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How can I accept credit card payments on my PHP website?


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If you're just dealing with US customer (not sure of your situation) google has some decent stuff coming out. I think they are doing free payment processing until end of 2007 too, and after that the rates are fairly competitive with paypal. If you have a small number or products google buttons seem pretty straight forward.

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If you're just dealing with US customer (not sure of your situation) google has some decent stuff coming out. I think they are doing free payment processing until end of 2007 too, and after that the rates are fairly competitive with paypal. If you have a small number or products google buttons seem pretty straight forward.


I agree I just implemented google checkout with my website (level 2 integration). Pretty simple if you know xml, php, & html. dbo is right, google checkout buttons are the easiest way to go if you have a limited number of products and you don't have a shopping cart. The only way to receive payment processing is to spend money on adwords. every dollar you sepnd on adwords google will let you process ten dollars of google checkout processing for free.

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I wouldn't... especially if you don't know where to start. There are plenty of good free ones out there. Also a lot of web hosts provide them with hosting packages... see what's already available to you. osCommerce seems to be one that comes bundled a lot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

mmm, I'm a bit confused. Now I'm building an ecommerce website for a company based in Australia. They have a merchant bank number and they want to save the payer details (e.g. credit card number) in their database. Which payment gateway should I use? Authorize.net is available in USA only. Please help.

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If your client has a merchant bank account, why not ask what bank it's with and how that accept online payments?  If that bank is on the ball, they should be thrilled at getting another revenue stream and provide information about integrating web transactions for a customer.


I'd be very wary of a seller who wanted to keep my cc details in their database.  Not much security offered there!  Potential buyers are (usually) smart enough to look for a secure third-party payment gateway that they trust.

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I don't know if this is advertising or not, but I have a free service you can use to add "add to cart" buttons on your site. It uses google checkout. Right now it is being beta tested, so there may be some issues but most of it works great and its free. pm me if interested.


To all admin, I am not trying to advertise my service, I feel that it can help this person out with his/her problem.

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Its actually a shopping cart. With google buy now buttons, you can't add more than one item to your cart unless you complete the level 2 integration. For some that may be hard, you have to know xml, php, html and some other languages. my service allows you to add many products to a db and then automatically develops the html code for the add to cart buttons, which take you to a shopping cart to continue shopping or checkout with google. In other words I took the headache away of installing a level 2 integration. All you have to do is setup your products and paste the html code onto your site.


If that doesn't make since ask me more questions, thx.

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