<div id="postsubmit"><form id="postform">
    <textarea class="text" name="textarea" rows="3">Write something on this knight's shield... 
(you can not edit after submitting)</textarea>
  <br />
  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />
<div id="postcomment">
<div id="postcommentleft">left</div>
<div id="postcommentright"><a href="http://www.wwpknights.com">Pammie K.</a><br /><span class="postcommentdetails">wrote at 11:15 pm on July 8th, 2007</span>
<div id="postcommentbody" class="postcommentbody">Ha Ha! I guess you got a youtube going on! LOL!</div>



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      <li><a href="http://www.templateworld.com/" target="_blank">Greg Solak in conjunction with Template World</a></li>



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/* End of Info */

/* Add as Friend, Nominate, Shame - INTERACT start */

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<div id="post"><div id="postarea">

<div id="postdisplay" class="marker">The Shield</div>
<div id="postnumber" class="count">78 shield posts</div>
<div id="poststatus" class="status">Displaying 10 most recent posts</div>
<div id="postsubmit"><form id="postform">
    <textarea class="text" name="textarea" rows="3">Write something on this knight's shield... 
(you can not edit after submitting)</textarea>
  <br />
  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />
<div id="postcomment">
<div id="postcommentleft">left</div>
<div id="postcommentright"><a href="http://www.wwpknights.com">Pammie K.</a><br /><span class="postcommentdetails">wrote at 11:15 pm on July 8th, 2007</span>
<div id="postcommentbody" class="postcommentbody">Ha Ha! I guess you got a youtube going on! LOL!</div>



I don't seem to get it. Firefox just can't get the div tag containers right. In IE it looks just fine!!

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Okay, nevermind about the lengthy code I gave you to debug. I just realized how long it is.


Anyway, here is a very simple version of what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to put a border around each element. There are 3 elements. First one has no border, the second one is only supposed to have a blue border and the third is supposed to have only a gold dashed border.


In IE6 it works fine, in Firefox, element 1 & 2 has a blue border and the elment 3 is fine. I don't understand why FireFox is messed up and IE works!


Heres the html:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Home of the Northern KNights</title>   
 <link href="style2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- Head End --><!-- HTML BODY START -->

<!-- Whole page container-->
<div id="bodyPan">

<!-- Left side page divider -->
<div id="bodyleftpan">
<div id="profile"><img src="profile.PNG" width="300" height="250" /></div>
<!-- End of left side page divider -->

<!-- Right side page divider -->
<div id="bodyrightpan">
<div id="info">Element 1 should have NO BORDER</div>

<div id="interact">Element 2, only element 2 should have a blue border</div>

<div id="post">Element 3 should only have a gold dashed border!</div>
<!-- Right side end -->

<!-- Whole page container end -->




/* CSS Document */

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/*----BODY ELEMENTS----*/

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#bodyrightpan {
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/* Profile Picture */
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/* Element 1 */
#info {
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float: right;
padding: 5px;
position: relative;
/* Element 2 */
#interact {
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border: 1px solid #0000FF;
/* Element 3 */
#post {
width: 388px;
border: 1px dashed #B08B0A;
/*----/BODY PANEL----*/


What am I doing wrong here?

Example: wwpknights.com/profiles/index3

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Actually, the shorter version was incorrectly done. There was a not needed float property in the css for one of the elements. This made Firefox trigger a glitch (bug) and make it not work properly. IE was fine - for once...  ;D


I'm going to start from scratch. The way I scripted the html was just wrong. I used extra padding to create room between divs, while I should have used margin. I just did it wrong.


I'll be back if I need more help. Thanks toon for your help!

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Glad it works but you still use millionsof divs. I can't see one <p> tag, your profile could be a definition list, friend table shoudl be an unordered list....


Mate Semantic markup - use the correct tag for the job. It will save you months of work in the future. Sorry but you are still using twince as much html as you need to make that page.

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