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this is just some help like by people for me.

right i own www.trancehosts.com whitch is {not very good} but can you please give me advise on what to do,

please be harsh and truthfull thanks

J Mattison  ;)




edit by redbullmarky: using stars to obscure unnecessary swearies is far far less preferable than explaining yourself better in the first place....;)

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1) center align the entire page (instead of left aligning it)

2a) Pick a better font for the navigation menu, the one there is boring.

2b) Make the entire box a link instead of just the text itself (in the navigation area)

3a) Fix

as we do apologies for any inconvenience
(on the support page)

3b) Fix

So please be Patience
(on the order page)

4) Let people pay you with credit cards, it will look more professional than PayPal

5) In the bottom left, fix © as it shows up in firefox (this should just be ©)

6) On the privacy policy page the text runs over the height limit you've set. Pick a smaller font, or make it shorter, or split it into two pages, or something.

7) The tiny little scrollong horizontal bar to the right of the page is VERY annoying, and why don't you want the link to your band a bit bigger/less obnoxious? ???

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Maybe implement your 'support' link...


Also, for security, block the following directories:

1 ) http://www.trancehosts.com/images/

2 ) http://www.trancehosts.com/pages/

3 ) http://trancehosts.com/support/

4 ) http://trancehosts.com/support/chat/config/

5 ) http://trancehosts.com/support/chat/lib/

6 ) http://trancehosts.com/support/chat/lib/commands/

7 ) http://trancehosts.com/support/chat/lib/database/

8 ) http://trancehosts.com/support/chat/images/

9 ) http://trancehosts.com/support/chat/admin/


I didn't really TRY to hack it, but I'm sure it's possible the way you've got it configured.


A few other notes:

1) How can you say "99.7% uptime" when you're not running the server, LiquidWeb is?

2) I would do a lighter background with darker letters, but that's just my preference.

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off-topic, but how can a critique be "solved"?


As for the site, the background color is pretty horrible. Like a puke lime green. The site itself really leaves much to be desired.  Have you tried looking at other hosting sites?


You should highlight some packages on the index page and fill in some content. The page is tiny.  Need more padding on the sides and some design work.  I suggest looking around at competitor sites for some inspiration.

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off-topic, but how can a critique be "solved"?


Yeah, funny... it's one of the 0.22% (13/5915) of threads in the 'Website Critique' category that are marked 'SOLVED'  ;D


Maybe someone doesn't want their security vulnerabilities spread around! Just kidding...

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New Sale

> £5 off The Extreme Plan

> Server Uptime: 99.7%


The Link Is The Word "Extreme". Perhaps Make It More Visible With An Underline Or Something






AND List The Prices Next To The Package Title On The Order Page (http://trancehosts.com/pages/order/order.php)

EG: Order Extreme - £40

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* The background color does not go well with your color scheme. Try a grey, maybe.

* I personally don't like the little black bar at the top and the larger one at the bottom.

* I agree with php_tom that menu links should have an entire box clickable.

* (Hosting) I think the table borders should have a different color, the white just contrasts too much.


Looks good, good luck!

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not much of eye candy, or even appealing when i look at it which i think is a big thing when looking at sites.


the banner is horrible.. take out that image, it isn't helping at all.


:/ i didn't know it was a hosting site.


the way it is, i would never.. ever buy anything.. doesn't look trustworthy at all.


look at premiumhosted.net maybe for ideas.. i used to use them and their site is nice.

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I don't know how you can consider it a website. It looks more like some flash movie. -


Its TOO small. You can add tons of awesome pictures showing of the servers. YOu can add more text. Or you can be clean and simple and simply enlarge the text and fill it at least all the way down of a 1024 resolution screen. I mean seriously, its a bit too small.


Make the curved edges gif or png that uses alpha channel to make that light blue transparent so you don't have to worry about matching a background for it.


Failed validation, 12 Errors.


I do have to give you thumbs up. Your code is well made. Uses pure CSS and has a proper dtd declaration as well as a meta charset. That is a must!!!


Sorry if I was harsh, but you asked to be truthful...  :-\  ;D

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