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How to setup apache for intranet purpose only?


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Hi everone,


I have W2003 server with colleges connected via a LAN based on one network card and the cable modem/broadband  connected to the server on second card (Natting).  Everyone able to share the files from the server and browse internet.  Its working fine.


Now, we got a new webapplication in php, mysql.  I wish to install apache on this w2003 server, so the internal users can internally connect to the webapplication.  I don't want to serve the webapplication on the interent. 


I have to set apache on this w2003 server in a way, that only internal requests can reach the webapplication.


Can someone advised how to configure?


Note:  I am not sure which section on this forum will be appropriate to ask this question, so please except my apology and I would be grateful, if you wish to move this thread to the relevant section.



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you need to do something like:


in your <location> section or your virtualhost section


set the allow from to be your internal network..


i.e. my ip is


so I would put


allow from


I hope this guides you in the righr direction sorry it is not a complete answer

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Steviewdr, your method is excellent, i am not sure where i need to add this details:

1. inside my .htaccess file or 2. httpdconf file, i am not sure where i need to put this details and do i need to also add my domain controller ip address inside the following lines.


Millions thanks, sorry i am not very technically sound, can you please explain a bit more please.


<VirtualHost internalip:80>

#usual config


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A VirtualHost entry is made in the main httpd.conf. A full sample vhostconfig is as follows:


<VirtualHost your.internal.ip:80>

        ServerAdmin root@localhost

        ServerName internal_computer_name

        DocumentRoot c:\www\website

        CustomLog c:\www\access.log combined

        ErrorLog c:\www\error.log

        Loglevel warn

        <Directory />

                Options FollowSymLinks Indexes MultiViews

                AllowOverride All




That should work it.



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