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form sends but bypasses validation?????


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the form sends but the validator never runs i can't see anything wrong.. please help here is my code


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$errmsg  = ''; // error message

$nextstep = "nextstep.php";

$name_field = $_POST['name'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];

$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$cell = $_POST['cell'];
$ecnumber = $_POST['ecnumber'];
$email_field = $_POST['email'];

foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
	$check_msg .= "I am interested in: $value\n";


$yrsexp =$_POST['yrsexp'];
$dexplain = $_POST['dexplain'];
$tdexplore = $_POST['tdexplore'];

$yrsexpMusic =$_POST['yrsexpMusic'];
$mexplain =$_POST['mexplain'];




$dropdown = $_POST['drop_down'];

$body = "From: $name_field\n 
Age: $age\n 
address: $address\n 
City: $city\n 
State: $state\n 
Zip: $zip\n 
Phone: $phone\n 
Cell: $cell\n 
Emergency Contact Number: $ecnumber\n 
E-Mail: $email_field\n
$check_msg Option: $option\n
$yrsexp years experiance\n
i want to explore $tdexplore \n

$yrsexpmusic years experiance\n
I would like to explore $musicExplore\n
I play the $insPlay \n
I want to learn $insLearn\n

 $yrsexpAct years experiancen\n
 i want to explore- $aexplore
 i have done- $aExploreW -thus far regarding theater\n
 the particular style that i want to explore is $aExploreW2\n


 my grade current grade level is: $gradeLevel\n
 school district: $sdistrict\n

 Clubs and activities involved in: $cllisted\n

 they found the met by: $drop_down\n $maother\n";

if(trim($sname) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   else if(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
   else if(!isEmail($email))
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   else if(trim($age) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your age';
   else if(trim($address) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your address';
    else if(trim($city) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your city';
    else if(trim($state) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your state';
   else if(trim($zip) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your zip';
    else if(trim($phone) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your phone number';
    else if(trim($ecnnumber) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your emergency contact number';
    else if(trim($check_msg) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us what your interested in';
    else if(trim($drop_down) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us how you found us';


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;
header('Location: nextstep.php');	
if(!isset($_POST['send']) || $errmsg != '')

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it with my php that is the code on my original post he just asked what the button was called so i put the code for it there. i just mentioned that the onclick was for the client side validator. thanks for the help i'm really stcuk on this one

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it looks like you end the code without closing your if statements. try replacing the bottom part with this:


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;
header('Location: nextstep.php');
} else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";

} // Don't forget to close the if (POST) from the top

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im getting an error on line 194 i'll mark it for yu on the code below this is the error:



Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /homepages/2/d207814309/htdocs/met/mailer.php on line 194


i also removed the { but still no luck thanks again




if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$errmsg  = ''; // error message

$nextstep = "nextstep.php";

$name_field = $_POST['name'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];

$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$cell = $_POST['cell'];
$ecnumber = $_POST['ecnumber'];
$email_field = $_POST['email'];

foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
	$check_msg .= "I am interested in: $value\n";


$yrsexp =$_POST['yrsexp'];
$dexplain = $_POST['dexplain'];
$tdexplore = $_POST['tdexplore'];

$yrsexpMusic =$_POST['yrsexpMusic'];
$mexplain =$_POST['mexplain'];




$dropdown = $_POST['drop_down'];

$body = "From: $name_field\n 
Age: $age\n 
address: $address\n 
City: $city\n 
State: $state\n 
Zip: $zip\n 
Phone: $phone\n 
Cell: $cell\n 
Emergency Contact Number: $ecnumber\n 
E-Mail: $email_field\n
$check_msg Option: $option\n
$yrsexp years experiance\n
i want to explore $tdexplore \n

$yrsexpmusic years experiance\n
I would like to explore $musicExplore\n
I play the $insPlay \n
I want to learn $insLearn\n

