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How to work out how much your site is worth?


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Is there any way to work out how much a site you run is worth?


I realise this is a hard one to answer, but I have been contacted by someone who wants to buy a domain I own that is currently used as a free tech support forum.


The site is well respected has over 7000 members and ranks very highly in google's natural listings.


I dont think I would sell it anyway, but if I did how could I come to a value for it?

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There is no monthly revenue, as I say it is simply a free tech support forum at the moment with no advertising on it.


However I was once paid £1000 for 1 months banner advert, but that was a one off.


My site however is very highly respected and is linked from several high ranking security companies and as I said is listed on the first page of Google's search results for "Free tech support"



Edit: lol I just checked again and when searching "free tech support" (with or without quotes) in the UK, my site is now #1 in the free listings

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I think if the site doesn't make any money, then its value is not only subjective, but also of interest to a very small market of potential buyers.


You must be doing something wrong if those Google Ads aren't earning you anything though. 7000 members and a page one ranking for a generic search term. Unless I'm looking at the wrong website...

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well, as of 30 seconds ago it isnt worth anything, because it doesn't load...mysql errors


but, if you would put up ads (which you should, since it is free) and if you have a large membership base, then wait for a few months, i would think that you could pretty well estimate what 36 months revenue would be...

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hmmmm ok (not sure why you got sql errors, is working fine here).  However so if someone wanted to buy this domain from me today along with the site, it has little or no value as it doesnt yet earn anything ? is that correct?

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My mistake, I forgot to select the UK only search...


Like I said, the value of a website like yours is totally subjective - With no revenue, a user base of 7000 seekers of tech support is going to be worth different amounts to different people for different reasons.


E.g. If you were approached by a company that offered a premium tech support service, 7000 potential customers is going to be worth more to them than someone who would purchase it just to run Google / Affiliate ads on there.

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