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I was just looking to see if google index'ed carnagestk.info yet and was suprised to find this thread.


The reason these folders haven't been blocked yet is because Ravenstar isn't the admin, I am.


He just used you guys to look for flaws in my site.




PS. They will be soon. Thanks for the help.

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I was just looking to see if google index'ed carnagestk.info yet and was suprised to find this thread.


The reason these folders haven't been blocked yet is because Ravenstar isn't the admin, I am.


He just used you guys to look for flaws in my site.




PS. They will be soon. Thanks for the help.


If you can prove carnagestk.info is yours, maybe by adding a page with "Hi PHPFreaks.com", then you could probably get RavenStar banned from these forums.


- The idea of this forum is that you have finished your code, and now you wish for people to test it for weak spots, logic problems, etc..


Maybe they should have everyone who wants their website to get BETA testing have a page on their server saying something about PHPFreaks, that way we know it's their website.

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When in Rome... here you go.




Damn you gtal3x for the sql injection suggestion btw.


You didn't have to add it a page that you already had. You could of made a blank page like... http://carnagestk.info/hi.html


Either way, your site got tested, no big flaws which was good, and the few flaws their were can now be fixed.

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