 $yrsexpAct years experiancen\n
 i want to explore- $aexplore
 i have done- $aExploreW -thus far regarding theater\n
 the particular style that i want to explore is $aExploreW2\n


 my grade current grade level is: $gradeLevel\n
 school district: $sdistrict\n

 Clubs and activities involved in: $cllisted\n

 they found the met by: $drop_down\n $maother\n";

if(trim($sname) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   else if(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
   else if(!isEmail($email))
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   else if(trim($age) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your age';
   else if(trim($address) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your address';
    else if(trim($city) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your city';
    else if(trim($state) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your state';
   else if(trim($zip) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your zip';
    else if(trim($phone) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your phone number';
    else if(trim($ecnnumber) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your emergency contact number';
    else if(trim($check_msg) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us what your interested in';
    else if(trim($drop_down) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us how you found us';


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;
header('Location: nextstep.php');
// line 194    } else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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if(trim($sname) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   else if(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
   else if(!isEmail($email))
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   else if(trim($age) == '')


What the hell...


you are missing all the brackets and parenthesis...

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thatnks for all the help everyone below is my  form and then script

<form  method="post" name="msgform" id="msgform" action="mailer.php">

<table width="776" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">




    <td width="9" height="6"></td>

    <td width="46"></td>

    <td width="9"></td>

    <td colspan="6" rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="name" size="19"></td>

  <td width="1"></td>

    <td width="5"></td>

    <td width="14"></td>

    <td width="18"></td>

    <td width="19"></td>

    <td width="7"></td>

  <td width="5"></td>

  <td width="31"></td>

  <td colspan="2" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="age" size="2"></td>

  <td width="22"></td>

  <td width="46"></td>

  <td colspan="16" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>

  <td width="32" rowspan="18" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="14"></td>

    <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*name: </div></td>






    <td colspan="3" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*age: </div></td>







    <td height="11"></td>



    <td width="27"></td>

    <td width="9"></td>

    <td width="43"></td>

    <td width="19"></td>

    <td width="36"></td>

    <td width="20"></td>


    <td colspan="27" rowspan="5" valign="top" class="formtxt"><p> </p>      <p> </p></td>



    <td height="4"></td>



    <td colspan="6" rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="email" size="19" /></td>










    <td height="14"></td>

    <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*email:</div></td>





    <td height="2"></td>






    <td height="14"></td>


















    <td height="6"></td>



    <td colspan="6" rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="address" size="19"></td>









    <td colspan="8" rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><input name="city" type="text" size="19"></td>

    <td width="13"></td>

    <td width="4"></td>

    <td width="14"></td>

    <td width="23"></td>

    <td width="27" rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="state" size="2" /></td>

    <td width="4"></td>

    <td width="28"></td>

    <td width="50" rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="zip" size="6"></td>

    <td width="33"></td>

    <td width="31"></td>

    <td colspan="2" rowspan="4" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>













    <td height="1"></td>

    <td colspan="2" rowspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*address: </div></td>






    <td colspan="3" rowspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*city:</div></td>


    <td colspan="3" rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*state: </div></td>







    <td height="13"></td>








    <td align="left" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*zip: </div></td>








    <td height="18"></td>

















    <td width="17"></td>

    <td width="4"></td>



    <td width="17"></td>

    <td width="5"></td>

    <td width="27"></td>

    <td width="35"></td>




















    <td height="6"></td>



    <td colspan="4" rowspan="2" valign="top">

      <input type="text" name="phone" size="12" />    </td>











    <td colspan="20" rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><input type="text" name="cell" size="12" /></td>



    <td height="14"></td>

    <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*phone: </div></td>








    <td colspan="3" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">cell: </div></td>




    <td height="12"></td>




















    <td colspan="17" rowspan="4" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="7"></td>








    <td colspan="12" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="ecnumber" size="12" /></td>




    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="7"><p class="formtxt">*emergency contact number</p></td>




    <td height="19"></td>

    <td> </td>

    <td> </td>




















    <td height="96"></td>

    <td colspan="36" rowspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*what are you interested in learning at the met: <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="dance">

