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something wrong with gd


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im getting errors on the functions on my gd page here it is and following that are the errors i recieve help me figure it out please

Now its alot of code but please bear with me ok?

class thumbnail
var $img;
function thumbnail($imgfile="",$width="",$height="")
	global $config;
	//detect image format

		if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG")
			$this->img["src"] = imagecreatefromjpeg($img);

			$this->img["src"] = imagecreatefrompng($img);
		elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF")
			$this->img["src"] = imagecreatefromgif($img);
			echo "Not Supported File!";
		if($width>0 && $height>0)
			$this->img["width"] = $width;
			$this->img["height"] = $height;
			@$this->img["width"] = imagesx($this->img["src"]);
			@$this->img["height"] = imagesy($this->img["src"]);
		//default quality jpeg
		$this->img["quality"] = $config['gdquality'];
		return FALSE;
function size_custom($width=100, $height=100)
	// custom
	$this->img["width_thumb"] = $width;
    	$this->img["height_thumb"] = $height;
function size_width($size=200)
	// width
    	@$this->img["height_thumb"] = ($this->img["width_thumb"]/$this->img["width"])*$this->img["height"];
function size_height($size=200)
	// height
    	@$this->img["width_thumb"] = ($this->img["height_thumb"]/$this->img["height"])*$this->img["width"];

function size_auto($size=200)
	// size automatically
	if ($this->img["width"]>=$this->img["height"])
    		@$this->img["height_thumb"] = ($this->img["width_thumb"]/$this->img["width"])*$this->img["height"];
    		@$this->img["width_thumb"] = ($this->img["height_thumb"]/$this->img["height"])*$this->img["width"];
function jpeg_quality($quality=80)
	//jpeg quality
function randImage($rand)
	global $glob;
	$bgColor = imagecolorallocate ($this->img["src"], 255, 255, 255);
	$textColor = imagecolorallocate ($this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0);
	$lineColor = imagecolorallocate ($this->img["src"], 215, 215, 215);
	// Add  Random polygons
	$noise_x = $this->img["width"] - 5;
	$noise_y = $this->img["height"] - 2;
	for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++){
		$polyCoords = array(
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y), 
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y),
		   rand(5,$noise_x), rand(5,$noise_y)
		$randomcolor = imagecolorallocate( $this->img["src"], rand(150,255), rand(150,255),rand(150,255) );
		imagefilledpolygon($this->img["src"], $polyCoords, 6, $randomcolor);
	// write the random chars
	$font = imageloadfont($glob['rootDir']."/classes/fonts/anonymous.gdf");
	imagestring($this->img["src"], $font, 3, 0, $rand, $textColor);
	// Add Random noise
   for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++)
	 $rx1 = rand(0,$this->img["width"]);
	 $rx2 = rand(0,$this->img["width"]);
	 $ry1 = rand(0,$this->img["height"]);
	 $ry2 = rand(0,$this->img["height"]);
	 $rcVal = rand(0,255);
	 $rc1 = imagecolorallocate($this->img["src"],rand(0,255),rand(0,255),rand(100,255));
	 imageline ($this->img["src"], $rx1, $ry1, $rx2, $ry2, $rc1);
function show($skip=0)
	global $config;
	@header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
   	@header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
   	@header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
   	@header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
   	@header("Pragma: no-cache");
	@header("Content-Type: image/".$this->img["format"]);

		$this->img["des"] = $this->img["src"];
	elseif ($config['gdversion']==2)
		$this->img["des"] = imagecreatetruecolor($this->img["width_thumb"],$this->img["height_thumb"]);
		@imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["width_thumb"],$this->img["height_thumb"], $this->img["width"], $this->img["height"]);
	elseif ($config['gdversion']==1)
		$this->img["des"] = imagecreate($this->img["width_thumb"],$this->img["height_thumb"]);
		@imagecopyresized ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["width_thumb"],$this->img["height_thumb"], $this->img["width"], $this->img["height"]);    
	if ($config['gdversion']>0)
		// fix for base restriction error
		$fh = fopen($this->img["des"],'w');
		if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG")
function save($save="")
	global $config;
	if ($config['gdversion']==2)
		$this->img["des"] = imagecreatetruecolor($this->img["width_thumb"],$this->img["height_thumb"]);
		@imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["width_thumb"], $this->img["height_thumb"], $this->img["width"], $this->img["height"]);
	elseif ($config['gdversion']==1)
		$this->img["des"] = imagecreate($this->img["width_thumb"],$this->img["height_thumb"]);
		@imagecopyresized ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["width_thumb"], $this->img["height_thumb"], $this->img["width"], $this->img["height"]);
	if ($config['gdversion']>0)
		// fix for base restriction error
		$fh = fopen($this->img["des"],'w');
		if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG")
		elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG")
		elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF")
		@chmod($this->img["des"], 0644);




Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in /home/streamru/public_html/classes/gd.inc.php on line 273

Warning: imagejpeg(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/streamru/public_html/classes/gd.inc.php on line 296

Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/streamru/public_html/classes/gd.inc.php on line 311

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from that it must be a top down error (meaning since the image isn't created in the first line (273) any work on it in other lines will fail.  Try to see if there is some issue with the $this->img["width/height"] part because that might be your issue right there.  I'm not an object person so i can' follow your script that easily

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well this is the code from that part i think if its what you are talking about


		if($width>0 && $height>0)

			$this->img["width"] = $width;
			$this->img["height"] = $height;


			@$this->img["width"] = imagesx($this->img["src"]);
			@$this->img["height"] = imagesy($this->img["src"]);


or is it this part cause this is the part i think is fucked up
function size_custom($width=100, $height=100)
	// custom
	$this->img["width_thumb"] = $width;
    	$this->img["height_thumb"] = $height;

function size_width($size=200)
	// width
    	@$this->img["height_thumb"] = ($this->img["width_thumb"]/$this->img["width"])*$this->img["height"];

function size_height($size=200)
	// height
    	@$this->img["width_thumb"] = ($this->img["height_thumb"]/$this->img["height"])*$this->img["width"];

function size_auto($size=200)
	// size automatically
	if ($this->img["width"]>=$this->img["height"])
    		@$this->img["height_thumb"] = ($this->img["width_thumb"]/$this->img["width"])*$this->img["height"];

    		@$this->img["width_thumb"] = ($this->img["height_thumb"]/$this->img["height"])*$this->img["width"];



Could it be the width_thumb or height_thumb

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