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  1. Today
  2. how to make AutoSurf website in php? a website like t4traffic.net
  3. how to make a fake traffic generator BOT wit fake-referrer proxy in php?
  4. You gave a solution, and I tried it but again got stuck .... that's why I did a search and got lots of guides to solve my issue... I read https://www.dedicatedcore.com/blog/drop-postgresql-database/ this blog. they also gave lots of solutions, but no one can solve my problem... Pls share any other guide pls.
  5. Yesterday
  6. You're reinstalling VS Code for this? Either the error isn't fixed like you think, or the thing presenting the error is running from a cached version that somehow hasn't updated. Reloading the window, let alone quitting and restarting, should resolve the latter. Maybe some more specific information would be helpful?
  7. Ok. So, it's impossible to reset the debugging list. I suspect that errors are lingering without there being an error, because the error has been fixed, and yet the same error repeats, even when I delete the file (CTRL+A / CTRL+X / CTRL+V / CTRL+S) until I have tried without the contents of the file). I am trying to re-install VSC. Anyway, thanks for trying to help me Requinix☺️👍
  8. Services Offered has been a place for people to offer their services for hire. Over time, it's "evolved" to support companies to announce themselves as well (provided their services are on-topic), and today it primarily functions as a pseudo-sanctioned forum for spam. There's a slight moderation burden in monitoring it for off-topic spam and removing replies (which are against rules but the forum software isn't able to enforce this adequately). Job Offerings has been the other side of the coin, where people and companies could post about jobs they have available. It doesn't see much activity these days - 5 threads in the last two years. Given that Services Offered is more of a burden than a benefit and that Job Offerings isn't much of an offering anymore, we're looking to close them down within the next week or so. Thoughts?
  9. Thanks, that's good info .
  10. Last week
  11. The "Problems" tab is a list of problems detected by the IDE and/or various extensions. You clear the list by fixing the problems, or somehow otherwise turning off the error reporting. You can hide the tab entirely through the right-click menu on the tab area, and similarly for the problems list in the status bar.
  12. I want to delete the debug log in VSC, which is the tab that says "problems". My "problem" is that I can't figure out how to delete this list. Can anyone here tell me how to do it?
  13. It sounds like you require 4 decimal places. There are a few tricks to handle suppression of trailing zeros. They involve getting MySQL to manipulate the value by forcing it to cast datatypes. With MySQL 5.x SELECT (cost + 0e0) cost FROM table If you are using MariaDB or MySQL 8+ you can do this. SELECT CAST(cost AS DOUBLE) cost FROM table
  14. in the mysql documentation, where the year() and curdate() functions can be found, there's a date_format() function that has a way of doing what you are asking - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_date-format didn't everyone learn from the y2k problem not to store years as 2 digits?
  15. a.year = '25' How do I get year(curdate()) to produce just the final two years? I've searched and can't find a specific instance to match my question. left join `a_aau` `a` on(`p`.`id` = `a`.`playerID` and a.year = year(curdate())))
  16. I agree with @gizmola Additionally though, a 404 error refers to a "resource requested could not be found on this server," so I would question whether you have the correct path to the data you are trying to upload. if you do, then I might suggest attempting to upload in smaller segments based on file size and see if any success occurs.
  17. One of my co-workers swears by regex101, and it's very good - I think I just met regexr.com first and got used to it. Highly recommend checking out both.
  18. What I would like to do is have most of the numbers go to 2 decimals & just a few go to 4 decimals. The problem with that is if I set decimals to (10,4) so it will read a number like 32.0756 then 27.55 goes to 27.5500 & it looks kind of cumbersome. That's why I originally thought float was best for my database but I didn't know how floats were treated.
  19. secondary to the problem in this thread, if you are at the point of updating data, you should be using a unique id to reference specific row(s) of data.
  20. I do like the site, mainly for the Tests Tab. It allows you to create a number of test cases, which is invaluable when you're designing a new regex. Another site I also use is: https://regex101.com/ I think the help is a little bit better on this site, as it has a built in cheat sheet to the right of the site.
  21. To clarify, for DECIMAL(M, D) the M is maximum number of digits, less the reserved decimal places. So with your example the max number would be: 99,999,999.99
  22. Yes, set your definition as required for the maximum size of the number you need to handle. The M precision can be as large as 64 digits, but you should always try and size it to maximum size you need. If you truly need 10 digits to the left of the decimal point, then you should define the number as decimal(12, 2)
  23. Using the right data type for the right job is just part of the learning curve for any relational database. The mysql manual is not the easiest manual to read, but there is this general page: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/precision-math-numbers.html
  24. Can I assume if I wanted to have the capability of a number as large as 125000.50 that I would need to set something like " cost decimal(10,2)" for that.
  25. As usuall you guys are right on the money. I spent all day working on this & even spent about an hour google searching to no avail. Why i never thought that float could be a problem was because the number sits right in the database as is & prints out as it is also. It's only the the = sign that doesn't recognize it.
  26. Yes, float is not the right data type to use for storing monetary values. Use a decimal. Here's an example: CREATE TABLE Product ( ProductID INT AUTO_INCREMENT KEY, item varchar(20), cost decimal(6,2) ); INSERT INTO Product (item, cost) values ('shoe', 27.55); INSERT INTO Product (item, cost) values ('hat', 27.89); UPDATE Product set item = 'sneaker' where cost = 27.55; You can see this example in action at db-fiddle: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/veSL2xerpodFq79N2e4rUi/0 As an editorial comment, why are you interpolating the name of the table from a variable into a string? Use the table name. Your queries should also be using bind variables.
  27. To add to Barand's comment, your use statements need to be at the top of the file. This is literally the instructions from the project github page at https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer <?php //Import PHPMailer classes into the global namespace //These must be at the top of your script, not inside a function use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; //Load Composer's autoloader require 'vendor/autoload.php'; We do not know if this will actually work because we don't have any idea what your project layout is. For example, if your project webroot is /public, then these instructions won't work, because your path to the vendor/autoload.php would need to be: require '../vendor/autoload.php'; Using require will generate an error if the required file can not be located.
  28. you should use a decimal data type. a float data type suffers from floating point conversion errors, because some values cannot be exactly stored. the = comparison doesn't work because the actual value as a float is something like 27.550001 (just an example) the like comparison works because the value is converted to a string and the like compares the values character by character.
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