      <span class="formtxt"> dance


          <input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="theater">



        <input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="music">





    <td height="7"></td>




    <td height="21"></td>

    <td colspan="37" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>






    <td height="69"></td>

    <td colspan="36" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">Are you interested in the met2u?<br />

          <input type="radio" value="yes" name="radio">

        <span class="formtxt">   YES<br>

          <input type="radio" value="no" name="radio">

          NO </span> </div></td>







    <td height="71"></td>

    <td colspan="36" valign="top" class="headtxt"><p> </p>

      <p align="left">Dance</p></td>




    <td height="18"></td>

    <td colspan="15" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">Do you have any past dance experience? </div></td>

    <td colspan="22" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="14"></td>


















    <td height="6"></td>



    <td colspan="2" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="yrsexp" size="2" /></td>







    <td colspan="16" rowspan="3" valign="top"><textarea name="dexplain" cols="33" rows="4"></textarea></td>

    <td colspan="3" rowspan="23" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>

    <td colspan="8" rowspan="42" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="14"></td>

    <td valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">years : </div></td>



    <td colspan="4" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">explain : </div></td>




    <td height="45"></td>

    <td colspan="10" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="23"></td>

    <td> </td>















    <td> </td>





    <td height="6"></td>


















    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="tdexplore" size="19" /></td>





    <td height="14"></td>

    <td colspan="16" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">what type of dance do you want to explore? </div></td>





    <td height="22"> </td>

    <td> </td>





    <td colspan="20" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>




    <td height="27"></td>

    <td colspan="5" valign="top" class="headtxt">Music</td>





    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="13" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">Do you have any past music experience ?</div></td>
















    <td height="15"></td>





























    <td height="11"></td>











    <td colspan="16" rowspan="4" valign="top"><textarea name="mexplain" cols="33" rows="4"></textarea></td>





    <td height="7"></td>



    <td colspan="2" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="yrsexpMusic" size="2" /></td>













    <td height="13"></td>

    <td valign="top"><div align="left"><span class="formtxt">Years :</span> </div></td>



    <td colspan="4" valign="top"><div align="left"><span class="formtxt">Explain :</span> </div></td>




    <td height="34"></td>

    <td> </td>













    <td height="27"></td>

    <td colspan="26" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="7"></td>


















    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="musicExplore" size="19" /></td>





    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="16" valign="top"><p align="left" class="formtxt">What type of music do you want to explore?</p></td>




    <td height="13"></td>





























    <td height="7"></td>


















    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="insPlay" size="19" /></td>




    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="16" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">What instruments do you currently play? </div></td>





    <td height="10"></td>





























    <td height="7"></td>


















    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="insLearn" size="19" /></td>




    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="16" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">What instruments do you want to learn?</div></td>




    <td height="26"></td>

    <td> </td>




    <td colspan="25" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="26"></td>

    <td colspan="3" valign="top" class="headtxt"><div align="left">Acting</div></td>




    <td height="18"></td>

    <td colspan="13" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">Do you have any past acting experience?</div></td>

    <td colspan="12" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>







    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="10" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>





    <td colspan="3" rowspan="14" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="21"></td>

    <td colspan="16" rowspan="4" valign="top"><textarea name="actexplain" cols="33" rows="4"></textarea></td>











    <td height="7"></td>



    <td colspan="2" rowspan="2" valign="top"><div align="left">

      <input type="text" name="yrsexpAct" size="2" />










    <td height="13"></td>

    <td valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">Years :</div></td>



    <td colspan="4" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">Explain : </div></td>




    <td height="24"></td>













    <td height="14"></td>































    <td height="7"></td>


















    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="aexplore" size="19" /></td>






    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="15" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">What type of acting do you want to explore : </div></td>






    <td height="19"></td>


















    <td> </td>

    <td> </td>










    <td height="7"></td>


















    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="aExploreW" size="19" /></td>




    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="17" valign="top"><p align="left" class="formtxt">What have you done thus far regarding Theater?</p></td>



    <td height="16"></td>





























    <td height="7"></td>


















    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="aExploreW2" size="19" /></td>




