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The following code won't display the results from the DB



echo "<h3>Mail</h3>";
echo "MENU WILL GO HERE...<br /><br />";

if (!$act){
$sql = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE to_name='$Yourname'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
//determine backround colour
if ($row[state] == 'read'){
	$color = "white";
else {
	$color = "orange";
echo "<table border='1'>
	<td><b>Time Sent</b></td>
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){
	showerror("<tr><td colspan='4'>No new messages.</td></tr></table>");
else {
echo "<form action='mail.php' method='post'>";
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
	echo "<tr><td bgcolor='$color'><a href='profiles.php?user=" . $row2[from_name] . "'>$row2[from_name]</a></td>
		<td bgcolor='$color'><a href='$PHP_SELF?act=read'>$row2[subject]</a></td>
		<td bgcolor='$color'>$row2[time_sent]</td>
		<td bgcolor='$color'><input type='checkbox' name='delete' value='yes' /></td>";
echo "</form></table>";



It doesn't print out an error, and there is a result in the DB.




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You can use either one of the formats. I could use $row["w.e"] if I really wanted :)!


Guilty gear is correct; are you asking for help or not?


Reading the manual here:


(Scroll down to Array do's and dont's) explains you can't use $foo[bar] but rather $foo ["bar"].

You really can't do anything you really want to.

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I have fixed the problem. Thanks for all the the help.


I do have another question though;;


I want the users of my site to be able to enter comments with a ' in the word (e.g. don't) but at the same time I want to use mysql_real_escape_string(); to prevent hacking. How would I go about letting my users use words like don't without having it look like this --> don\'t.


Please help me :)!




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If magic quotes is on, then all your quotes will be escaped, hance them looking like \' - use stripslashes() to undo it - i.e. undo them just before outputting to browser, make sure they are escpaed in SQL queries....


Check out the manual:


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