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the Good, the bad or the ugly?


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@ Daniel0 : Thanks. as far as the "Online Past" thingy, I thought it looked a little displaced without some sort of separation.


@ tippy_102 : you're right about the radius...I'm gonna change that.


there is a "demo" account...

user : demo

pass : demo


...i'll be honest here...I created this site out of frustration with some of the design and functionality of popular places like myspace. ( but really it was just more of a learning experience too!!). The site really has no direction right now...I just thought of some ideas and threw them together, bought the domain and coded it up....procedural style......shoot me :D

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At the software page: The headers (security, productivity etc.) could use some padding and some margin-bottom. You might want to add links to the buttons/images for the software as well.


On the chatroom you might want to change the timestamps so they are based on the client and not the server time. It said 10:31 am when I tested it, but it was 6:31 pm.


The bars/headers saying stuff like "Top News Story" (front page) could use some padding as well.


I don't understand the about page. There are just a lot of icons...

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@ Daniel0

1) padding yes...needs padding.

2) links on software page is actually incomplete. I wasn't totally sure if what i did was "ok" (the 3rd party images etc)

3) timestamps ...gotta add localization feature for users...forgot about that :P hehe

4) the 'About' page ...well, not sure yet..gotta think a bit more about it. I appreciate any input/ideas though.


This is, i'm thinkin, a kinda open site. If anyone would like to join in on putting the site to some use then please feel free to contact me. It hasn't actually gone "live" yet and i'm not sure if it will, but i'm a bit new to running a site of this "nature"? There aren't any actual members even. Sorry if this "reply" of mine sounds like it's in the wrong forum. just thought i'd mention a few things :)


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few things...


where are your ads going to be placed?


your site doesn't support  "image.gimp" files... but i doubt that would ever be a problem.


you might think of adding a "hollywood gossip" section and stuff like that.


the orange header is ok, but it kinda gives me a dull "bland" feeling. idk.


i don't usderstand your  "about" page. at all.

did you build this by yourself??? i

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few things...


where are your ads going to be placed?


your site doesn't support  "image.gimp" files... but i doubt that would ever be a problem.


you might think of adding a "hollywood gossip" section and stuff like that.


the orange header is ok, but it kinda gives me a dull "bland" feeling. idk.


i don't usderstand your  "about" page. at all.

did you build this by yourself??? i

- ads? not sure haha....if there are going to be ads then it won't be anytime soon until i start to build a little traffic? (jst my way of thinknin  i guess)

- about page? well it's not complete yet....not sure exaclty what to put there yet.

- did i build it myself? ...yes...ground up.

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i like the layout and i hate to critisize on this cause i have the same problem, but what does your site do? is it just a top things list?

man. I'm still not sure exactly. I originally wanted it to be an online social network ....but I must fine that "niche" i'm looking for...not sure of it yet. Ideas appreciated though :)

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