you are likely getting that same error when the the login works, but it is probably being hidden by a redirect.
since you only use mysqli_stmt_free_result() if you are using mysqli_stmt_store_result(), which you aren't in the posted code, doesn't that mean that you shouldn't be using mysqli_stmt_free_result() at all?
you need to switch to the much simpler PDO extension and use exceptions to handled db statement errors. it only takes 4 lines of code to replace the 11 lines you have from the sql query statement through to the fetch statement.
$query = "SELECT id,recruits_number,sponsor_username,account_activation_status,id_video_verification_status,id_verification_video_file_url,username,password,primary_domain,primary_website_email,registering_country,registering_ip,registering_browser,registering_os,registering_isp,age_range FROM users WHERE $querying_column = ?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);
if(!$row = $stmt->fetch())
// the email/username was not found
// set up the failed login message
// the email/username was found, check the activation status and then verify the password hash to finish logging in
// the fetched data is in the associative array $row