    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="17" valign="top"><div align="left" class="formtxt">Is there a particular style you want to explore?</div></td>



    <td height="29"></td>

    <td> </td>





    <td colspan="24" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="26"></td>

    <td colspan="5" valign="top" class="headtxt"><div align="left">





    <td height="13"></td>



































    <td width="17"></td>

    <td colspan="2" rowspan="10" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="7"></td>












    <td rowspan="3" valign="top"><input type="text" name="gradeLevel" size="2" /></td>
















    <td colspan="6" rowspan="3" valign="top"><input type="text" name="sdistrict" size="19" /></td>





    <td height="1"></td>

    <td colspan="11" rowspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">What is your present grade level</div></td>




















    <td height="12"></td>











    <td colspan="5" rowspan="2" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">School district :</div></td>








    <td height="1"></td>

































    <td height="16"></td>









































    <td height="13"></td>























    <td colspan="11" rowspan="4" valign="top"><textarea name="actexplain" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea></td>







    <td height="13"></td>

    <td colspan="21" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">Are you involved in any school or community activities? (please list)</div></td>






    <td height="20"> </td>

    <td> </td>






















    <td> </td>




    <td colspan="22" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>

    <td height="34"></td>

    <td> </td>








    <td height="18"> </td>

    <td> </td>

    <td colspan="14" rowspan="8" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="5"></td>

















    <td colspan="7" rowspan="4" valign="top"><select name="drop_down">

      <option>choose how</option>




      <option>word of mouth</option>





    <td height="13"></td>





    <td colspan="10" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">*How did you find out about us?</div></td>





    <td height="8"></td>





















    <td height="8"></td>

    <td colspan="16" rowspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>



    <td height="36"></td>

    <td> </td>









    <td height="13"></td>





    <td colspan="7" valign="top" class="formtxt"><div align="left">If other please explain :</div></td>




    <td colspan="9" rowspan="2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="maother" size="19" /></td>



    <td height="7"></td>

















    <td height="1"></td>














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here is my php code what on the form do you need to see? 

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$errmsg  = ''; // error message

$nextstep = "nextstep.php";

$name_field = $_POST['name'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];

$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$cell = $_POST['cell'];
$ecnumber = $_POST['ecnumber'];
$email_field = $_POST['email'];

foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
	$check_msg .= "I am interested in: $value\n";


$yrsexp =$_POST['yrsexp'];
$dexplain = $_POST['dexplain'];
$tdexplore = $_POST['tdexplore'];

$yrsexpMusic =$_POST['yrsexpMusic'];
$mexplain =$_POST['mexplain'];




$dropdown = $_POST['drop_down'];

$body = "From: $name_field\n 
Age: $age\n 
address: $address\n 
City: $city\n 
State: $state\n 
Zip: $zip\n 
Phone: $phone\n 
Cell: $cell\n 
Emergency Contact Number: $ecnumber\n 
E-Mail: $email_field\n
$check_msg Option: $option\n
$yrsexp years experiance\n
i want to explore $tdexplore \n

$yrsexpmusic years experiance\n
I would like to explore $musicExplore\n
I play the $insPlay \n
I want to learn $insLearn\n

 $yrsexpAct years experiancen\n
 i want to explore- $aexplore
 i have done- $aExploreW -thus far regarding theater\n
 the particular style that i want to explore is $aExploreW2\n


 my grade current grade level is: $gradeLevel\n
 school district: $sdistrict\n

 Clubs and activities involved in: $cllisted\n

 they found the met by: $drop_down\n $maother\n";

if(trim($sname) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   elseif(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   elseif(trim($age) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your age';
   elseif(trim($address) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your address';
    elseif(trim($city) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your city';
    elseif(trim($state) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your state';
   elseif(trim($zip) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your zip';
    elseif(trim($phone) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your phone number';
    elseif(trim($ecnnumber) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your emergency contact number';
    elseif(trim($check_msg) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us what your interested in';
    elseif(trim($drop_down) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us how you found us';


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;
header('Location: nextstep.php');
else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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