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Well, I was thinking about making a news script. Sort of like a CMS, but it will just see data from an RSS feed, go to the link, and rip the news text and title off the page and display it.


I don't know if this is even possible.

My example:

Use MagPieRSS to display CNN's Top Stories RSS (link)

If there's an update to the RSS, *somehow* it will get data from the CNN News page (news text, and the title) and display it in a page like "cnn.php?article_id=1".


Is this even possible? Or do you have a suggestion about a better way to do this?


If I'm not clear, just say so and I'll try to clarify.


Oh and by the way, I'd consider myself an intermediate-advanced coder.


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I HATE xml parsing.  If you want the easy way I suggest searching up (xml to array) class or (xml to html) class.

These are going to be your most likely, and easiest, path to take.  Or you can parse them from scratch using expat, simple xml, or xml dom (all can be found in rich examples and explanations at www.w3schools.com under the php tutorials.

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Fatal error: Call to undefined function: stream_get_contents() in public_html/mikey/news/cnn2.php on line 3




This is my code:

$h = fopen("http://www.cnn.com","r");
$c = stream_get_contents($h);
//Run some RegEx on $c to pull out the bits you want...
echo $c;

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That is then because they are restricting access to it.

Try adding a php.ini file in the root directory and set allow urlfopen to on.

Then see if it works, if it's ignoring it then it doesn't.

Then try htaccess and try setting a flag for url fopen (if there's a flag to it).

If that doesn't work contact your host and check your options.

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