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Newbie Php Questions


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Hi, I have a few questions about Php.


1. Php doesn't reload when you execute a command like java, does it? I was using a demo project that was made with php/mysql and when I hit the submit button, the page reloaded to a thank you page. However I remember reading a debate between java and php and one of the pros of php application was that it didn't reload web pages. Was the article wrong or did the program I used was coded so that the php application send users to a different page?


2. Can I make a Php table invisible ? I would then plan on overlapping the php invisible submit button with a Flash object button, would I be able to click through the visual flash button and activate the php button?

If not, what if I make a Flash button but it's hollow, sort of like a visual object but transparent ( I'm also new to flash so I don't even know if I can make this flash object, but hypothetically speaking), would then I be able to click through the flash button and access the php button?


3. Is there anyway to customize the Php tables that are displayed on webpages? If so, is there a special tech process for this so I can research more about it.


4. Also hypothetically, is there a maximum concurrent user limit for a Php/MySql shopping cart assuming that I have a big e-commerce site and there are alot of customers shopping around the site. If there is a limit, would a high quality server increase my limit? Is there an estimate to what I would be spending on servers if I wanted to atleast guarantee 100,000 concurrent users, hypothetically speaking.


Thanks in advance.


- Php3



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First of all it's PHP, not Php.


Secondly, Java can be used for websites, but it sounds like you are thinking about a java program to run on client-side, not a website. PHP can be used in conjunction with MySQL, HTML and CSS as well as Javascript to create a lot of different "effects" and different ways to process information.


I think you need to do more research - PHP runs server side - it's processed before any text is output. To make a "table invisible" on a website would be css/html not php. Flash overtop of HTML - still html, not PHP. You can use PHP to generate the HTML but you have to know how to do it in HTML already. PHP and HTML are different things with different uses. PHP does not display "tables", tables are HTML. If you mean tables in your database, that is MySQL. You can use PHP to work with MySQL and display the information on a page, yes.


I think you're nowhere near building an e-commerce site. If you need one soon, either use ZenCart or hire a developer and be prepared to pay.

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I'm a little confused with the roles of PHP, and MySql. Let's pretend that there is a e-commerce shopping cart. Can you tell me what aspects is played by what program ( PHPor MySql).


1. The Cart's user interface...  What  graphic programs would be compatible with PHP/MySql?


2. Completing an order function...PHP or MySql?


3. Displaying an order function ...PHP or MySql?


4. Adding/deleting product function... PHP or MySql?


5. Displaying product function ...PHP or MySql?


6. Updating product's availability and quantity function ... PHP or MySql?


7. Displaying the updated product's availability and quantity ...PHP or MySql?


8. Saves information to the server incase server goes down...PHP or MySql? ( Or does the webhost server do this automatically for you)


9. Stores accessible information for the customers and the application processing program... PHP or MySql?


10. Calculates the cart's total current price ...PHP or MySql?


11. Shows the cart's total current price ... PHP or MySql?


Also, I don't want a e-commerce shopping cart, but rather the understanding of it's mechanics. I figured an e shopping cart has the components of what I would like my website application to have. I also ordered a couple of books relating to PHP/MySql, but I just want to understand the general mechanics behind it so that it would be easier for me to focus on the coding aspects when the books arrive.


Thanks in advance




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I can see u have problems with understanding the web as a concept. U have to understand basically what is a web server and a client and how they communicate, get some knowledge about html, css and maybe some javascript. When u can create a basic html with some html elements and some css then i guess ure ready to start learning php. Starting directly with a shopping cart isnt the best thing u can do. Create some simple scripts with some basic mysql operations and with more knowledge and experience u get, the more advanced will your scripts get. Right now, as i said u need some knowledge about the www as a whole.

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For the fourth question in your first post. The limits of php are none, instead mysql can put u limits. In 32 bit systems mysql can have 4gb limit, but it can be tweeked with unlimited size. Even though the limit will be the number of rows it can have, which is 4.2 billions. Will your website ever need that much? Also considering recent server hardware uses 64 bit systems which boost those values incredibly high. Your real limit isnt the programming and storing technology, is the system which hosts them. Having a shared host with thousand of clicks per day won't keep your customers satisfied, but a dual xeon (or better amd opteron) with 2gb ram and 2TB of monthly traffic will make u stay relaxed for a long time. U'll know when to upgrade when your site becomes popular and bring lots of cash to maintain the high costs of managed dedicated servers.

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Ok, so both programs are responsible, that's very interesting. Which one is responsible for storing/transferring data and which one is the calculating/operating program? Or are they both capable of storing/transferring and calculating/operating?  If they both programs are capable, then why do we need most programmers use PHP+MySql? What, are they like a pair of siamese twins or something, where one can't function without the other one?




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PHP - Hypertext Preprocesor is the server side programming language which is used to build dynamic websites.


MySQL is a multithreaded and multiuser database management system, used to storage data.


Basically, php processes data, makes operations and send mysql queries to the mysql db. Those queries are interpreted by the sql server and return/insert/update data. Are used as a pair so u can make high level programming operations and have your data stored in the same time.

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